Senior Don Juan
Hey, this happened accidently last night talking to g/f on phone...I think it can be used as a way to raise a girl's interest and reinforce the idea of you having a desireable trait - during a phone conversation. This entire trick may take only 30 seconds if performed correctly:
Previous DJ newsletter advised to never act scared or nervous during a horror film or at a haunted house with a date. No matter how much your date screamed, the successful DJ is to project total courage and control by smiling confidently while the fake "monsters" run around and try to scare everyone. Flinching and cowering will get you dropped like a postal envelope from afganistan.
Well, last night on the phone with a girl, I thought I heard a noise in the house (I was alone and house-sitting for parents out of town). I quicky investigated and, of course, found noone there. I thought "hey! great idea to let a chick know that you aren't afraid of anything". So here is the technique:
During a phone convo, let a girl know, nonchalantly, that you are alone in the house (but, of course, DO NOT say you are doing "nothing". Say you are doing some paperwork for school, work, or something interesting). After about 10 minutes...cut her off in mid-sentence by stating, calmly and in a matter-of-fact voice "There is someone in the house." She'll ask "what?". Say that you hear someone moving around in the house and that you are going to investigate, in the basement maybe. At this point, do so, but don't say anything else. Act like you are calmly getting to the bottom of it. If you have a cordless phone, take her with you, but do not give her the "play-by-play". Just allow her to hear you walking around. Then casually announce that it is ok and that there was no one there... maybe it was the furnace. If she asks "were you scared?"...here is your chance, boys...say "No, I just went to make sure everything was ok". Then casually resume the coversation as if nothing happened. Through a simple trick, you showed that you do not get scared, you act purposefully under pressure, and that that behavior comes naturally and is no big deal.
One last touch...if she asks what you would have done if someone would have been there, make a small laugh or puff and say "...yeah, like someone was gonna take me on my own turf" (say it, again, "matter-of-fact"). DO NOT say "I would have called 911" or "I would have asked you to call the police".
You are a confident Don Juan ... YOU HAVE NO NEED FOR THE POLICE!
Oh my god, Poach
You've done it again. Beautiful.
"B.E.T.R. M.D."
[This message has been edited by PoachR75 (edited 01-23-2002).]
Previous DJ newsletter advised to never act scared or nervous during a horror film or at a haunted house with a date. No matter how much your date screamed, the successful DJ is to project total courage and control by smiling confidently while the fake "monsters" run around and try to scare everyone. Flinching and cowering will get you dropped like a postal envelope from afganistan.
Well, last night on the phone with a girl, I thought I heard a noise in the house (I was alone and house-sitting for parents out of town). I quicky investigated and, of course, found noone there. I thought "hey! great idea to let a chick know that you aren't afraid of anything". So here is the technique:
During a phone convo, let a girl know, nonchalantly, that you are alone in the house (but, of course, DO NOT say you are doing "nothing". Say you are doing some paperwork for school, work, or something interesting). After about 10 minutes...cut her off in mid-sentence by stating, calmly and in a matter-of-fact voice "There is someone in the house." She'll ask "what?". Say that you hear someone moving around in the house and that you are going to investigate, in the basement maybe. At this point, do so, but don't say anything else. Act like you are calmly getting to the bottom of it. If you have a cordless phone, take her with you, but do not give her the "play-by-play". Just allow her to hear you walking around. Then casually announce that it is ok and that there was no one there... maybe it was the furnace. If she asks "were you scared?"...here is your chance, boys...say "No, I just went to make sure everything was ok". Then casually resume the coversation as if nothing happened. Through a simple trick, you showed that you do not get scared, you act purposefully under pressure, and that that behavior comes naturally and is no big deal.
One last touch...if she asks what you would have done if someone would have been there, make a small laugh or puff and say "...yeah, like someone was gonna take me on my own turf" (say it, again, "matter-of-fact"). DO NOT say "I would have called 911" or "I would have asked you to call the police".
You are a confident Don Juan ... YOU HAVE NO NEED FOR THE POLICE!
Oh my god, Poach
You've done it again. Beautiful.
"B.E.T.R. M.D."
[This message has been edited by PoachR75 (edited 01-23-2002).]