Read my post above. I think you are misinterpeting what Str8up and others are saying. He's not saying that people don't do some good besides that being incindental or unintentional. I don't even thinking he's saying there aren't a few people who are overall good, but I don't want to put words in his mouth. Just about everyone does at least a little good intentionally and even without the motive of reciprocation or for an ulterior motive. But the balance of what they do is bad, therefore the net charastic of them is bad. Heck, even Hitler did some good and had some principles. You have to look at the overall balance, then draw your conclusion.TheHumanist said:Sorry for breaking the rules, but I need to respond to this instead of sitting on the sidelines while he call people who push to think that there are more factors than just the biological needs of food, shelter, and reproduction not "open minded." Basically you left no area of disagreement that declared that anyone who don't agree with that statement is "close minded." It is one thing to believe in moral relativism, it is another to state that anyone who don't is a "close minded."
Please recognize that your conclusion on human nature is very much in debate and that there are plenty of intellegent and rational people that believes that people perfer to aim at a life that does not involving hurting others. Sometimes people will do injustice, but I don't think most will truly want to. You know with the statement that "people are people" is the fact that people's actions still have effect of good and bad on others, making while "people are people," their effect can be good or bad for the many.
Your conclusion is far from concensus, and the many who disagree are not a bunch of close minded people. We just like to argue that there is a side in humanity that can sympathize and care. We like to argue that humanity while have biological needs, we also have desires that goes beyond the basic instinct animal. That people may like to gain something from others, it doesn't mean exploit (exploit means gaining but by a deliberate and calulative hurting of the other).