There's no way to purge bisphenol A from your body, Ruckus.. It leads to a chronic buildup stored in the liver.
I would disagree with Wescott and say that it is something you should consider, yet at the same time there's no point worrying over it. Just make the right choices about what you drink/eat out of, and you'll have nothing to worry about.
Basically avoid hard plastics and canned food/drinks when you can, if you're concerned about it.
Here's a brief list of products that contain it:
CDs, food can linings(epoxy resin used to seal the can), thermal (fax) paper, safety helmets, plastic windows, polycarbonate bottles and containers.
Bisphenol A is basically just an endocrine disruptor. In studies done on infant animals in the womb, introducing small amounts of bisphenol A had the effect of speeding the infant females' puberty up. It would onset faster and accelerate. It has the same affect that injecting estrogen to that newborn female would have.
It's a different story for male animals however.. It acts sort of as a testosterone blocker would. The male animals who were subjected to Bisphenol A in the womb were found to have lower sperm counts and testosterone levels, high incidence of breast development, and exhibit female behavior..
There was one study done on the fish population in a River in washington DC, downriver from where a plastics factory is. Apparently 60% of the MALE fish had begun laying eggs, like females do. This was compared to results from a different study done on the same fish, 40 years ago, and there was no significant sign of contamination..
In swamps in Florida(near Disney Land), where plastics are dumped in 100s of tonnes every year, male alligators all over the swampland are found to have shriveled testicles and exhibiting female behavior.
In pretty much all clinical studies done on rats(mammal), exposing the unborn male rat--in the womb-- to small amounts of BPA had the affect later in life of reducing their motivation to explore, and anxiety.
You don't have to look far or do much research to gather that BPA is flat out a poison to living things, even in low doses. Like smoking, some will care and some won't. I for one don't feel a pressing desire to ingest something that is proven to make males behave like females.
It's still in research stage, but already nations and corporations are banning plastics containing BPA. Up here in Canada, its already been removed from daycares, preschools, and elementary schools. The BPA industry(is huge) isn't liking any of this new information, so they do try to play things down somewhat. If you want to do research, make sure you don't read anything written by scientists in the BPA industry..
Again, some will care, and some won't.