The number one rule is to be a good host. But before I get to that, I'll tell you something general (just in case you aren't quite aware of this... and notice that this is how most parties are done in Finland, I don't know about the place where you live):
Originally posted by Jango_Xavier
should I tell my friends about it then get their friends to come
That's usually how I do it. Just remember to reserve enough (read: a LOT) of alcohol in your house. You can tell people to bring their own liquors but there are always gonna be some people who "forget" this and nobody's gonna have any fun if some people have to be dry-mouthed. Also, control this alcohol, i.e. don't let people just take it, hold it safe and if someone really is dry-mouthed, you offer a drink to them.
Also you need some good music. You should make a diverse selection to play, i.e. not ONLY hiphop or rock or pop, you gotta mix them together. Something for everybody. But don't play it too loud (or reserve some "talk-only" rooms). At least I personally hate it when people can't talk to each other with the music too loud.
Then, at some point, before people get too drunk (and believe me you don't want people who are too drunk to walk or talk to be in your house) it is time to go to bars/clubs. The reason why you should start at your house is because often there are people who don't want to go clubbing/baring for whatever reasons (usually monetary problems, I quess). Remember to send those people home before you go clubbing. You don't want drunken people alone in your house, I can promise you that.
And now, the thing to remember, the number one rule: The host is the one who ensures that people are having fun. You don't have to go around asking "are you having fun?" from people, actually that is very dumb, people will just lie and think that you're pathetic. Instead, you are simply observing the situation and if you see people sitting lonely, you go talk to them. Tell a few jokes, be interrested about them, offer them alcohol if they don't have it in their hands, make them feel that they aren't bored. It doesn't matter what you talk about, but YOU are the one who ensures that people like your parties. Beer games are not a necesity in a party, but if it seems like a boring party then you might wanna have one of those. Once again you need to take the initiative so people will like it in your party; if you see lonely people who aren't joining, go ask them if they wanna join. However, if they
really don't wanna join, then don't pressure them.
Yah, and remember to have a place where to smoke and an ashtray there. There is nothing worse than going to a party where you can't smoke.
Also, remember that accidents happen. If someone throws up on the floor, you won't start yelling at him. It's only puke, you can propably clean it up.
Well, that's all I can think of for now, good luck with throwing those parties!