ok so heres my story:
i started doing free weights around a year and a half ago, being a newbie i just did my mirror muscles with sh1tty form, but still saw pretty big gains, up until late last year i couldnt do squats/deads properly and consistently cause i had a bad leg injury followed by a ankle ligament tear followed by knee problems followed by problems with nerves in my back, up until recently i have been doing the big 3 but with awful form especially on bench press but here goes with my stats:
bench press: 80kg x 1
squat : 100kg x 1
deadlift: 115kg x 1
bf%: around 10-13%
my aims for around crimbo time are:
bench press: 100kg x 1
squat: 137.5kg x 1
deadlift: 150kg x 1
weight:160lbs ish (strength is the priority, the weight and psyhique will come in time)
bf%: solid 10% (same thoughts as weight)
My workout at the moment goes as follows:
Bench press: 3 x 5, PR attempt
Decline bench press: 3 x 10 ( bring bar to top of abs, i seriously recomend these
Military press: 2 x 5, 1 x 3, PR attempt may cut a set out of these
skullcrushers: 3 x 5, 1 x 3
Cable pulldowns: 3 x 10
deadlift: 1 x 10, PR attempt
SLDL: 2 x 5
Leg press: 2 x 10-15
Pullthroughs: 3 x 8??
Calf raises: 3 x 15
Pullups: 3-4 sets final set to failure PR is 20
Curls: 3 x 8
Hanging leg raises: 3 x 10
Bicycle crunches: 3 x 20
Squat 2 x 5, PR attempt, 1 x 20
Pull throughs ( may change to good mornings ): 3 x 8
BB rows: 3 x 5, PR attempt
Curls. 5 x 5
Weighted crunches 3 x 15-20
Nutrition isnt good i eat around 4-5 meals a day around 2500-3000 calories, around 100-150 grams of protein, my diet is the thing which I think needs the most attention, i have cheerios for breakfast lol
my long term aims are to have a great fitness level and be very muscular i aim for at least a 300lbs bench press, a 450lbs squat and a 500lb dead
what are your guys thoughts on everything?
i started doing free weights around a year and a half ago, being a newbie i just did my mirror muscles with sh1tty form, but still saw pretty big gains, up until late last year i couldnt do squats/deads properly and consistently cause i had a bad leg injury followed by a ankle ligament tear followed by knee problems followed by problems with nerves in my back, up until recently i have been doing the big 3 but with awful form especially on bench press but here goes with my stats:
bench press: 80kg x 1
squat : 100kg x 1
deadlift: 115kg x 1
bf%: around 10-13%
my aims for around crimbo time are:
bench press: 100kg x 1
squat: 137.5kg x 1
deadlift: 150kg x 1
weight:160lbs ish (strength is the priority, the weight and psyhique will come in time)
bf%: solid 10% (same thoughts as weight)
My workout at the moment goes as follows:
Bench press: 3 x 5, PR attempt
Decline bench press: 3 x 10 ( bring bar to top of abs, i seriously recomend these
Military press: 2 x 5, 1 x 3, PR attempt may cut a set out of these
skullcrushers: 3 x 5, 1 x 3
Cable pulldowns: 3 x 10
deadlift: 1 x 10, PR attempt
SLDL: 2 x 5
Leg press: 2 x 10-15
Pullthroughs: 3 x 8??
Calf raises: 3 x 15
Pullups: 3-4 sets final set to failure PR is 20
Curls: 3 x 8
Hanging leg raises: 3 x 10
Bicycle crunches: 3 x 20
Squat 2 x 5, PR attempt, 1 x 20
Pull throughs ( may change to good mornings ): 3 x 8
BB rows: 3 x 5, PR attempt
Curls. 5 x 5
Weighted crunches 3 x 15-20
Nutrition isnt good i eat around 4-5 meals a day around 2500-3000 calories, around 100-150 grams of protein, my diet is the thing which I think needs the most attention, i have cheerios for breakfast lol
my long term aims are to have a great fitness level and be very muscular i aim for at least a 300lbs bench press, a 450lbs squat and a 500lb dead
what are your guys thoughts on everything?