Master Don Juan
Well not really for all, but for myself at least. I just had a sort of mental break through.
Reading threads about men losing frame and my own experiences losing frame makes me realize: "just grow some balls". Backbreaker hit on this well in some thread he wrote about 'why don't men have any balls' and I just now like a swooping train the realization sunk in.
"Who Cares?"
This is what we have to ask ourselves in regards to women. I once wrote an a long rant about "who knows?" but now I really ask: Who the hell cares?! (and not in a nihilistic or angry way)
Man I have **So Many Times** pined or obsessed over some chick, tripping on whatever mental fantasy I had of her; but merely by doing so, you relinquish all of your mental power.
And I'm not saying, "hold power over people and flex your balls", that's what weak-minded people do.
What I'm saying is -- "who the fvck cares what she thinks of you?"
If you have some 49ers game to watch, or if she is trying to have her cake and eat it too -- stand the fvck up for yourself. Who cares if some woman approves or disapproves of you. So many *people* in general, men and women, change their opinions and their minds like the passing wind.
One moment I want A and to be with Her.
And the next B is appealing and hey who's that over there?
and now C is really what I ought to be doing...and this new lady in red is capturing my attention...
People's minds are like monkeys, and if you start bending your will around their needs, sacrificing your own needs and wants, than you are on a steaming train to Crapsville. And really -- who can you blame?
Yes you can blame Her and Him and The System -- but in the end, we bring it on ourselves every time we undermine our own self-respect, or sacrifice something of our own to make "her happy".
You ought not live your life to make anyone happy.
I'm not saying be a vaccum and suck up all you can for yourself -- to swim in your vault of coins like scrooge mcduck. What I am saying is make yourself happy by being true to yourself -- to what you ought to be doing vocationally, or what you ought to be doing with your time, or what responsibilities you are not meeting that you surely know you could be pushing harder.
Apathy and pleasing others are the quickest winds and forces to self-erode our own long-term well-being.
If she b!tches and moans because you made a decision for your own well-being, well, why do you have to put up with it?
You don't.
Now if she needs you during her grandmother's funeral, and you're busy sleeping in..that's another story...but for all of those who bend their decisions around women, whom have flexed and changed their course by her desires...please stop...for you will never stop experiencing the manipulation...and not just from women...but from men too -- anyone whom you begin to sacrifice your self-respect for -- they will eventually take more and more advantage of you, whether they know they are doing it or not.
Anyways, this is a ramble and some of you say "of course" and I agree, I proclaim no new prime-time knowledge -- but for myself at least, this simply clicked in the moment.
Another user here today linked to an article, by which the author wrote something along the lines of, 'be true to yourself and don't fold your own cards for anyone--this is how you find a woman worthy of your love'.
Because there are many women..whom, if you are good looking...have $...will be happy to get your attention..give you sex...but as the clock ticks...what are they going to do for you? Are they going to try and morph you into their desires, pull your needs away from you slowly? Or are they going to be a muse, an inspiration and a supporter?
Perhaps STR to STR is the method to avoid the fat and bristle, as was so eloquently put, but seems to me the greatest achievement is just following your own mission, meeting your own needs, and *as long as someone is treating you as you deserve* than they may continue to earn a place in your life.
This doesn't require AMOGing all over, or C&Fing or going hot and cold.
It just means having some self-respect and not letting -anyone- treat you like a pawn.
Whose affection do you truly need?
And if you don't even have your -own- affection, than how can you expect anyone to respect you?
I think this not only filters out poor friends and poor people, but forces us as individuals to hold ourselves to a higher standard.
/end rant had to share, inspired after some 295lb squats and 670lb leg sled sets today...I want to die...but each day in the gym I work to strengthen my will...we must have our own self-respect and strength above all else/
Reading threads about men losing frame and my own experiences losing frame makes me realize: "just grow some balls". Backbreaker hit on this well in some thread he wrote about 'why don't men have any balls' and I just now like a swooping train the realization sunk in.
"Who Cares?"
This is what we have to ask ourselves in regards to women. I once wrote an a long rant about "who knows?" but now I really ask: Who the hell cares?! (and not in a nihilistic or angry way)
Man I have **So Many Times** pined or obsessed over some chick, tripping on whatever mental fantasy I had of her; but merely by doing so, you relinquish all of your mental power.
And I'm not saying, "hold power over people and flex your balls", that's what weak-minded people do.
What I'm saying is -- "who the fvck cares what she thinks of you?"
If you have some 49ers game to watch, or if she is trying to have her cake and eat it too -- stand the fvck up for yourself. Who cares if some woman approves or disapproves of you. So many *people* in general, men and women, change their opinions and their minds like the passing wind.
One moment I want A and to be with Her.
And the next B is appealing and hey who's that over there?
and now C is really what I ought to be doing...and this new lady in red is capturing my attention...
People's minds are like monkeys, and if you start bending your will around their needs, sacrificing your own needs and wants, than you are on a steaming train to Crapsville. And really -- who can you blame?
Yes you can blame Her and Him and The System -- but in the end, we bring it on ourselves every time we undermine our own self-respect, or sacrifice something of our own to make "her happy".
You ought not live your life to make anyone happy.
I'm not saying be a vaccum and suck up all you can for yourself -- to swim in your vault of coins like scrooge mcduck. What I am saying is make yourself happy by being true to yourself -- to what you ought to be doing vocationally, or what you ought to be doing with your time, or what responsibilities you are not meeting that you surely know you could be pushing harder.
Apathy and pleasing others are the quickest winds and forces to self-erode our own long-term well-being.
If she b!tches and moans because you made a decision for your own well-being, well, why do you have to put up with it?
You don't.
Now if she needs you during her grandmother's funeral, and you're busy sleeping in..that's another story...but for all of those who bend their decisions around women, whom have flexed and changed their course by her desires...please stop...for you will never stop experiencing the manipulation...and not just from women...but from men too -- anyone whom you begin to sacrifice your self-respect for -- they will eventually take more and more advantage of you, whether they know they are doing it or not.
Anyways, this is a ramble and some of you say "of course" and I agree, I proclaim no new prime-time knowledge -- but for myself at least, this simply clicked in the moment.
Another user here today linked to an article, by which the author wrote something along the lines of, 'be true to yourself and don't fold your own cards for anyone--this is how you find a woman worthy of your love'.
Because there are many women..whom, if you are good looking...have $...will be happy to get your attention..give you sex...but as the clock ticks...what are they going to do for you? Are they going to try and morph you into their desires, pull your needs away from you slowly? Or are they going to be a muse, an inspiration and a supporter?
Perhaps STR to STR is the method to avoid the fat and bristle, as was so eloquently put, but seems to me the greatest achievement is just following your own mission, meeting your own needs, and *as long as someone is treating you as you deserve* than they may continue to earn a place in your life.
This doesn't require AMOGing all over, or C&Fing or going hot and cold.
It just means having some self-respect and not letting -anyone- treat you like a pawn.
Whose affection do you truly need?
And if you don't even have your -own- affection, than how can you expect anyone to respect you?
I think this not only filters out poor friends and poor people, but forces us as individuals to hold ourselves to a higher standard.
/end rant had to share, inspired after some 295lb squats and 670lb leg sled sets today...I want to die...but each day in the gym I work to strengthen my will...we must have our own self-respect and strength above all else/