Payton Kane - Eye Contact Q...


Master Don Juan
Nov 16, 2007
Reaction score
Los Angeles
if you can make eye contact for at least a couple seconds, the nuancies are not gonna be a make it or break it thing

good eye contact is just a subset of good body language, which cultivates attraction. you maintain eye contact it shows confidence and trustworthiness. you hold it too long and you'll come across wierd. if you hold it longer than the girl and she's interested, the dominance makes your value go up. but to put it all in perspective, if the rest of your body language sucks, it doesn't matter what you're looking at

now in certain interactions, if you break it and your timing is good, you can subcommunicate that she has to work to get you and make her realize you're higher value than she thought you were. the thing is this is totally dependent on the dynamics of the situation. the girl has to be curious about you and has to be gauging your value as equal or lower than hers. does this happen all the time? of course not. regardless this is just a little interaction-specific nuance of non-verbal communication and even if you f*ck up the only way you can't recover from it is if you're socially retarded

maybe Payton Kane has this type of situation happen to him all the time but most guys won't. which is why guys shouldn't follow gurus who can't explain the social psychology behind what they preach

also, I agree with Randallpink - just get enough experience so things like good eye contact become natural and subconscious. then you never have to worry about this sh!t ever again even if the next guru who wants attention brings it up

Gangster Of Love

Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2002
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Payton Kayne offers a lot of solid advice, but it is all within the context of the rest of the info on his course, so make sure you understand what exactly he's talking about before you go out there and try that particular approach.

You don't want to break eye contact and look away in a way that conveys you are submisive and can't stand the tension of looking at a hot woman.

He says to look away with an attitude of "Yeah right honey, you wish you could have me" kind of body language. Big difference.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2007
Reaction score
Interceptor said:
Dude, understand that receiving a woman's Eye Contact is her practically opening a sexual door to you. For women, it really is all about the eyes being the window to the soul.
So if she holds your gaze for a couple seconds and looks away? I wonder how you can tell between that, and just someone making eye contact because you're there. Then there are the ones that don't look at you at all, they look down to the ground while they play with their hair a little. I guess you just have to go with your gut.