@Mauser96 no disrespect but don't have time to reply to all your points. Some of which you make are valid but inherently we have a difference of opinion. Just a couple of points to mention:
Mauser96 said:
But YOU pay for it in the end....how does THAT make YOU dominant...paying someone else's way through life? Buying their company, date after date. How does that NOT make you look needy?
Paying for dinner doesn't mean you're paying for their life. Its a symbolic gesture of power and dominance. It's makes you dominant because it's about dependency. The dependent is submissive. The provider is dominant. Needy is craving attention not paying for dinner. You seem really confused about some of these concepts.
Mauser96 said:
Of course they are. Different, but equal. Equal access to education, equal access to jobs, and equal responsibility to pay their own way. Why should someone have their way paid through life because they have a vagina?
Okay so there's a difference between being the same and being equal. All human beings are equal regardless of gender, sexuality, race, religion etc. But not all human beings are the same.
Mauser96 said:
That is great, if you are content in that role. I did that for 19 years, got a financial ass-raping over it when she decided "she wasn't happy anymore" and am not doing it again. I guess you are young and haven't experienced this yet...but when you do, your attitude may change and the white-knighting will stop.
Sorry to hear that. But you're wrong I'm actually 30. And you can find a girl who pays her half at dinner but still financially rapes you in divorce. I don't think you should pay her way through life. I do think as a man you should dominate financial affairs and that means paying for certain things on certain occasion. Including dinner in my book but other Alpha's may do it in different ways.
Anyway that's my opinion, your entitled to yours. Not paying for sex at all because she doesn't drop her knickers that night because I pay for dinner. If she did however we'd both be fat f*ckers
. And very few women from what I've seen will give up sex just for dinner. Actually they must find you attractive, have chemistry with you, find you funny, respect you etc. So the whole paying for sex thing is not very valid.