Fatal Jay said:
I'm black and even I know Jesus was God incarnate. If you study the bible, every single chapter in the bible has some form of prophecy or description about Jesus.
The bible is to precise to be fake. If you don't agree with the laws and commandments of the bible then I understand, but don't sit their and say its a pile of crap when you haven't studied the bible.
i'm black, my mother growing up made me read the bible cover to cover every year (She still does this), and while i won't deflame your religion, usually the people who don't believe it, are the people who actually read it. From my experience.
ou have to know enough about history to understand what was going on at the time the bible was written and why the bible was originally written in the first place. The first bible was written around the time in the bible of first / 2nd kings (I think, don't quote me on that). The people had been driven from their land and forced to live in captivity in Babylon at this time. there were NO ties to the old land and the people had no identity. You had generations of people growing up who had no clue as to what their god was or said or where they were from as a people or their history as a people and no way to connect with this.
the original bible, as in the first 5 books of the bible or so were written for this purpose. To provide "answers" to speak to the people who were living in a foreign country to know who they are, what they believed in or where supposed to believe in and how we can get back to the land where we are from. The original bible was never written with the indented purpose that it holds today. It wasn't until some years until after jesus died on the cross that the idea of spreading the word of god to non jews was even acceptable. and you can even reference the bible (Corinthians) for that. Paul was pro gentile everyone else for the most part wasn't.
now, with this in mind, there presents a problem. how do you connect with these people that are reading this group of stories? how do you give them a sense of pride, of nationality if you will. The history of the Israelite is almost certainty not as written in the bible, they most likely never actually lived in Egypt as there is not one shred of historical evidence to suggest that they ever lived in Egypt around the time that is stated besides the text in the bible.
my point being if you are fracturing something from complete scratch.. your history.. if you will. you are going to draw it up from something around you that's just human nature. if i told you to make up a completely fake story about your history the first ing you would do is think about other people's histories and draw from that.
this is what i think the bible is at least most of the old testament. tales of fabricated peoples re worded to provide a sense of self worth and history. I mean, from a purely rational standpoint, the bible in particular alot of the older stories come straight from other religions. Moses has verbatim, down from the order to kill all males to the harboring by another woman not his mother to the becoming a great king or leader of men. as Cryus The Great, ironically the ruler of Babylon at the time most likely when the first bible was written.The noah's ark tale comes straight from the the same epic of gilgamesh or at least reads extremely similar and that too, was one of the first and most famous of Babylonian literature, the place in which they were held captive in a distant land at the time of the bible being written. even the story of adam and even copies or better stated has a lot of common themes in it from ancient babyloian / summerian culture.
I do not think this applies to the new testament. the problem people look at the bible in black and white and it's really not. I think you have three groups of the bible
1. did not happen whatsoever
pretty much everything up until ..... I will say... david slaying Goliath. That actually happened. I believe pretty much all of the events leading up to this event were false or did not happen in the bible.
but the thing is, the david and Goliath story happened in the first book of Samuel and that's the 9th book in the bible. so that means you have 8 books of history that had to be accounted for. i would throw the virgin birth in here for obvious reasons.
2. things that probably did happen but were blown out of proportion
The kingdom of david and king Solomon fall into this category. some of the jesus stories probably as well in the new testament. king solomon did exist beyond a shadow of a doubt but i doubt he was as bad ass as the bible pants him out to be. King david was much more ruthless than the bible protays him to be. He was a somewhat modern day Attila the Hun in reality. I am pretty confident in saying that a man named Jesus did exist from the city of Galilee who proclaimed to be a priest and I am petty sure he was killed by the romans but i am not sure he died on the cross. neither are alot of scholars.
3. things that without a doubt did happen
the stories of peter and paul how they spread Christianity, defiantly happened beyond a reasonable doubt. pretty much everything after St John is dead accurate.
You have to understand that the bible was never supposed to be a written history or a history book it's a religious historical account of a faith of people. so i don't get people who argue that it is 100% accurate it never was intended to be such. Keep in mind the bible, at least the Torah, is one of if not the first actual BOOK ever written. It really was intended to be a written history / who we are as a people 101 / how to survive in a foreign land book rolled into one for the jewish people and was never actually at least up to that point, never supposed to be taken literally. AT least that's the way I interpret it. I understood this even as a teenager. I don't get hung up over the literal differences in the bible. I just do not believe in the christian concept of god/or better stated the western civilizations concept of god, not because i found a few things in the bible to be not historically accurate. I'm very fascinated by religion and religious history and can talking about it in a very matter of fact manner becuase of it, I just chose not to believe it.
Point is, kids are raised today to have this point of view that it is not only okay, it's great and it is to be encouraged
while i agree it's not the death sentence it was 50 years ago, i don't agree that it's encouraged
Uganda just passed an anti gay law that allows for people who are gay to be put to death.
I got a gay client who i saw his instagram the other day and he was making out with his BF. I think it's gross. But I'm still going to take his money