Pickup Artist Mystery on Elle Magazine


Master Don Juan
Feb 27, 2003
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,-._|\ ................... ............ / Aus \ ..
Originally posted by eniktin
He must have some good techniqes, cause he has no personality.
jealous much


Master Don Juan
Sep 11, 2004
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belleville, il
I think this works..Im sure it works..but it seems like to much work..I will resort to my current method..of being extremely confident, ****y, and funny!!!!!!


Senior Don Juan
Aug 18, 2004
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What are the 9 stages of courtship? They say in the article "3 attraction, 3 comfort, then 3 seduction" but how do those breakdown further, and where did he come up with this ****?

My opinion is, he has success because this WORKS FOR HIM. Notice that none of his students had ANY success whatsoever. For him, magic works ... if anyone else tries magic tricks, they'd feel uncomfortable and it would not work (unless they actually had a passion for magic).

Rollo Tomassi

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2004
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Ah hell, I suppose it was just a matter of time before DJ terminology finally filtered into the mainstream. I can't think of a better way to kill a game like Mystery's faster than letting the all female readership base of Elle magazine in on his operation. How many guys will be sarging next month only to have some HB he's working go, "uh-uh, your Kino's not working on me loser, I never gave you an AI and my IL is nonexistant for you, so hit your eject button"? Goddammit,..

Seriously though, I thought the article was terrific and as a psychologist myself I rather enjoyed the behaviorist confirmation of what I've been preaching for ages now. But I'm gonna have to poke a few more holes myself too.

Mystery is a dry drunk in regards to 'his' technique. The definition of a dry drunk is that of an alcoholic who has never truly defeated his addiction, but transfered it to another behavior. Many former alcoholics do this with religion, trading one fervent obsession for an equally fervent competing obsession. In behaviorism this is called DRA or differential reinforcement of alternate behavior. It is the systematic reinforcement of an alternate competing behavior that decreases the likelyhood (or puts to extinction) that a problem behavior will occur. Mystery is still an AFC himself because he has not fundimentally changed his cognitive reasons for changing his behavior, as is evidenced by his desire for a 'real', satisfying LTR in spite of making a living from teaching other AFCs the competing behaviors of his methods. The statement of his desire to have the choice to "spoon all night" with a woman is his achilles heel. He still reserves a desire to engage in his former AFC behaviors and will most likely revert to them when he does infact secure an LTR with the chick that flew out to live with him. I wouldn't be shocked to see this guy in a series damaging monogamous relationships into his 30's as he struggles with a simultaneous desire to maintain an LTR and consistently employ his method.

None of this of course is meant to discredit the processes described in the article, but I struggle a bit with calling this 'his' method since as has been pointed out, many have come before him with similar, if not the same, concepts. To Mystery's credit, he's codified and standardized a lot, but he's stood on the shoulders of giants so to speak and reduced it to a formula. Neurolinguistic Programing has a long history in altering public opinion in everything from politics and advertising to leading witnesses in court about what they remember. Tying NP to Mystery's method isn't tough, but he didn't invent it. B.F. Skinner introduced the concept of contingent punishment and reward, kudos to Elle magazine for even knowing Skinner's name (I wonder how many Elle readers do?), but all Mystery's 'freeze-out' is is manipulative Kino that we've all experimented with from the DJ Bible. I am familiar with the 9 phase method and it's literally nothing the DJ Bible doesn't cover already.

I will give the guy some praise though, he's managed to turn a handsome profit from the desperation of uber AFCs willing to set down $1500 for schooling. I think I know where David D' Angelo is getting his material now. Notice that not one of these guys met with even a fraction of the success that Mystery did in the clubs? This reminds me of some case studies I read in a human memory psych class where a group of students were assessed as needing tutorial help sessions for low or average grades in certain classes and were enrolled at their performance level in these 'help sessions'. The sessions were structured as such so that they weren't actually beneficial to the students academic performance and their test scores both before and after the session months remained the same. Yet 85% of the test subjects recalled being less proficient before the sessions even though their test scores were identical. In other words, human beings have a tendency to improve their present by altering the interpretations of their past. It's fundamentals like this that puts money in Mystery's pockets.

For $1500 these guys could've gotten laid effortlessly more than 12 times here in Reno, NV with no strings attached. P.T. Barnum was right. Especially when you consider that most of Mystery's AFC expressed a desire for an LTR by employing his method.


Senior Don Juan
May 23, 2004
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For all your book knowledge and quotes, do you actually have a method for seducting the hottest girls in club or just rely on luck and hookers in Reno?

Calling Mystery an AFC when the guy has fcked 100s of women... and invented methods in seduction that get 1000s of guys laid around the world....... how many women have u done Freud?


Senior Don Juan
Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score
I think its all PR. And I do believe he is a professional magician, so it's no wonder how he get's so many pu's.

But we all can't be entertainment monkeys just to get laid.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 1, 2004
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South Florida
Originally posted by MrHarris
I think its all PR. And I do believe he is a professional magician, so it's no wonder how he get's so many pu's.

But we all can't be entertainment monkeys just to get laid.
I think this right here is the key, and is more profound than most guys might realize.

The thing is, we all have our own unique quirks, skills, personality traits, etc., so if we try to adopt someone else's style of seduction without customizing it for ourselves, we will not succeed because it just won't be congruent.

Too many guys seem to want to easy way out of just copying someone verbatum without making an effort to try things out and refine their style.

So one example is guys trying to do the Mystery method when they aren't as entertaining as Mystery. Or doing David D style stuff without a good grasp of C&F (or going way over the top with extreme C&F.)

You just need to take the knowledge in, get rid of the obviously bad AFC traits you might have, then go out in the field and refine your style. Being a DJ is as much a skill as a personality trait. A skill that needs to be honed like any other.

To Mystery's credit, you can't expect a full-blown AFC to be able to compete with Mystery at a club after a couple hours in his seminar. But I bet they were better than they were before. And if they keep it up and develop their own style like I'm saying, they will have some serious skill in time.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
Originally posted by bobbob
What are the 9 stages of courtship? They say in the article "3 attraction, 3 comfort, then 3 seduction" but how do those breakdown further, and where did he come up with this ****?

My opinion is, he has success because this WORKS FOR HIM. Notice that none of his students had ANY success whatsoever. For him, magic works ... if anyone else tries magic tricks, they'd feel uncomfortable and it would not work (unless they actually had a passion for magic).
  1. Opening
  2. Female to male attraction
  3. Male to female qualifying
  4. Rapport
  5. Friendship
  6. Intimacy
  7. Arousal
  8. Last minute resistance
  9. Sex

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
Originally posted by MrCode
...Too many guys seem to want to easy way out of just copying someone verbatum without making an effort to try things out and refine their style...
This is so completely true....


Don Juan
Apr 5, 2003
Reaction score
For 1500 bucks you can get 25 Doc Love phone coachings. Dumb investment! What they are really paying for here are the limousine rides, not information. I must admit he has some nice techniques, but he already “spilled the beans” to Elle. The author of the article has him around her little finger, and you can see she is clearly making fun of him.

- “But Mystery wants me to know he's not a dog. “Seriously,” he says, hushing the room, “I'm a romantic. I fall in love all the time. The sexual thing isn't enough. There was a time that's all I was doing it for, but now I'd rather spoon with a girl all night than have sex.”

Madbad's eyes widen in awe. “I'd just like to have the choice,” he says.” The article does not fail to serve the Feminist agenda of belittling men. What you read between the lines is that all men ARE dogs.

- “Mystery tells his protégés, adding that one should never say anything to a woman “who counts” that he hasn't rehearsed on at least two dozen less compelling women, like a comedian sharpening his jokes before a big show. “You can't do that by talking only to hotties. You have to socialize yourself by talking to the UGs [ugly ones],” he says.”” This is good advice!

- “Mystery likes to flash his black nails and admit that he gets mistaken for a devil worshiper.” That’s who most people worship. Most women would prefer to have a one night stand with someone who looks clean. But if it adds to his confidence, fine.

- “What have you got going for you besides your looks?” Nice.

- “You know, you made a pretty rotten first impression, but now that I know you a bit better I realize you're pretty amazing” A very subtle disguised neg that forces her to try and prove herself because of gnawing dissatisfaction. Amazing is overcomplimenting though. Tone it down to interesting.

- “Throughout it, Mystery uses body language and touch in a Skinner-esque behavioral system of reward and punishment. He'll gently touch a woman on her wrist or cheek or take her hands as he is talking. If she doesn't reciprocate, he'll turn away and “freeze her out.” When he reengages, he'll touch her again. Her discomfort during the freeze-out will be greater than her unease at the original touch and she'll welcome the second attempt. “Airlines define comfort as a lack of discomfort,” he likes to say. “I'm just slowly eliminating her discomfort.” This reward and punishment can carry a man into his eventual push for sex. “The freeze-out is one of the best ways to eliminate LMR,” Mystery says, or “last-minute resistance.” He licks his lips, rubs his hands together, and cackles as his students erupt into lascivious peals.” The Freeze-out can come across as SULKING, or worse – MAKING ULTIMATUMS which is exactly how the author of the article perceived it. But it will probably work on a slightly insecure woman, or to break last minute resistance.

- “I save the story about my dad dying for the ones I really care about.” BAD, he is poisoning the minds of these AFCs with this. The surest way to turn a woman off is to make her into your shrink. This is a piece of Feminist brainwashing, and I bet Elle was overjoyed to have a supposed Master Pickup Artist promote this lie to men.

- ““Doing what you've done will only get you what you've gotten,” he intones” Good.

He really does not know the reason for his success. The main contributing factor must be his looks, plus the confidence that comes from THINKING he knows what he is doing, plus wealth, plus the fact that when you are performing in front of people, it tends to make you give your best performance. Been there, done that.


Master Don Juan
Dec 30, 2004
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The author of the article has him around her little finger, and you can see she is clearly making fun of him.
I'd really like to see a picture of the woman who wrote the article. I couldnt find one. Anyone?

Rollo Tomassi

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2004
Reaction score
Hmmm,..well let's do a little math then.

5 AFCs in a class for a weekend at $1500 per sucker,...$7500 in a weekend, $30K per month, $360,000 a year,...OK I was wrong, the guy's a fvcken genius!

He's basically tuned into the same insecurities for men that the cosmetic industry has exploited for years in women and is laughing all the way to the bank.

The point is, in principle, the DJ boot camp/Bible is every bit as effective as Mystery's method for free. Mystery didn't 'invent' sh!t, he just packaged existing material real cleverly in a way that AFCs swallow more easily.

I always thought that this forum's purpose was to help AFCs be better men with better inderstanding of what they ought to be living up to as men. ANd it's free. Mystery only teaches cheap parlor tricks and repackaged formulas for hooking up that dubiously work (apparently only for him judging from the article) for now, to AFCs with enough cash to come to him.

This guy is every bit an AFC that these other simps are, he just happens to be able to pull off his own tricks better. I can teach you how to pull trim, what I can't make you learn, and niether can Mystery because he hasn't figured it out yet, is how to be a man and kill the AFC inside you that will last into a healthy LTR or marriage - and that's assuming you have the sack enough to know whether or not marriage or an LTR is actually what's best for you. I can tell you the guys in this article don't, but think they do.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2005
Reaction score
What I really dont understand is that in the article he continously talks about wanting to find an LTR and the perfect girl. If he is the seductionist that he claims then how hasn't he accomplished this. It seems as that he is self-consumed in his own quest for pick-ups. I mean people paid that much money to sit in the corner and watch him show off his moves? A couple of day time seminars. I dont know it seems like someone suffers from a slight delusion of granduer. I'm not a psychologist by any means but I think Rolla hit this on the head with the dry drunk syndrome.


Master Don Juan
May 21, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Rollo Tomassi
Hmmm,..well let's do a little math then.

5 AFCs in a class for a weekend at $1500 per sucker,...$7500 in a weekend, $30K per month, $360,000 a year,...OK I was wrong, the guy's a fvcken genius!

He's basically tuned into the same insecurities for men that the cosmetic industry has exploited for years in women and is laughing all the way to the bank.

The point is, in principle, the DJ boot camp/Bible is every bit as effective as Mystery's method for free. Mystery didn't 'invent' sh!t, he just packaged existing material real cleverly in a way that AFCs swallow more easily.

I always thought that this forum's purpose was to help AFCs be better men with better inderstanding of what they ought to be living up to as men. ANd it's free. Mystery only teaches cheap parlor tricks and repackaged formulas for hooking up that dubiously work (apparently only for him judging from the article) for now, to AFCs with enough cash to come to him.

This guy is every bit an AFC that these other simps are, he just happens to be able to pull off his own tricks better. I can teach you how to pull trim, what I can't make you learn, and niether can Mystery because he hasn't figured it out yet, is how to be a man and kill the AFC inside you that will last into a healthy LTR or marriage - and that's assuming you have the sack enough to know whether or not marriage or an LTR is actually what's best for you. I can tell you the guys in this article don't, but think they do.
I like this post.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
I just got back from a happy hour with some buds from work and I tried some of Mystery's theories and I had some pretty good success. I got two #closes from a group of women that work together and a email address from another. I didn't use magic but I did tell some humorous timely stories kind of like the topics that they do on John Stewart's Daily Show.

It seems that his idea about woman wanting attention AND approval has merit. I tried the back turning/neg hitting and ignoring on four of the five women in the group. I ended up with telephone numbers from two of the women and the email address of the woman who I focused my attention when ignoring the others.

Long story short, they want me to get in touch with them tomorrow to let them know if me and my buds would want to hang out with them after work on Friday. I'm not sure if I'm really interested in any of the women plus I need to let my buds in on Mystery's method so they don't accidentally put ripples in my flow as they almost did several times tonight. Plus I need to become more familiar with Mystery's theory, I've only studied excerpts of his work for the last couple of nights.

More to come...


Don Juan
Sep 1, 2004
Reaction score
I think there's a lot of senseless hating on this board.

The guy has literally picked up hundreds (thousands?) of women, and can do it essentially ON COMMAND at the toughest venues in Los Angeles.

I don't care if his techniques are re-hashed psychological principles or if he's making money off selling it.

Any guy who's THAT experienced with women has some valuable insight and tips to share. It's really not any different than Phil Jackson charging $25,000 a pop for "leadership" seminars to Fortune 500 execs. People want to hear from people who are successful.

Considering there are people on this board asking whether they should adopt the "snoop dawg persona" to pick up women, I personally plan to keep an open mind when listening to a guy with PROVEN seduction skills.


Master Don Juan
Feb 27, 2003
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,-._|\ ................... ............ / Aus \ ..
I can't believe someone is actually calling Mystery an AFC. Hey where have you proven your abilities to countless guys from the seduction community?

Rollo Tomassi

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2004
Reaction score
Driving home last night I still couldn't put my finger on why exactly Mystery rubbed me the wrong way. Then I heard a radio ad for E-Harmony.com and it came to me.

The guy is an AFC because he still subscribes to the fallacy of the ONE. He's got ONEitis as is evidenced by his attitude and desire for an idealized LTR.

“I'm a romantic. I fall in love all the time. The sexual thing isn't enough. There was a time that's all I was doing it for, but now I'd rather spoon with a girl all night than have sex.”

"one should never say anything to a woman
'who counts' that he hasn't rehearsed on at least two dozen less compelling women,"

“I save the story about my dad dying for the ones I really care about.”

"For all of Mystery's manipulation, he asserts that he's a romantic looking for lifelong love with someone he doesn't feel he “deserves”—not that his desire for connection comes through to the women he woos." (if this doesn't scream AFC I don't know what does!)

"Mystery calls a coat check girl he'd spoken with for seven minutes during a Chicago boot camp and persuades her to leave her fiancé to fly out to Los Angeles for a week—the fruition of a phone flirtation he has carried on during breaks in the seminar. “This is it,” he tells the group over lunch, eyelids fluttering. “She's the one. I know it. I think I'm in love.”

And in the end he moves in with this chick.

How do you not see this guy is an AFC? He subscribes to the soul-mate lie. As I said, he's a dry drunk. He can kill the symptoms, but can't cure the disease. This exactly the same type of marketing E-Harmony uses only from the female's viewpoint.

I'm not debating whether or not the method works. Obviously it does, but anyone who's gone through DJ bootcamp or seriously read the DJ Bible can attest to this. I'm not selling anyone on a different methodology, I'm just saying this guy is incomplete and the AFCs willing to fork over $1500 for it are getting played.

I think this is one of the reasons people have trouble understanding POOK. I'm paraphrasing, but what's the benefit of having a bulletproof method of successfully scoring chicks 100% of the time when you still haven't mastered yourself? You only fall back into your old AFC behaviors once you have succeeded. What's this chick from Chicago going to do when Mystery turns out to be an AFC for her in an LTR? What's going to be her response when she perceives him to be a confident male and he wants to spoon with her? What's this girl going to do when he gives up marketing his method for his relationship with her and his income dries up? I laughed my a$$ off thinking about this guy as the husband he so desperately wants to be.

So Many Ways

Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by MrHarris
I think its all PR. And I do believe he is a professional magician, so it's no wonder how he get's so many pu's.

But we all can't be entertainment monkeys just to get laid.
That's what I got out of it. It isn't far off from how rock stars are able to use their performance to attract groupies.

That doesn't mean that he doesn't have game, but I doubt if those students who plunk down $1500 are going to get what they paid for.