thunder_god said:
29 year old East Asian male here. My budget is around $2000-2500 including flights and I'll be travelling alone. It will be my second time trying by myself and first time outside of North America. I'm kind of nervous and abit scared to be honest to be doing this solo but I'm sick of all my friends always making excuses as to why they can't go on vacation and me being penalised because I don't have anyone to go with. I'm looking to spend about 1-2 weeks preferably 1.5-2 weeks if I can do that on my budget. I'm looking to get away from my country for a bit to do some soul searching and get my mind off of my current academic situation at school. I'm looking to experience the local culture, visit some attractions, do some site seeing plus also do a little gaming as well. I choose those countries specifically because I did some research and people seemed to suggest those places if I want to have good odds of hooking up. I remember this past month as soon as I left Toronto, my chances with women increased dramatically when I visited the States. My buddy who has travelled a bit also mentioned that it seems to be mainly a Toronto issue where the females are extra *****y and stuckup. Anyways these are some of the links that I found that suggested those places:
Now I'm not expecting girls to just drop their pantys when they see me out on the street but I would like to be treated like a normal human being that doesn't have the odds stacked against him and judged negatively just because of my race and the way the mass media has portrayed asians here. Ideally I would want to visit at least 2 countries where I can have a good time experiencing the local culture, having plenty of things to do, as well as gaming beautiful women. Also is not being able to speak the local language going to make things really difficult for me when travelling? I'm in the process of trying to obtain french lessons but if I were to go to somewhere else besides France I'm worried it might be a problem. Ideally I would want to avoid a countries that are racist towards Asians which I hear tends to be more in southern Europe.
I guess by east asian you mean like a chinese/japanese look.
Thats for sure better than being a south asian, indians are probably the less desired type from girls in general, it doesnt help the fact that most indians at least in western europe dont perform well in terms of social position while in east europe are either cheap workers or sex tourists.
Cant really tell much about greece since Im not familiar with it.
In France you wont face any racism or any particular threat just because of your race and provenience however do not expect girls there to be particularly easy, they will be friendly once they find out you're american for sure more than you were chinese but if I were you I wouldnt bet on it.
Sweden cant really tell, I guess it depends on your smv and the ones of the girls, I believe that if you are reasonably attractive you should be able to get an average girl but again Im white and give the guido vibes for we could get different feedbacks.
Poland could be interesting, there could be some girl particularly attracted from you especially the average ones but at the same time you could face some possible racism, not necessarily from the girls but from the fact that they dont want to be seen with you, I saw all the possible things happening in Poland when it came of foreigners and non whites, better to bet on big cities in your case, while you lose the exotic bonus you surely run less risk of meeting unwelcoming people.
Baltic countries, forget about it, they've been plagued from sexual tourists from a decade and girls make a point of "taking revenge" against those who take advantage of local girls according to them also they are shamed from men in many cases, guys also could be quite racist altought people in general is polite and friendly yet the racist ones are the most active in my experience so even a small percentage can make the difference.
They are very nationalist just keep in mind that they are the ones doing their best to ignite tension with russia, no other former soviet country is pushing so hard.
Being american anyway could be a plus.
South Europe in general is not a good bet, girls are hard for everyone and even more for you if you look like the guys usually doing the crappy jobs there, dont be mad at me mate just being honest and you surely know how girls could be classist.
If I were you I would follow Bokanovsky advice, dont get me wrong you could be lucky and score everywhere you go but the odds are against you and its pointless to waste money on something that doesnt work.
Also keep in mind that in east europe in general, the girls that could be open to you are the same ones looking for a relationship or at least something lasting weeks which you cant provide since you are just passing by, that makes the difference in a lot of cases at least in my experience.
Cant help you with germany since never observed guys of your type there, but as a general rule if those that look like you have a stereotype its very likely that you will suffer from it, if all the asians in a country where wealthy business man it would have been different.
If you really want europe I would suggest you some international vacation place in east europe, people will be more open minded toward foreigners and free from the shaming that would receive home if seen with you.
Let me know if you need something to be elaborated further.
Regarding the money side, there are cheap train agreements for students which allow to travel in most Europe, regarding accommodation and life cost, eastern europe is surely cheaper as long as you dont visit international cities and capitals.
Also keep in mind that due to your age you are cut out from the erasmus student network parties and so on, if you were 20 it would have been much easier for you to find a sweet spot.