self assessment
how u assess urself:
(1) do i have a confident sounding voice tone, maybe you talk nasil or u mutter under your breath.
(2) do i say weird ***t that has nothing to do with what theyre talking about
(3) do i give out too much information about myself or stuff that happens (taboo stuff that will make me sound crazy)
(4) look at yourself in a mirror when youre being natural, walking, standing. Does my body language have funny movements? Do I stand up straight and look confident, like people who r sure of themselves? (maybe the way uve been conditioned to walk makes u look soft)
(5) Do i dress well? Like people who r sure of themselves. Everything baggy or atleast loose. Tight shirts r ok, but only if theyre meant to be tight shirts.
if u r satisfied by the answer of these questions dont worry about it.
Ok how much do you get that comment? from how many different people? if you are consistently getting that in some form, (weird, crazy) then you could have learned and conditioned yourself to some weird behavior. Girls will tell you that youre weird but they will not be able to tell you why or how, guys are better at it. if you can find a way to get advice from guys, who youre friends with for a minute, without sounding like a complete loser or giving out too much info, go for it.
ok the way u walk (body language) talk (voice tone) and dress
is what might weird people out (especially girls) if u come across as weird or crazy, most people will keep theyre distance in some kind of way, and they might be condescending to you in convo. and theyll have something to say behind your back if ur name comes up in convo, 'oh yeah that guy is ...' Some people will accept it, (the good looking girls r not the ones who will accept it) Decide if you do weird people out with ur body language and voice tone. if u r, and ur behavior, from conditioning weirds people out, it takes months to change that type of ***t.
ok alot of people say to me (not necesarily SS) you shouldnt care about what other people think about you, do you. u shouldnt conform to other people's standards. But check this ****. you dont live in your own little world. Theres a time and place for you to express your individuality but theres also a time to blend in and conform to society, otherwise there would be kaos. Theres consequences for not going with society. ok so, you do have think about how ure coming across to people in your interactions.
if you