Yes, and invariably then we'd have guys who'd try to mirror it. "I want to cash in on Deep Dish's secret. I'll just be like him." Much like we find guys who mirror themselves after women, there are also guys who mirror after 'successful' guys. [And to tell them there is no secret, that will boggle their mind! I've had guys ask me "How do you do it? How are you so cool? How do you attract so many women?" My only answer has been "I don't do anything."]In your position, you could easily say that: "Oh, women like...blah, blah, blah," and then go on to describe your personality.
And the interesting thing is, despite my personality, despite whatever I do or how I do it, all of it is irrelevant to other guys. They are not me. I can say I'm a really nice guy, and the nice guys finishing last will wonder "WTF is he doing?" I can say I'm tall and skinny, and the muscle heads will wonder "WTF is he doing?" [Though I must say I'm trying to start bulking up].
There is something to be said of goatees.Some time ago I decided to go for the "goatee" look.
What I found instrumental in my grappling with not being attractive was nightclubs. Guys argue the clubbing environment is superficial, entirely dependent on looks, but I say it is not much different from what happens in ordinary life, just in compressed time, and it forces the guy to look himself in a sexual light. Actually getting the girls from clubs is beside the point.The DJ techniques are geared toward getting you OUT THERE to even find out if the women will like you or not.