Pimpology 101: Introduction to Fundamental Question Types


Don Juan
Jul 22, 2001
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Pimpology 101: Introduction to Fundamental Question Types

There are three fundamental question types: Impersonal, Personal, Impersonal/Personal.

1) Impersonal:

Impersonal questions are simple, direct, and light questions that are mainly used to create small talk and lead into the initial stages of rapport.
  • Example, “What are you up to today?” or “How’s it going?”
2) Personal:

Personal questions are reflective in nature and are usually the type of questions used to draw out personal information and elicit deeper feelings, values and emotions.

They’re mainly used to develop stronger connections with women during intimate moments of conversations, however they may also be used anytime during conversations when the opportunities present themselves.
  • Example, “When was the first time…?” or “How old were you when…?”

3) Impersonal/ Personal:

Questions that fall into both categories, personal as well as impersonal, have aspects of both types. On the one hand, they’re simple and light, but on the other hand they have the appearance of being somewhat personal. There are two main types within this category, flirty/witty questions and general/indirect questions.
  • A) Flirty/Witty: These types of questions are used mainly to create a sexual ambience. You’ll usually have to lead into flirty questions with one or more impersonal questions.

Let me show you an example of how it’s done…

“Do you go shopping much?” <----------Impersonal question
“What’s your favorite store?” <----------Impersonal question

“I’m assuming you get your lingerie at Victoria’s?” <----------Flirty question

Depending on her response, you can go into even flirtier questions…

“What do I get if I guess your size right?” <----------Flirtier question

Again, depending on her response, you can go into even flirtier questions…

“Do you always wear panties?” <----------Very flirty question

If you can smoothly get to this level of flirtyness, then you can be sure you’re working your game correctly and the panties will be coming off in no time.

I’ve been able to get to levels where they’ve let me feel their tits during the first date by going the real vs. fake route. If you work your game right, this usually leads into them showing you their tits when you get back to one another’s places, and I’m sure you guys can visualize the rest.

Remember that it’s your job to get her into a flirty mood if she’s not responding with flirty answers, comments, and questions. The level of flirtyness is greatly influenced by how involved/flirty she is, as well has how smoothly you continue to weaken her sexual defenses.

Also remember that the above example is a rough outline, and her responses may not allow you to easily direct the conversation into a playful and flirty conversation. For now, just continue working on developing your flirting skills through trial and error so you’ll be able to better understand and benefit from advanced flirting concepts.
  • B) General/Indirect questions: These question types serve to get a deeper understanding of their unconscious thinking processes and their values. They may also be used to lead into indirectly talking about sex and many times overlap with the flirty/witty question types.

For example, “So what do <women/girls> like you usually think about?”

The above example not only is a way to elicit values but also a way to bring out their flirty side. You’ll be able to gain incredible insight into the character and personality traits of women by the way in which they answer these types of questions.

Remember, women will test you for their interest many times throughout the relationship no matter how long it may last, but you also need to test women for your interest. You can be sure you’ll weed out the “fun” types from the “boring” types when you draw out questions types like the above and use it to test their personality.

The Don Juan Guide

[This message has been edited by Pimpologist (edited 03-17-2002).]