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Passing up on women's "booty calls"


Master Don Juan
Jan 25, 2021
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Question you need to ask yourself.

Are you in this to look cool or be cool. Because if your goal is to sleep with the girls you desire and continue to sleep with them as long as you want, then nothing else matters. Whether you are viewed as Alpha, beta, simp by other men, whether you are viewed as backup guy etc.

Because this mindset here is of the former
I am starting to find it kind of hilarious. Even if I did have the night free I almost wouldn't bother out of the sheer audacity and entitlement to think some backup guy will go see them in 2 hours at a moments notice, having had no communication for days or weeks prior.
Will you ever sleep with girls you desire, who hit u up at 11pm with this mindset? Never.

So now for the OP. This is not a recent "trend". This is something I've instinctively known for 6 years. I made a post discussing this phenomenon here. For an example, I posted this text exchange in this thread about this girl here. She had hit me up at 11pm on a Sunday. I'd met her the night before and wasn't able to close her because virgin. Whatever. She number closed me and did not hit me up until 11pm. At the time I was just done playing video games and was about to hit the hay for a couple hours of sleep. Now I knew she would be traveling back to where she lives, so if I'd turned down this booty call, I'd probably never see or hear from here again. What id do? Well you see the screenshot. I fvcked her well into the morning, called up my boss telling him I'd be a couple hour late for xyz reason. The very definition of being a simp. Get zero brownie points for that. To look cool/alpha whatever. I would simply lol at this girl's request for hitting me up late. And focus on my mission (get sleepover some random hoe. But that guy doesn't get laid.

Meanwhile this same girl in the screenshot is texting me for a follow-up booty call by traveling into my city just to receive my d1ck again.

An opportunity that would never arise had I not bothered to text back off the sheer audacity and entitlement.


Master Don Juan
Jan 25, 2021
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I don't have anything to discuss with you until you post your receipts


Master Don Juan
Jun 10, 2020
Reaction score
Question you need to ask yourself.

Are you in this to look cool or be cool. Because if your goal is to sleep with the girls you desire and continue to sleep with them as long as you want, then nothing else matters. Whether you are viewed as Alpha, beta, simp by other men, whether you are viewed as backup guy etc.

Because this mindset here is of the former

Will you ever sleep with girls you desire, who hit u up at 11pm with this mindset? Never.

Meanwhile this same girl in the screenshot is texting me for a follow-up booty call by traveling into my city just to receive my d1ck again.
An opportunity that would never arise had I not bothered to text back off the sheer audacity and entitlement.
I'm not talking about looking "cool or alpha". I'm talking about not enabling bad behavior. Since most guys are so thirsty, they let women get away with all kinds of ****, and it's really getting out of hand. I do believe that due to the amount of simps women deal with on a constant basis, they've become unfamiliar with how a high value man acts. As such, "rejecting" their last minute booty call may be seen as an offense to them, and nothing more.

Another thing to note, just because a women sleeps with you doesn't mean she respects you. Not saying that applies to the situation you described. Just something to bear in mind - there are times where it can be appropriate to show a women you won't tolerate a certain behavior, even if it means she won't **** you for a few days, and I'd say it's worth it. Men should leave women better off than they were before you met them - by training them to think differently.
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Master Don Juan
Jun 10, 2020
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Serious question, but is this written in a book somewhere?

I've had two different men say this to me, verbatim.
Probably heard it from Patrice O'Neal (RIP), the Godfather of the Red Pill. He was literally inventing red-pill philosophy 15-20 years ago, before it even existed.


Master Don Juan
Jun 10, 2020
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Yes. Mystery method. Book from 2007. I'm sorry you had to experience that cringe
Sounds like he stole it from Patrice O'Neal. Last I checked Mystery did not have any deep-game knowledge, certainly not red pill. Wasn't he all about weird surface-level PUA tactics relating to cold approach?


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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Yeah, one of the guys had read Mystery's method. He talked about David DeAngelo too, going way back.

Don't know about the other guy, other than he was into the PUA lifestyle once upon a time, perhaps still is!
Mystery and David DeAngelo were both big at various points in the 2000s.

I'm actually not a huge fan of marriage either
That's a less common female perspective on marriage.


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2020
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Lol, I'm actually not a huge fan of marriage either, but hey we could live together!

Cat. Officially this is the shortest relationship I've ever had. Tease;)

A memory on this subject. Many years ago I lived in an apartment. There was an older cute single lady that lived in the complex and I gave it my best shot many times but not a chance. I liked her because she seemed so unobtainable. One Sunday night late she taps on my bedroom window "standing in the ivy" I open the window and she wants me to get over to her place. It took me the longest time to get it in her head it was not going to happen.

I was way tired, a possible broken ankle, had beers, I was dirty & smelly and went to bed like that. Did she care "NO" .
She got mad and would never give me the time of day from then on. Definitely scorn. Shame on her.
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Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2015
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Advice from the old lady:

Everything comes down to self respect. Like Cat I don’t share compromising photos with anyone. Because men WILL show them off.

As to losing interest in a man because he demonstrates caring? Not at all. Not if the attraction from the jump was rooted in desire (the woman’s desire). My fiancé is a desirable man. I found him desirable from day 1 and that desire has increased with his emotional engagement, not decreased. He tells me he knows he is a lucky man. He knows he is. He saw another man make a pass at me yesterday while we were at an event. I declined politely the attention as I always do. We are each desirable, each have value, and we choose each other. He also leads the relationship which I require, desire & like. So yes you can have it all from a man if you understand who you are and what you are seeking.

As to booty calls from women? No truly self respecting woman will make a booty call. I don’t. Nor do I accept them from men. Never have. I don’t answer them (and before text Id pick up the phone to see if it was an emergency…and hang up if it wasn’t.


Master Don Juan
Jan 25, 2021
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My booty calls are usually whenever the girl is up for me. If I have the time, I oblige. Other times, I turn it down. I sometimes make calls of my own if I want a girl to head out with me. It's a pull and push. I dont think too hard about it.


Don Juan
Dec 10, 2010
Reaction score
I've noticed a trend:

Women will suddenly, out of nowhere, on a late evening night (often Saturday) ask to hang out. Sometimes they may even be desperate or pushy. If you turn them down? Forget about it. In almost all cases, they will never make themselves available again or make any attempt to work with you for a raincheck. The same could be said for women who flake on you, but I already knew that was the case (for me, flaking = next).

Doesn't matter why you can't see them; they expect you to drop whatever you're doing and make them your priority. In their mind, if you say no it's a rejection, and they get so offended you have killed your chance of seeing them another time.

Anyone else notice this? I am starting to find it kind of hilarious. Even if I did have the night free I almost wouldn't bother out of the sheer audacity and entitlement to think some backup guy will go see them in 2 hours at a moments notice, having had no communication for days or weeks prior.

Women make me sick sometimes.
I've had this happen a few times, I'll give you two real life scenarios.

Once I was talking to this girl from an online dating site for a few weeks, she was the type to flirt but I could never pin her down to meet. There was always some excuse or reason to flake. One morning I checked my phone and there was a swarm of messages asking me to come over, she sent it the night before. When I responded she apologised and said she was drunk last night and I missed the opportunity.

I used to have a FWB, it didn't last long but she was really chilled. One time she invited me around for hot passionate sex via text, but when I saw her message a few hours later she was less enthusiastic. Unfortunately, I was busy doing something which had to be finished that night so I offered to come later but the moment was gone.
