I agree with phm. People believe what they want to, we all do. It's a way to avoid the hard cold truth, but in the end it will be your downfall. Now this doesn't give you a right to be a complete sh!t bag. If you are a true sociopath ( I wish I was) then by all means you can do it and be unaffected, and you will get very far as long as you don't get busted.
I do, however, believe that many people who lie, do it compulsively. I think for women it because much more of a natural reaction, and they don't really look at it as honesty or dishonesty. Only sometimes, because I think women are more ok with just telling a bold face lie, and going to sleep at night.
Maybe just after telling bold face lies so much, and no one is keeping you in check, it becomes a norm for them to lie, and unlike us (at least me) they don't think about lying like we do. Lying is only wrong to women if it backfires on them, or if they are the victim of a lie that affects them negatively.