Got ya. Good post. I'm really not sure, the thing is, she's gorgeous. She knows this, and she gets hit on CONSTANTLY. Modeling agents ask her if she's been "discovered" yet. I'm absolutely postive she can have 99% of the guys around.
Her ex. is a better looking guy then me, tall, dark and handsome. Quite honestly, just by observing his body language and behavior, it's obvious to me that he's an alpha male and "gets it". I'm not ugly by any means, I hold my own. I dress very well, am very confident, ****y + funny, and make a positive impression on most people. I've been practicing and studying the game for over 7 years so I have no problems picking up ladies, and know what to do and say, and how to act in most situations. But even given all of that, her ex. seems to be on another level as far as looks go, and apperantly is no chump either.
This is probably one of the biggest reasons I'm with her, I did the right things from day 1, when I met her. It took a while for us to get serious, as I never asked her out, but after 2 and a half months of dating she just started telling people I'm her boyfriend (challenge). She talked to her ex. only one time during the first month we saw each other, and this is because he called her non stop until she picked up. She told me everything and I pretty much said "I don't care if you talk to him, but just let me know so you don't waste my time."
After that he would try calling quite often, from a private number, but she'd never pick up. She eventually changed her number, so now she doesn't get any more unknown calls (I'm positive of this). However, when seeing her and her best friend out at a coffee place, he left the place, and called one of his friends that was sitting close to my girlriend and told him to give her the phone. The guy said to my girl "here, take this phone", but she told him "no, I dont' have anythign to say to that person". The guys says, "how do you know who it is", she replies "I just know, it's pretty obvious".
Even lately there's times if he sees her somewhere with her girlfriends, and a couple of times he grabed her hand when they walked by, but she just shook his hand off and walked away (her friends was there so my gut is this is true). Now she probably says somethign liek this like once every two months maybe, so it's not like it happens all the time, but it's pretty clear that the dude still wants her. He even told her that last time when they talked that he will "NEVER GIVE UP, and if she changes her number he'll find it from somebody like before (she changed her number even before me once because of him)"
She was whipped over him before though, since she has told me that she used to "hope" to end up with him, and that he was the only guy she had feeling for (loved, I assume) and since he took her virginity it also made it a bigger deal for her. She would loose sleep over him because he was actually seeing another girl in between her. My guess is we was seeing this other girl secretly and then anytime my girl dumped him he was open about the other girl. That was another issue, she dumped him a LOT of times, but always eventually went back to him after he kept calling her and feeding her crap. She says that "the feeling would come back after she would talk to him more again". He he, now I know this is not necessarily the best thing to hear for me, for all I know, how the hell do I know they won't come back again? lol. But I'm her longest conistant relatioship yet, at 11 months now without breaking up, and she never had a guy that she cared for other then her ex. but now she says I'm different then all the others.
She is opening up more and more, and is comletely open with me sexually and with everything else. She litteraly cannot go a coule of hours without calling me, I'd say she calls me pretty much whenever she's not in class. She calls me before school, after school, when at work, sometimes between classes. She talks about how she wants to marry me and have a future, we're planning to move in together in the very near future. I'm the first guy that her parents ever met, so I'm sure that says somethign too. Oh yeah, and it also seems her ex. always leaves any place shortly after he realizes that me and her are there together. I never really see him stick around after he sees us, so I'm guessing it's bugging him to see her with me. I'm not sure if there's any more behind that.
She says I'm her best friend, her lover, and her everything. Has told me that I'm the best thing that ever happened to her, and even doesn't have any more guy friends because of respect for me. She used to have a lot more guy friends because she thinks "girls are bivtches" but now she has a couple of good girlfriends and me (I didn't demand this of her, if anybody's thinking that). She also deleted all the guys numbers from her phone, other then her relatives (I didnt' demand this either). All her friends LOVE me and tell her that I'm the best thing she's ever had. Also her mom got married when she was 19, and she also told me that she hopes to be married by the age of 22 and she doesn't want to be an "old" mom
You're right TesuqueRed, I'd probably notice when I need to leave her, but as of right now, other then my observations of this behavior around her ex. the things between me and her have been constantly getting better. I'm not sure if that's gonna hit a stop anytime soon, but I will follow the rules and do all the right things.
Any more inputs and comments based on all this new information are more then welcome, in fact, encouraged! What ya think?