Well the girl i was talking about (above)was an internet girl i have been talking to since mid october.
I flew out to oregon to meet her from december 20-23. DISASTER. WORST DATING EXPERIENCE OF MY LIFE. I am soon to be 26, she just turned 29. She looked 20 in the baseball hat, but 33 without it and without makeup.
I guess my patterns and conversation skills fooled both of us into thinking we had a great connection and so much in common.
I get off the plane and see her late wednesday night, ug, she didnt impress me in her looks(5.5,and yes i got her picture before hand, however it was 6 years old from when she was in a sorority and she looked pretty good), but thinking we had a connection, i gave her the benefit of the doubt and tried to look past her looks. We get back to her place in some stupid little town called keizer near salem, oregon and she didnt have anything prepared for my visit which pissed me off. She didnt even have toilet paper or anything but water for me to drink so i insisted we go to 7/11 to get that stuff. She promised me some surprises and that she would cook for me, but, um, nothing like that happened while i was there.
She said give her a day to get past this internet thing because it was just so strange for her(she seemed weirded out the night i got there). Um me too, but still. I gave her the benefit of the doubt even though i sort of had the feeling that she already decided she wasnt interested in me. I wish i just looked at her looks and made that same decision about her without taking any other considerations about her.
Thursday morning, i take her to a day spa for a massage but on the drive i could tell something was wrong. She wasnt comfortable with me and she was getting snappy with me. So i'm like "what, dont u like me" she says "i see us as really good friends". I'm thinking great. She basically said i misrepresented myself even though i told her i was 6'1'' 230. I told her in the summer i was usually around 8-8.5% bodyfat and that currently i was a little out of shape(about 11.5% bodyfat at 230).********edit***she had 3 pictures of me********** She said i had a belly which i thought was a joke since i only had a not very big fat roll under my belly button. DAMN, I WEAR STRUCTURE MUSCLE SHIRTS TO GET GIRLS AND THIS GIRL HAS THE NERVE TO BASICALLY SAY I WAS FAT JUST BECAUSE SHE IS INTO 6'3'' 170 SNOWBOARDER/SURFER TYPES.
She was also being a hypocrite which is what really pissed me off because she said she was 5'8'' 137 when in fact she looked to be 5'7'' 153. She wore a fukkin size 12, i checked. The only touching we did the whole time i was there basically was a hug right when i got off the plane.
But anyway, even during the ride to the day spa in portland before she gave me the friend speech, i was giving her the silent treatment because i knew it already. After the day spa she kept offering up suggestions in which i knew i would have to pay for (zoo, nice restaurant, so on) so i shot down every suggestion and acted indecisive to piss her off. She still had to christmas shop so she was quite rude enough to lead me around store to store taking her dear sweet time picking out clothes and stuff.
I pretty much find out that we have absolutely nothing in common except our political views and i guess our values. We pretty much didnt talk the whole time i was there.
She talks in her sleep the first night when i am sleeping on the floor of her bedroom. She says "look at the walls". I'm like thinking oh no man, is she gonna kill me or something. The next night she lets me sleep in her bed upstairs(i sleep on bedroom floor again) and she sleeps on the couch downstairs. That night, she screams so loud that it wakes me up. I'm like, holy skit, this girl must be nuts. I again sleep on the floor that night and the next night in her bedroom because i dont want any of her hospitality at this point and wanted to tell her on the ride back to the airport how i didnt sleep in her bed just to spite her and keep her from sleeping in her bed. That really pissed her off when i told her that.
HAHA. Did things like that the whole time there to get on her nerves because i flat out didnt like the person she was.
She takes me to the ocean friday. Surprised she even did that. That was the only thing i wanted to see in oregon anyway besides her. On the way back, from the ocean she is trying to get me to take her to a nice seafood restaurant and thinks i'm weird because i only want taco bell. Forget her, i wasnt gonna go to a stupid restaurant and sit across from her while we dont even say a word to each other and she spends more of my money.
This girl had the nerve to say that she was spending money on gas and how she couldnt spend time with her family because i was there. I'm thinking, um u spent what $25 tops on my visit compared to the high hundreds i spent to visit and pay for massages and she is complaining about gas money. Petty idiot.
Within the first 12 hours of meeting her, i wish i could have left, and 6 of those hours was sleep time.
Some tidbits. This girl is trying to tell me she dated Brian Griese (qb denver broncos) 2 years ago and how she dated some no name relief pitcher named joe nathan of sf giants 4 years ago. I just have a hard time seeing that because she might have looked good 10 years ago, but now she looked slightly above average at best if she would wear some nice clothes(which she didnt when i was there, no style whatsoever) and makeup.
The reason i post this is basically to say, HEY YO, stay away from those internet girls and if u do try them out, make sure to minimize your costs until she proves herself.
I wasted more money then i would care to say just to see if she was a match for me when i could have easily found much better girls for a lot less effort and expense in chicagoland for me.
Oh well, live and learn. Great learning experience for me. Glad i found out sooner than later about her so i wouldnt have to waste any more time, money, or effort on her. Now i can get back to the girls around here since i broke up with the one girl i was seeing and the internet girl didnt work out. SOMETIMES U JUST GOTTA LAUGH AT YOURSELF AND THE THINGS U DO.
There were plenty of details i am positive i left out, but that is because i am just putting this experience behind me and forgetting about the time i was there. The happiest time i had there was when she took me to the airport 4.5 hours early.
Just for your information, oregon is pretty boring and very rainy. It literally didnt stop raining the whole time i was there.
message has been edited by NEANDERTHAL SUPERSOLDIER (edited 12-26-2000).]