Pi$$ed off a chick last night


Don Juan
Apr 7, 2001
Reaction score
Here is the story: 5 People

My Buddy
Other dude
Hot waitress chick
Stripper chick

All of us were sitting in a half circle booth at a bar. My buddy knew the other dude and hot waitress chick. Well first off the other dude was more of a third wheel to the two chicks. I digress. Anyways the hot waitress was trying to hook up my buddy with the stripper. Well the stripper was attractive but had such an attitude about her. My buddy got up to get some drinks. The waitress started whispering in the stripper's ear. I heard the stripper say, "Well he is too short". She was speaking of my buddy.

Well he sat back down and the stripper chick was giving my buddy such attitude. He was trying to talk with her and she was with her nose in the air.

After about a half hour of this B/s nonsense I neg hit the stripper. I said to the stripper "you know I saw that same outfit on a chick in wal mart". Then I said "I saw better legs on a chair!". So this is mindless neg hitting. She got offended hardcore and so did the hot waitress friend.

The hot waitress said to me, "I dont find that very funny." I just laughed and smiled. The waitress then said to me, "I am going to F-ing stare you down the rest of the night." I replied by saying " I will stare you down till it burns holes in your head." Gave her the look of death. She paused for two minutes and then hurried out of the bar to cry. The third wheel dude went to rescue her! Lol!

So its just me, my buddy and, the P/O'd stripper still sitting there. The stripper gets up and walks out and leaves us there. About five mins go by. Then the hot, crying waitress comes back. She was still in tears and demanded an apology for saying i would stare her down. I laughed and said not till you apologize for f-boming me. She got angrier and left. Five more mins pass. The stripper chick comes back. She grabs whats left of her beer. Tosses it in my face. I sat there calmly and said, "You are very unprofessional, only bottom feeders do that!" She flipped me off, I then said "Put your boyfriend away, nobody wants to see him."

The whole time my buddy sat their quiet and in shock.

My point with this story is there are a lot of physco women out there. If you neg hit them even mildly watch out for the knee in the crotch or beer in the face. Also both of these girls are between 21-25. Women with class and a secure mindset will not throw beer in your face because of neg hits.

I just thought this was a funny story to share. Keep in mind both of these chicks are in young twenties and very spoiled.

Any comments on this story feel free.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 31, 2003
Reaction score
this sounds like a fight man ... thie story is kind of weird.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
first of all, assuming you didn't come to the bar with the stripper, she wasn't trying to "hook anyone up" wtiht he stripper, she was trying to get you or whoever to spend money on the trick. Oldest trick in the book. Smarter strippers work in groups. They will pretend to like you, even give you thier phone numbers and talk to you... but sooner or later you will come and pay a hefty knot on them to "see them"

Secondly... why bother? Neg hitting is to neg someone who has high self esteem... It was ovbiosly by her first sentence she has a pretty low self esteem... F Bombing you for no reason.. you should have left it at that.. if you felt offended, g et up and walk out.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Zman1
I sat there calmly and said, "You are very unprofessional, only bottom feeders do that!" She flipped me off, I then said "Put your boyfriend away, nobody wants to see him."
:crackup: I think I am going to have to steal that last line!


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
LMFAO!!! :crackup:

Then I said "I saw better legs on a chair!"
Okay, this is not a neg hit. A neg hit is an insult disguised as a compliment. Second, you already gave her one neg hit. That was enough. You just went overboard.

Other than that, if you got this whole thing on video, I'd love a copy!

Distant Light

Master Don Juan
Aug 9, 2005
Reaction score
New York
Originally posted by LeviathanIYG
"i seen better legs on a chair" is not a neg hit.

lol that was no neg that was more of an insult lol. But funny ass story lol.