Pimping a Club Alone...


Senior Don Juan
Jan 6, 2003
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Washington Metro Area

You're in Amsterdam. I'm in Washington, D.C.

I'm willing to bet on any occasion that you're method of bagging birds will not work here. Unless it's strictly off the physical. Otherwise the 8 ball in your pocket won't get you far.


Don Juan
Aug 15, 2005
Reaction score
Rollo said:

You're in Amsterdam. I'm in Washington, D.C.

I'm willing to bet on any occasion that you're method of bagging birds will not work here. Unless it's strictly off the physical. Otherwise the 8 ball in your pocket won't get you far.

I've never been to the US, so I'm still waiting for somebody to answer:

newbie81 said:
Give me the difference between American girls & girls from Western European cities like Brussels, Antwerp, London, Paris, Amsterdam.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 27, 2002
Reaction score

if there's anyone that can address the club issue it is myself since Ive been clubbing strong since 1988. I still go the the clubs at 39 years of age because I look young and can outdance 99 percent of the people at the clubs. But one thing is when I go to clubs alone that Im unfamiliar with I usually pay attention to my walk and my vibe. If I dont know anyone at the club (and assuming Im not in a dancing mood) I'll usually post up by the bar, order a beer and talk to the girls who come up to the bar. If they ask if I'm alone or why I'll usually say my friends flaked and I didnt want to go to bed just yet...Usually I'll start a conversation. One thing you dont want to do is wander around an under populated club alone looking like someone who's lost. If the club is packed even a hot chick can go alone and not stand out because there's so much going on.

-Make friends with the wait staff, shot girl etc.
-Make good friends with atleast 1 or 2 people who frequent the place.
-Befriend a girl who has a decent head on her shoulders and she can be your hang out wing. (I did this alot)
-If you're feeling totally alienated act like you're on your cellphone (it kills the Im alone and lost look)
-get out of the snobbish mind frame that there are no intelligent women in the clubs. This will kill your game. There are flowers in every garden of weeds. Avoid the half dressed, attention getting dancing lewd with their girls, women - these are party girls who have limited attention spans.


Don Juan
Mar 4, 2005
Reaction score
Well I club alone too and I have a really great time!
I don't usually go home with a girl but I have from time to time, (last week?).
You meet girl for sure and its very challenging.

Try to find a club where there is also room for discussion, i.e lounge, bar etc.)
Althout many women dont like to talk so much there.

I can go to classy clubs and lesser ones too depending on the type of HB's I want to meet.

Feeling relaxed with a hint of a smile will give great mileage.

Talk to anybody, get it going and you will be fine.

I find wearing too much expensive clothes makes me look ridiculous, as if I didn't have anything else to go for. So good taste without going over the top is best.

I also find that girls (even in classy clubs) really like guys that are a "bit" sloppy yet good looking. (2 days old beard, t-shirt, jeans)

That's my take!