Opening women offline on your daily trail cuts a lot of this out. She already seen you. You already talked to her. Face to face gauge of attraction has already been established.....but meeting women and showing interest face to face saves time and cuts right to the point. It is actually more enjoyable.
The best way to get better quality is to find dates through in-person means. Social circle is going to be most meaningful in lower bad dates but any sort of in-person approaching will reduce the "one date, no sex, no second date" type date. I'm convinced that a lot of bad swipe app dates would be avoided with an in-person approach. A 5-10 minute in-person approach has a way of working wonders for filtering out bad dates, way more so than a phone call.
I agree. I am a proponent of solely finding dates without using electronic screens. While I would say it is more difficult to meet women in the real world than sitting at home swiping and
texting, it is more productive if judged upon the metric of having a productive first date. The swipe apps produce an illusion of efficiency and productivity.
When do you an approach session in the real world and get nothing from 2 hours of daygaming or 2-3 hours at a bar at night, you start to see the appeal of sitting home and swiping/texting. However, it is an illusion.
The one thing that the real world does is prevent bad dates from happening. Either women are too self-involved to evaluate you (they have earbuds in and are not giving IOIs) or the approach conversation falls flat. Either way, you save time and money.
The "daily trail" wording is a bit problematic for me. Most men do not have an offline routine that will put them in contact with enough women. They will usually have to do specific daygaming sessions. If a man when not looking for a woman grocery shops, he can probably do his grocery shopping in 30 minutes. If a man is using the grocery store to find dates, he'll have to slow his grocery shopping pace down. It might take 2 hours of grocery store lingering (possibly spread across 2 stores) to get something. Men also can linger in malls, coffee shops, other retail outlets, or outdoors at parks/walking paths/hiking paths/the beach to find women.
Some men might also be able to get numbers/dates with women who work in the same building as they do but with other companies in that building, if it is a large office building. This has happened to me. However, with the pandemic and more work at home, this is less likely to happen.
I agree with the point that there is an enjoyable element about a successful in-person approach that isn't replicated from behind a screen.
I see your point about screening out the online stuff
If a man can set up phone and video calls, it might work. I didn't see much effect with phone calls but I think video has more potential.
Not to mention it helps get through rejections and builds your self confidence.
Yes, it builds confidence if you can do the approaches. I don't agree on it helping with rejections. If you're a man out there doing cold approach and getting stoned face women giving zero IOIs or having approaches that lead nowhere, it is not going to be a good time from a mental health standpoint. It is possible to get so many rejections that it will cause emotional trauma.