The Damned said:
Just because of the curse thats been dealt to me that Im destined not to meet any woman.
People have noticed I have not been with a woman for a long time(what they dont realise that its not a while but a eternity because of the hand ive been dealt), people go on like its been my choice and that its the way ive chosen to be, nothing I could have done could have changed the way things are for me.
Theres nothing wrong with being gay but I know Im not and thats what gets to me about this...Why have I been treated so bad?
Why have I been given such a life, what have I done to deserve this?
Id be better off dead than living such a cruel pointless existance.
You've obviously feeling a lot of pain inside. It would be great to say that what people say doesn't affect us but that isn't always true. To some extent we are affected by those around us, this is natural because we're a social species. That said, you must
NOT allow whatever it is that others say about you or dislike about you to
DICTATE how you live your life. If people say that you're gay, it is going to hurt because its meant as a stigma and since you're attracted to women you're probably worried that women will look down on you because of the rumors. You musn't let that happen. But how are you going to toughen up if you think that everything in your life is bad? Your username isn't right. It might be how you perceive your reality but it's a sad way to be. By calling yourself "the Damned" and listing your location as "Trying to escape hell" you're telling all of us on this site that you are a miserable and pathetic peice of crap who is repulsive and should be shunned. "Damned" means to be removed from good to be hopelessly lost to evil. Moreover it is to say that you ARE evil. Are you evil? If you really stop to think about what you are saying about yourself you might pause a moment to consider what message you are conveying to those around you. And I am NOT saying that everything that is happening in your life is your fault-quite the contrary. What I am saying is that if you don't start looking for the good in life-the good in
YOURSELF you won't have to worry about anyone else beating you, you'll have defeated yourself. That's no way to live.
Life is not always easy, as a matter of fact much of it is hard even downright difficult for a lot of folks. Human behavior seems to be taking a downside, hatred is expressed openly and on a scale that is increasingly alarming. But we are all faced with two choices: accept things as they are or to be better than what is. Do you understand what I say here? You must believe in something, and it has to be genuine and decent. Look at something within yourself that YOU have, that YOU can do. An ability, a "gift" as it were that is your own. Develop that talent and use it to your advantage but not in a selfish way but in a way that makes you happy for genuine reasons. When you come to appreciate your own self worth you will be more resilient, the negative opinions of others will matter less and you will get what it is that you want and need. But that has to start with a love and appreciation for yourself. You don't really believe that you are damned, it's pain over what you see in your environment that is warping the way you view yourself. That has to stop. No one alive ever asked for life but we are given a will to live, and very few lose that will. As I see it, there is good in the world. Yes there is eveil yes there is hate but there is good in the world, too. Good is hope. And hope is life because it motivates us to improve and ultimately that wins out over evil. It doesn't matter what religion god or gods you believe in to see the truth in that much. If you don't believe in yourself then you will continue in this funk and it will rule your life. What are you going to do about it? The choice is up to you.