there are no set rules as to who should put it first... those who go strictly by the rule that it is the girls DUTY to say it first, put the pic first, etc, etc. in my view, are narrow minded, and they may dismiss having a great relationship with a QUALITY girl, due to fears of appearing weak for saying it first.
the truth is that a QUALITY girl expects the same from the man she is with.
HOWEVER!!!! you should take your sweeeet azz time to do these things. I've learned that a quality girl will give you hints here and there when she is ready to take things to the next level, and if sometimes you gotta break the rule and be a man, and take initiative, because you KNOW that she wants it too.
its a knowing that you develop as you mature and the more experience you get with women. by this I mean that you can sense her interest level, and when you believe (because of your knowledge and experience) that she really really likes you, and wants to be with you, and that she is giving you hints that she wants you to say, do something, then it is your job as a man to take initiative. (again, if she is a quality girl)
whatever that means to you.
for example, my current gf, I consider her to be a quality girl to my standards. I dated her for 2 months before I could tell she was ready for a relationship, she never said anything though, but she was dropping hints, and I got it so I subtly told her..
Me: you know, the only reason why i havent asked you to be my GF, is because I want you to be 100% sure of it.
she : I am 100% sure, but I dont think you are yet.
and we took from there.
so we have been exclusive for 3 months, and i never mentioned putting pics on facebook, even though all her friends have pics with their bfs. I always stayed quiet.
then one day she dropped a hint. we had taken a nice pic together that evening, and she was looking at it and she told me jokingly,
Her: this is a nice pic I should cut it in half so I can put my side of the pic on facebook (testing me of course)
Me: you should do what makes you happy.
Her: just kidding, I wouldnt do that... ( and looking at me)
Me: well, you could also put this pic of us in your profile picture (smiling at her)
her: yea, that would be nice. But I dont want us to have the same profile pic (hinting that she wanted me to have a pic as well)
ME: its ok, Ill use the other pic we have together.
so my lesson to you is, you should take your time when dealing with women to the point that you are convinced they are ready, because they will start trowing hints at you that they are, and you gotta notice it and go with it like a MAN.... a quality girl will do things this way...
a trashy girl who has been with several men, will find your attempt to push forward as pathethic, weak, chump.. w/e, who cares.
good luck.