Plate got pregnant, how to proceed?


Senior Don Juan
Jan 21, 2014
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I'm amazed by the number of other attorneys on this forum! Wow! I had no idea...

Any intimation that a woman cannot and will not trick a man into raising another man's child, backed up by the state, is incredibly naive and misinformed.

The more financial responsibility a man takes on for a child of another man, the more he will later be held responsible.


Master Don Juan
May 17, 2007
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I never use condoms and never had any issues.... Just pull out...never *** inside a girl no matter what she says...


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
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way2smart said:
Please don't be judgemental pricks. This was her plan to fool me into having unprotected sex from the start.

Yes, this is about saving my ass because i fell for her lies. And remember this is not a feminist site where everything is a man's fault.

And i live in a country where alimony laws don't apply to children born outside of marriage. So i am not worried about financial responsibility.
Dont be daft kid.

No woman fools you into having unprotected sex. Thats your own dumb decision. Man up. Dont be a d!k to her and risk her keeping the kid regardless and then you two having sh!tty relations if the kid is yours.


Master Don Juan
May 10, 2013
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1. Change your username , you fvck her without a condom.You Are Not So Smart.
2. or
3.Stop having sex with her............protected or unprotected.
4.Do not sign anything.

In most states, a paternity action takes the form of a civil lawsuit. Only certain persons or parties have legal standing to bring a paternity action. In this case the mother of an expected child and/or the alleged father.

In the "Knocked Up" movie cr@p , the young "lady" is viewed as the adult but it is somehow acceptable to coerce and force the male into a life of indentured servitude without his consent or knowledge because she wants to play mommie. Guys, RUN if this happens to you. You do not want to spend your life with a woman so devoid of integrity that she would trick or force her decision on you, or so selfish that she would risk bringing her own child into the world without a father.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 20, 2014
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Jaylan said:
Dont be daft kid.

No woman fools you into having unprotected sex. Thats your own dumb decision. Man up. Dont be a d!k to her and risk her keeping the kid regardless and then you two having sh!tty relations if the kid is yours.
You must be a naive white knight if you are oblivious to the fact that women are cunning, calculating and manipulative.

Now she isn't even picking up my phone, i am telling you she is using this to gain power


Don Juan
Oct 20, 2014
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way2smart said:
Please don't be judgemental pricks. This was her plan to fool me into having unprotected sex from the start.
The OP should change his name to not2smart. No chick can fool you into having unprotected sex from the start. If you allow women's words or actions to go against your better judgement, well then you are a weak beta with no backbone.

It's your responsibility to wrap your pecker before you go in. If you go in raw and wind up with a STD or blow your load in her knocking her up, that's your fault for being ignorant. All you had to do was tell her no. This one is on you pal.

way2smart said:
Yes, this is about saving my ass because i fell for her lies. And remember this is not a feminist site where everything is a man's fault.
It's your fault for blowing your load inside a chick and expecting her not to get pregnant. Did it ever occur to you that it might happen when you do that?

There's nothing she can say to you that would not make you think about not wearing a rubber and cvmming in her. How you can you be that much of a pushover to let her coerce you into having unprotected sex and then try to blame her for your stupidity? Next time be smart and say no. Always protect yourself in situations that don't seem right, so you don't end up with a mess on your hands like you have now.

Don't be a coward trying to save your ass. You made a mistake, so own up to it. This is a good lesson for you to learn. Be a man and be a good father.

way2smart said:
You must be a naive white knight if you are oblivious to the fact that women are cunning, calculating and manipulative.

Now she isn't even picking up my phone, i am telling you she is using this to gain power

He wasn't dumb enough to knock up a chick being taken in by her "lies" was he? That was you. LOL.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 20, 2014
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This isn't a church confession and you aren't a pastor so keep your "be a good father" talk to yourself".

And stop worrying about your taxpayers money, this is not happening in your beloved Murica.

She was on her period when i came in her so i doubt the baby is mine. Even if it is, i will not be a good father, in fact i will not be a father at all.

I will just stop all contact with this girl, if she decides against the abortion then it's her problem how she will raise it.
I just look at it as a sperm donation, that's it.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 20, 2014
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Espi said:
Still not clear to me how OP knows that the girl is preggers.

Did she merely tell you and you believe her? If you believe what she's telling you without asking for proof, then you're acting like a fool. Make her prove it. .
Yes I only know it from her words, it's possible that it's not mine.
I think the best course of action would be to stop all contact.

If i keep in contact with her, it will only reinforce her to keep the baby and will give her assurance that i will support the baby.

So i plan to go full NC at least until the baby is born


Don Juan
Oct 20, 2014
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way2smart said:
This isn't a church confession and you aren't a pastor so keep your "be a good father" talk to yourself".

And stop worrying about your taxpayers money, this is not happening in your beloved Murica.

She was on her period when i came in her so i doubt the baby is mine. Even if it is, i will not be a good father, in fact i will not be a father at all.

I will just stop all contact with this girl, if she decides against the abortion then it's her problem how she will raise it.
I just look at it as a sperm donation, that's it.
You are a father if she is pregnant and a coward for running away. But until you know for sure, don't speculate or talk crap to the advice givers offering what you asked us for.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 20, 2014
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Maximus Rex said:

You tell her that you're not a ready to be a father and you're not about sh*t. Explain to her that you're never going to be with her and at this stage in your just about having fun with women and f*cking them. Tell her that if she chooses to have the baby, that she'll be a single mother,and you'll never be a part of that child's life. Explain to her that since she'll have no support from you, that it will not only make the baby's life incredibly hard, but also her own and it's in the best interest of everybody involved that she get an abortion. To make she she goes through with it, offer to pay for the procedure and personally escort her to Planned Parenthood. After she's had the abortion, take her to McDonald's, pay her an Egg McMuffin, and leave her there.
This is the best advice, so far


Jan 8, 2015
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Have her take a test to see if it is true and if it is yours. It could be some other guy's kid. If she makes excuses to do it you will know it is a big lie. At least you will know and have peace of mind. I would not just go on her words. I agree too this story might be made up saying a girl tricked you. Do not see how that can happen when you should be in control of her.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 20, 2014
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Octogonal said:
You are a father if she is pregnant and a coward for running away. But until you know for sure, don't speculate or talk crap to the advice givers offering what you asked us for.
I respect advice givers except those who sound judgemental.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 20, 2014
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Espi said:
Did you recommend doing the pregnancy test together? If not DO IT. If she refuses then my bet is she's just fvucking with your head...
i plan on doing that today. Regarding your skepticism, I don't have to prove anything, this is just a forum


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
i've had 2 scares. one real one not. the fake one just wanted me to date her. the real one poked holes in the condoms i was using and after sitting down with her and her husband (yeah), finally talked sense into her.

with that said, i have zero respect for any man that gets a woman pregnant and is not man enough to step up to the plate and take care of the child they brought into the world. that's worse than being a "beta". had the real girl decided to keep the baby i would have dealt with it. IT's my child.

with that said, when my now wife was pregnant the first thing i made her do was get a paternity test. she was pissed for a week but she got over it. i made her take a paternity test when we had our second child, but she knew me by now enough to just know how i think and process things and wasn't offended. But yeah that's the first, the very first thing you do. make sure 1. she's actually pregnant and 2. it's yours.


Jan 8, 2015
Reaction score
Espi said:
Tricked him while on her period, too. Wow that is one clever chick!
She should have waited for Halloween for the tricks. LOL

Something is off here with the whole story. Accidents can happen but no tricks like he is saying.

Espi said:
You're 100% right-- which also means that nobody has to believe you. I have my doubts...but if this story is true--and you volunteered starting this thread-- the wisest thing you can do is ask her to step up and prove the pregnancy. How you've failed to do this mystifies me, which is why I now suspect that this is a made-up story. I've read threads like these over the years here on SS and have never recalled a member reacting to such a situation like you have.

Best of luck in whatever (actually) happens.
I do not see why he did not do this in the first place if this is really true. Why would you just go on what a woman says to you without proof? Why would he not want to know for sure? His reaction is what is weird since he wrote the thread looking for help.

way2smart said:
I don't have to prove anything, this is just a forum
way2smart said:
Some of you like Jaylan or ESPI may not believe that a woman would try to fool one into having unprotected sex. That's because he assumes that very few men are that desirable for women to do such a thing.

But I am not your average looser. I own a successful business, own several houses, own a 2010 Lamborghini Gallardo among other cars. And I fvck catwalk models.

You won't believe what women will do to fool you into fatherhood when you are a desirable man. Jaylan may not understand it, but maybe because he has never been that desirable.

Here is some proof that I am who I say I am:

This is just a portion of what I keep for emergency purposes in addition to what I keep in my bank account. Unfortunately I can't take a screenshot of my bank account for security and privacy purposes.
:rolleyes: You sure are trying to prove yourself to us now eh?

Yeah sure. I do not believe your made up story now. It is way too much. No woman can make you have sex with no condoms on. Banging catwalk models now? :crackup:

way2smart said:
ESPI, that's not how a moderator should act.
Moderator doesn't encourage readers to not believe something.

I am leaving this board forever now. Too many judgmental pricks here and such a waste of my energy and time..
So long. Can you not take being exposed? Do not blame Espi when it was you who made up the lies on your own. :moon: :kick:


Senior Don Juan
Oct 20, 2014
Reaction score
Some of you like Jaylan or ESPI may not believe that a woman would try to fool one into having unprotected sex. That's because he assumes that very few men are that desirable for women to do such a thing.

But I am not your average looser. I own a successful business, own several houses, own a 2010 Lamborghini Gallardo among other cars. And I fvck catwalk models.

You won't believe what women will do to fool you into fatherhood when you are a desirable man. Jaylan may not understand it, but maybe because he has never been that desirable.

Here is some proof that I am who I say I am:

This is just a portion of what I keep for emergency purposes in addition to what I keep in my bank account. Unfortunately I can't take a screenshot of my bank account for security and privacy purposes.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 20, 2014
Reaction score
ESPI, that's not how a moderator should act.
Moderator doesn't encourage readers to not believe something.

I am leaving this board forever now. Too many judgmental pricks here and such a waste of my energy and time..


Senior Don Juan
Sep 17, 2011
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Thorninmyside said:
C. Man up and take responsibility if it's yours.

Plan A doesn't work because she doesn't need your permission to keep it and legally force you to contribute financially. Better do it the nice way rather than the messy way. Plan A and B seem to both be about saving your own ass.
Screw this advice. What the hell is the matter with OP wanting to save his ass?

"Man up" sounds beta as fck to me in this situation. I get the feeling many males have been hoodwinked into 'believing' they have to do the so called, right thing.

Women can, do and will use getting pregnant as the ultimate power play card. Don't play I say.


Don Juan
Oct 20, 2014
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HeadLightsOn said:
Screw this advice. What the hell is the matter with OP wanting to save his ass?

"Man up" sounds beta as fck to me in this situation. I get the feeling many males have been hoodwinked into 'believing' they have to do the so called, right thing.

Women can, do and will use getting pregnant as the ultimate power play card. Don't play I say.

Be smart about this Head Lights. Any guy who fvcks a chick and blows a load into her should be fully aware of the risks of her getting knocked up. He wanted to have sex with her and only he is to blame for not protecting himself. Any guy who would let a chick hoodwink him going against his better judgement is a beta idiot. Now he wants to blame her and run from his mistake like a coward? Sorry dude, but that is beta a fvck.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 14, 2014
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United Kingdom
Hi way2smart

Similar to yourself, run a business etc

Basically just tell her to fdck off and not give two fvcks she has a baby. She can't get a penny out of you so it doesn't matter. Like you said it's a power play.

Just let her have it and continue the high life lol.

**** all this emotional pvssy crap of looking after it and giving a fvck.

Happened to me a few times and guess what ? The ***** ended up calling me begging me to take her back after she aborted it.