Parties aren't working so well...


New Member
Aug 11, 2013
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So yeah!
I've been going to these parties "single's social events" and it hasn't been going well for the following reasons...

1. Music is WAY too f!?king loud! How can I communicate?

2. Once some dude picks his target he's with her the WHOLE night down to the last minute like stink on ****!

3. Need to break the ice somehow!!

(At these parties they actually played a game where you would recieve a piece of paper with "icebreaker" questions mmk...Now all the members had one. I won both times in NO time at all against everyone else. Basically what I'm saying is that the game was giving me the perfect excuse to aproach women without a shred of fear...But without it I have no Icebreakers of my own.) :confused:

Greasy Pig

Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2009
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I've been to two of these events and ended up banging the hostess of each one. :cheer:
Maybe try to run game on the female staff to help loosen your approach anxiety.


Apr 3, 2013
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SnackPapa said:
So yeah!
I've been going to these parties "single's social events" and it hasn't been going well for the following reasons...

1. Music is WAY too f!?king loud! How can I communicate?

2. Once some dude picks his target he's with her the WHOLE night down to the last minute like stink on ****!

3. Need to break the ice somehow!!

(At these parties they actually played a game where you would recieve a piece of paper with "icebreaker" questions mmk...Now all the members had one. I won both times in NO time at all against everyone else. Basically what I'm saying is that the game was giving me the perfect excuse to aproach women without a shred of fear...But without it I have no Icebreakers of my own.) :confused:
actually you don't need to talk too much, be short and effective, girls on parties don't like 'philosophers'


New Member
Aug 11, 2013
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Nahh i tried to whole mystery not so talkative thing....I don't seem to work for me.

Infact the SPLIT-SECOND I run outta something to say the only thing I can do is be like..."K thanks for your time ladies" them that's it. I can't KEEP then interested...


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
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Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
DonGorgon said:
those parties are designed for women to meet and fvck attractive males so thats the most important thing.. all that matters ji that they think you are cute and you are in..
^This. I went to one of these a few weeks ago. A female coworker (woman A) brought her gf (woman B). Woman B was clearly on the prowl. About ten minutes into the party, Woman B spoted her target and whispered to Woman A, "He's cute."

Suddenly, all of the other guys at the party were invisible. Woman A (my friend/coworker) tried to introduce me to Woman B, but she didn't acknowledge my existence. Woman B zeroed in on one guy. Last I heard from Woman A, Woman B was making out hardcore with her target at the bar during the "after party."

I ended up chatting with some lady who was originally from NY and moved to CT. NY chicks are great for quiet guys like me because they don't shut up. They LOVE to talk and can easily talk for two people lol.

Stagger Lee

Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
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Mike32ct said:
^This. I went to one of these a few weeks ago. A female coworker (woman A) brought her gf (woman B). Woman B was clearly on the prowl. About ten minutes into the party, Woman B spoted her target and whispered to Woman A, "He's cute."

Suddenly, all of the other guys at the party were invisible. Woman A (my friend/coworker) tried to introduce me to Woman B, but she didn't acknowledge my existence. Woman B zeroed in on one guy. Last I heard from Woman A, Woman B was making out hardcore with her target at the bar during the "after party."

I ended up chatting with some NY chick. NY chicks are great for quiet guys like me because they don't shut up. They LOVE to talk and can easily talk for two people lol.
I believe this is very common. Women pick out their guy out of a group based on appearance often before they even spoke to the guy. She then usually places herself in proximity to him and maybe even open him. All he really has to do is acknowledge her and as long as he doesn't say anything really bad, she'll make it easy and do a lot of the talking.

I've been out with good looking, out going guys and women just come out of the freaking woodwork.


Don Juan
Jun 24, 2013
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I know this is an approach that some guys will turn away from, but personally I go to a party with one thing in mind - to have a good time and meet new people. If you go with expectations of meeting or getting with women, you will look desperate, or at the very least you will look a little lost.

Talk to all the guys. Talk to the girls. Talk to their friends. Make drinks. Be interested and interesting, and then as a natural result of doing this over time, women will respond. Next time you go to a party with a similar group, you walk in, people recognize you, next minute you're being introduced to some girl who may or may not think you're cute - but at the very least, if you are displaying high social value (ie the other people at the party gravitate toward you on entry to the party) then you will be raised even further.

This is my approach and it has worked wonders for me. I no longer go to parties thinking about meeting girls. But it happens naturally as a result of my eagerness to expand my social circle. Just something to think about...

By the way there is absolutely truth to what has been said about girls who will pick out a guy they find cute straight away and persue him over the night if they have the guts. Being a generally social interesting person just helps make those encounters more likely. It also helps generate just that little extra bit of interest to help swing them one way or another.

"K thanks for your time ladies" no no no. Are you a salesman? Are you a Jehovas witness? Why are you thanking people for their time? Women at parties? Are they thanking you for your time? No. So why in the hell would you say this?

Look, the problem so much of the time with guys who can't meet women at parties provided they have sussed their dress, look, hair, etc etc is just down to the fact that there is much work to be done on their personalities. You can't fake being interesting. You work at it. You learn, read, watch, pay attention to everything around you and you meet more people, you chip away at yourself like a craft, and you can get there. But if you're running out of 'things to say' you're doing it all wrong. There are no 'things to say'. There is just being somebody who's interesting. If you can't captivate a group or a person in a non threatning, non cheesy, non 'pickup' way, then you have work to do, like all of us. Keep working. Just don't look for the immediate fix - look for the root of the problem.

The mysterious cool guy look? Sure it works if you're really attractive or if you're totally her type. But if you're just a DUDE, just a guy at the party with nothing on the surface that screams "OMG TAKE ME NOW", then you have to be more engaging, period. My success from parties is due to the fact that I walk in, say hi to the host, be friendly, be funny (but not silly), be entertaining - I challenge the girls, I don't suck up to them - the last girl was having a chat to her friend about some guy, so I just jumped in casually and before you know it I was reading her texts, making them laugh as I pointed out how badly she was being gamed by some poor sucker, watched as another guy tried to circle around her, just basically being somebody who is fun and doesn't have any immediate aims to bang her. Meanwhile I'm still meeting new people around her and talking to my own friends, so it's not like she has my 100% attention. She's just a girl at a party, and I'm meeting lots of people. And this is why women warm up to you - because you're NOT that guy who's circling, you're not that guy who seems like he's playing a game, you're not the guy who comes in and says stupid **** and calls them 'ladies'. Now - on the surface this looks like my big 'game'. And there was a time when I'd read stuff like this and be like "Wow, I gotta try that". But you know what, if you're 'trying it', if you're faking it, if you're doing it as a big move, you're probably going to fail, hence why most wannabe PUA's look like out of water fish when they try and pickup girls. This is the result of me spending several years chipping away at every aspect of myself and finally coming to terms with who I am and letting myself relax, losing my false expectations and getting all the silly PUA stuff out of my system.

Obviously this approach is not for everybody, you have to find your angle and run with it. I'm just saying you need to rethink the whole concept....stop thinking about 'approaching'. Don't think about trying to think of things to say. That's just putting a plaster on a deep scar. You need to get deeper, think more long term. This is not an easy fix, but it's something you have complete control over - you have time to think it through.

Finally I'd suggest getting out of any stupid 'singles' parties. Go to regular parties. All the stuff with icebreakers etc etc as you describe just puts pressure on you to find something that may not be who you are. You need to find your element, your place of peace. You can pickup women with your friends around if that's what it takes to keep you in the vibe where you are the one in control.


Don Juan
Jun 24, 2013
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Okay so now we see the real issue - you have some self esteem issues, and confidence issues, and probably a lot of other issues. And this is why you are failing.

Look most people are only average at best in terms of appearance. The ones that stick out are either the few genetically blessed, or the ones that work at it. Step 1 is getting your look right, and that takes a lot of time. You can work at everything - dress, grooming, hair, overall style, you go to the gym and you completely change your physique - after a while you can be a totally different person. But that's only one small step.

For me it took a long time. For years I thought I was ugly, I had no success with women. Seriously - I was in a BAD state. Then I started learning, reading, meeting people, going to the gym seriously which completely changed my life physically and mentally, and now I am not even CLOSE to the person I was before I started my transformation.

Think of it as a long term goal to becoming the person you know you can be. This aint easy, but if you're in that mindset you'll never succeed.

You have a lot of work ahead of you but please don't look for short term 'fixes'. This is not a 'game' issue here, you need to go way, way back to the beginning and really work through this.