Master Don Juan
Here's an issue of phone tactics. I imagine we will get a variety of thoughts, but maybe we can reach a consensus.
You want to get ahold of a girl that you've just begun seeing. It's way too early to ask or expect her to call you back. (My thought is after you're sleeping together you can expect a girl to call you back, not before.)
Now five days ago you had a date with this girl, and you've duly waited this long to call.
So you call in the evening.
And her machine comes on.
What do you do?
You can:
a) leave a brief message saying you obviously missed her, but you'll call back tomorrow.
b) don't leave a message -- and try back in three hours.
c) don't leave a message -- and try back the following day.
d) don't leave a message -- and try back in two days.
e) don't leave a message -- and try back in a number of days.
Here's what I've been doing, and why.
I've been leaving a brief message along these lines, "Hey, --, how're doin'? It's ---. I seemed to have missed you tonight, but I'll try to each you tomorrow. Bye bye."
Here's why I've been doing this.
First, I wait a long time to call the chicks.
And since I wait a long time (sometimes a week), I know the chick has been thinking about me. In fact, I know that as the days stretch on she starts kind of worrying over whether or not I might have unloaded her.
So my reasoning is that when they finally get home and hear that message, they are very relieved. And they are happy. And they are thinking about me, calling and leaving that message, and they are also thinking about how I will call back the next day -- and all these thoughts are good and make them happy.
Second, a lot of chicks have caller ID. So they KNOW you called. And I think it would just look weak if you call once and don't leave a message. They'll think you must not have had anything worthwhile to say.
So I leave that brief message saying I'll call back the next day (even if it's still early in the evening and I COULD call back that night -- I make them wait so I'm a big fukking challenge).
I don't use the pay phone tactic that AD advises because I don't think most people get calls very often from pay phones, and I think a chick will put two and two together very quickly and realize it's you calling from a pay phone, and will begin to think you might be a creep or that you're insecure if you're always calling from a pay phone.
And also I believe I've got to leave a message because if I don't it might be another week before I actually talk to them on the phone -- and by that point it could have been TWO weeks since our last date. And two weeks is just plain too long to go without talking to a girl you're dating. That's an insult and I think it won't make you look like a challenge, it will just make you look like a jerk.
But now the situation gets a little less certain if you call back the next day and she ISN'T IN.
Do you leave a message again, saying, hey, just calling to see if you're in, etc?
No. Fukk no. No need. I think we'll all agree on that. Nothing new to say.
But now here's the sticking issue.
Do you call back again the next day?
That's the rub of it.
This issue really has me thinking (partly 'cause I'm in this situation right now!).
My feeling on this is that you DON'T call the next day.
My feeling right now is that you wait ANOTHER WEEK to call back.
Here's why.
First, she might have caller ID. And how weak would it look if you called her on THREE CONSECUTIVE days? It would make you seem desperate, to my mind.
But also, sometimes chicks have people who call at a certain time of the day, and a call that comes in at a time when she doesn't usually get calls might make her kind of think that it was you who called.
But also there's this point. If you call on two consecutive days and miss her -- and then you don't call back for ANOTHER WEEK, she's gonna realize she has to work hard to get you.
Maybe next time she'll even stay home waiting by the phone. You never know. Some chicks might do this if their interest level is high enough, I think.
So the issue here is, how long do you wait after calling on the second consecutive day before you call again.
Should it really be a FULL WEEK?
For instance, you call and leave your brief message (five or six or seven days after your last date) on a Tuesday.
Wednesday you call back again, but miss her, so you don't leave a message.
What day do you call back next?
My gut tells me Wednesday or Thursday of NEXT WEEK. Because after all, you're in huge demand, you're dating five women, your time is very valuable, etc., etc.
Whatchy'all think?
"A life spent making mistakes is not only more honourable but more useful than a life spent in doing nothing."
--George Bernard Shaw
You want to get ahold of a girl that you've just begun seeing. It's way too early to ask or expect her to call you back. (My thought is after you're sleeping together you can expect a girl to call you back, not before.)
Now five days ago you had a date with this girl, and you've duly waited this long to call.
So you call in the evening.
And her machine comes on.
What do you do?
You can:
a) leave a brief message saying you obviously missed her, but you'll call back tomorrow.
b) don't leave a message -- and try back in three hours.
c) don't leave a message -- and try back the following day.
d) don't leave a message -- and try back in two days.
e) don't leave a message -- and try back in a number of days.
Here's what I've been doing, and why.
I've been leaving a brief message along these lines, "Hey, --, how're doin'? It's ---. I seemed to have missed you tonight, but I'll try to each you tomorrow. Bye bye."
Here's why I've been doing this.
First, I wait a long time to call the chicks.
And since I wait a long time (sometimes a week), I know the chick has been thinking about me. In fact, I know that as the days stretch on she starts kind of worrying over whether or not I might have unloaded her.
So my reasoning is that when they finally get home and hear that message, they are very relieved. And they are happy. And they are thinking about me, calling and leaving that message, and they are also thinking about how I will call back the next day -- and all these thoughts are good and make them happy.
Second, a lot of chicks have caller ID. So they KNOW you called. And I think it would just look weak if you call once and don't leave a message. They'll think you must not have had anything worthwhile to say.
So I leave that brief message saying I'll call back the next day (even if it's still early in the evening and I COULD call back that night -- I make them wait so I'm a big fukking challenge).
I don't use the pay phone tactic that AD advises because I don't think most people get calls very often from pay phones, and I think a chick will put two and two together very quickly and realize it's you calling from a pay phone, and will begin to think you might be a creep or that you're insecure if you're always calling from a pay phone.
And also I believe I've got to leave a message because if I don't it might be another week before I actually talk to them on the phone -- and by that point it could have been TWO weeks since our last date. And two weeks is just plain too long to go without talking to a girl you're dating. That's an insult and I think it won't make you look like a challenge, it will just make you look like a jerk.
But now the situation gets a little less certain if you call back the next day and she ISN'T IN.
Do you leave a message again, saying, hey, just calling to see if you're in, etc?
No. Fukk no. No need. I think we'll all agree on that. Nothing new to say.
But now here's the sticking issue.
Do you call back again the next day?
That's the rub of it.
This issue really has me thinking (partly 'cause I'm in this situation right now!).
My feeling on this is that you DON'T call the next day.
My feeling right now is that you wait ANOTHER WEEK to call back.
Here's why.
First, she might have caller ID. And how weak would it look if you called her on THREE CONSECUTIVE days? It would make you seem desperate, to my mind.
But also, sometimes chicks have people who call at a certain time of the day, and a call that comes in at a time when she doesn't usually get calls might make her kind of think that it was you who called.
But also there's this point. If you call on two consecutive days and miss her -- and then you don't call back for ANOTHER WEEK, she's gonna realize she has to work hard to get you.
Maybe next time she'll even stay home waiting by the phone. You never know. Some chicks might do this if their interest level is high enough, I think.
So the issue here is, how long do you wait after calling on the second consecutive day before you call again.
Should it really be a FULL WEEK?
For instance, you call and leave your brief message (five or six or seven days after your last date) on a Tuesday.
Wednesday you call back again, but miss her, so you don't leave a message.
What day do you call back next?
My gut tells me Wednesday or Thursday of NEXT WEEK. Because after all, you're in huge demand, you're dating five women, your time is very valuable, etc., etc.
Whatchy'all think?
"A life spent making mistakes is not only more honourable but more useful than a life spent in doing nothing."
--George Bernard Shaw