paralysis by analysis


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
ebracer05 made what i think was a very good post earlier today and his post was so good i did not want to take over his thread with my thoughts on what he expanded because they go down a different path.

You know what, i'm going to say something that is true. you know it's true. I know it's true. Everyone knows it's true but everyone continues with the bull**** to make themselves feel better.

All this bull****.. all of it... the breaking down of different classifications of women's fvcked up behavior, the degrading of women all it is is a slightly more intelligent form of buffering. that's all this bull **** is. Now that you are older, you have a good job, you've read a few books, learned a few new words, and more importantly, you've been rejected a few times, you have had some fvcked up experiences, you have now learned how to coat your bull**** excuses for not playing the game with a new coat of wax.

When you were 18 years old she just doesn't like guys like me i'm not a football / basketball player. en you are 28 it just isn't the right time, still not over her ex of 3 years blahy blah blah or i don't have a good enough job. when you are 38 it's because she's an obviously cluster B who craves attention.

but you can wax the bull**** all day long, it's still bull****. it's intelligent bull****, but nevertheless it's still bull****.

You may not agree with everything I post, i may be a bit too arrogant for some, I may act like I know it all but everyone here has to give me one thing... when i put my mind on something, rather it's start a business, or get in shape, or beat a drug addiction, or learn how to talk to women, i fvcking do it.

I'm not saying I was an instant success at all of it. my business took 3 years before i was able to even buy myself decent clothes again let alone make money lol. i pledged to quit drugs somewhere between 20 and 40 times beofire i finally got it. i can't tell you how many times i've been rejected by women, some more outlandish than others.

but the difference between me and most guys here is i stuck with it until i got it. and i got it. i did not make excuses. sure i got fvcked over. i had a right to be mad at women, i had a girl i worshiped use me for years, mentally, emotionally and financially. i was thinking about even marrying a girl who cheated on me with some random dude at the club, and all i ddi was let her live iwth me rent and obligation free, didn't even have to work, just wanted her to be her, and she coudln't even do that. i've been accused even questioned for a sexual assault i did not commit whatsoever over a girl pissy beucase i rejected her.

but you know what, all that's just fvcking life. you take it how it comes and you deal with it. life either makes you or it breaks you. if you are sitting here debating on if a girl is a cluster B or just bi polar instead of going out and actually talking to women, you got broke.

in the thread about squrills some dude asks me why don't i just send warrior some money to get out of his legal problems. that's the problem with most men.. you don't get it. you want the result without the journey, you want to play in the NBA without waking up 5am every morning and shooting free throws in the gy m until midnight. you want to be a virtuoso pianist without spending your life practicing. and in the case for most men on this forum you want all this success with women, without allt he pain that women can and eventually will cause. that's just not how the world fvcking works.

My fav jazz pianist is oscar peterson... Art Tatum was more brilliant, but most times his brilliance did not translate to beautiful music, most of his songs are just a showcase of **** he can do, which is ungodly lol, that man could do **** in his sleep on the piano.. whil ebeiung blind that most men could not even think of doing.. anyway my point is, everyone listens to oscar Peterson and the man is gifted, and he plays so effortlessly.. there is a youtube video of him freestyling and everyone in the crowd is just like WTF this is unreal and he's not even trying.. people assume that **** came naturally. oscar peterson said in an interview that from the time he was i think 9 u tnil today he wakes up and practices the piano 6 hours a day. 6 fvcking hours a day, and the man is what, 75 80 years old. wakes up, 6 hours on the piano. go to sleep, wake up 6 hours on the piano. Thbe first time he heard Art Tatum,. he could not be convinced that it was just one person playing the piano and not 2. Art is that damn good. when he was finally convinced it was 1 person he was so stunned he stopped playing the piano for 3 weeks, convinced he would never be that good. but his father talked him out of it and he got back to playing and while he was never as technically gifted as Art, he didn't do half fvcking bad himself considering he's probably the best jazz pianist to play a piano int he last 50 years.

my point to all that is, when is the last time you actually took action? you don't win on the freaking sidelines. you don't win by coming up with excuses. you don't' win by damning women.

you are on one side of the cliff. the man you want to be with women is on the other side. you have to get across that bridge. there is no way to get to the other side without crossing that bridge. And it's in crossing the bridge, not being on the other side, that makes you a man, that makes you the guy that women want to be with and men want to be like, that makes you h ave no fear approaching women. lol by the time i met my now wife i had about negative 80% fear of being rejected. and it wasn't because i had convinced myself that i was so great or i had finally rationalized this perfect mindset it's because i had been rejected so many times, that i was not afraid of it anymore lol. there is nothing to fear anymore. i did it. alot. i got better at it but i still got rejected and i was cool with it. but to get there, i had to get rejected, a LOT.

lol to get ****y and have an aura of self esteem about yourself, you actually have to do something to have some self esteem lol. that's something a lot of men don't seem to grasp. why should a woman want you to lead her when to be frank.. you can't even fvcking lead yourself? you see women you want to fvck all day long and you don't talk to them yet women are supposed to throw their panties at you when you walk by lol? you want these skinny petite leggy women that wear size 2 dresses yet have C cups when you spend all fvcking day posting in threads about how looks really don't matter in game instead of actually taking your ass in the gym and putting some dedication into getting your diet right? and when the woman isn't interested in you, it's her fault for being shallow. You want a non skank bar slut educated woman but you wouldn't know who Dimitri Karamazov or John the Salvage or Guy Montag are if I gave you que cards. You want to have these romantic elligevent evenings with these dimes over a candle light dinner yet you have nothing to bring to the table to talk about but hot you think she is or how much you will be faithful to her if she gave you a chance. you don't do ****, you aren't aqbout **** and beucase of that you don't get ****.

I mean, there are some guys here that have been around a while and i know we don't see each other but i can really say I really do care about a lot of the guys here. I mean that. seriously. I want to see everyone here be successful and happy. But at the same time, just because we are older, doesn't mean the game hasn't changed. you still got to put on a helmet and pick up a bat and take some swings buddy. you got to get out there and play the game. you are single and you aren't making any appoches anymore.. why? you have talked yourself into believing that women aren't worth your time yet you still post here lol?

all i am saying is while this forum is very very valuable.. it is not a substitute for action. your game should be more action oriented not theory oriented. if you want dates, dare i even say plates, the only way you can get plates is to actually go FIND plates and talk to them this isn't a video game where every extra theory you unclock plates just magically appear lol.

for all this **** on this forum.. you talk to 10 women. 3 will say okay. 1 or 2 will flake out of those 3. you put enough 1 and 2's together and you might find a few girls that actually like you and want to see you. you gain some confidence and the plates get better as well as the precentages. but the only way any of that works is by getting out there and talking to women something i dont' think a lot of people do anymore.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 27, 2012
Reaction score
The dance floor
An interesting and reasonably concise rant as always Backbreaker.

Guys need to become better at screening women and judging their character before becoming emotionally entangled, and not be afraid to end it when the red flags start to pile up. Forget what anyone else thinks, earn your own self-respect by having standards and principles and sticking to them.


Master Don Juan
Apr 19, 2002
Reaction score
Manhattan, NY
that's the problem with most men.. you don't get it. you want the result without the journey,
That's my main issue with a lot of threads here. Some of these guys don't realize that this site isn't about 100% success in every relationship. It's about becoming mentally and emotionally tougher so that you can handle the ups and downs of dating, and everything else.

All the anger. All the "Some girl dumped me, therefor ALL women are entitled, heartless, s1utty skanks." comes from the fact that some guys just don't understand that bad things are SUPPOSED to happen to you. You're supposed to fail. Girls are supposed to dump you. This isn't an affront to mankind.....It's not a sign of the apocalypse. Not everything in life is supposed to work to your favor.

There are peaks and there are valleys, and that's just how the world is. You can't approach women as happy, carefree, charismatic men if you're letting a few dumps and few flakes turn you into bitter freaks. Basically, you can't get women if you hate women. And the path to getting women isn't a never-ending upward climb. There will be rises and falls. Everyone has them.

You see the success of Zuckerburg and Steve Jobs and Bill Gates and whoever else...and you think "Damn. They really had it figured out." No. They had failures like anyone else....they just had the toughness and determination to overcome them.

So like backbreaker said, success comes from the journey. For 95% of successful people you see, there was a journey behind the success that you're NOT seeing.


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
Reaction score
Your right. I'm getting tired of giving people advice for them just to read it and apply it. That's why I decided to make a journal. To show people what it is like to actually go out in the field and to actually do something.

People on this site are lazy as hell and I've been a victim of that too. You want stuff accomplished but you just want it handed out to you. Fk that! It ain't happening that easy. You got to work for it!! This can be applied to anything in life. If you want something bad enough your going to bust your a$s and your going to get it.

Don't come on this site saying you want to fk *****es bad and when someone give you advice you just look at it and don't apply it. You don't want it bad enough then. Read, apply, and practice.

Great post as usual Backbreaker. Always been one of my favorite posters.


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2006
Reaction score
I'd say most any guy can get laid 100x more than the average male by simply going out and approaching women day after day. No tricks, no gimmicks, no great looks, no nothing. Like the point of this thread says, you don't need to analyze a damn thing. Run through all the rejection and simply by the fact that you are a male, she is a female and the law of large numbers, you'll succeed. But, lets face it mofos are afraid of rejection.

But BB is right, if you want a fulfiling, quality life, just do something, anything. Fail, fail and fail again until you get it right.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 9, 2012
Reaction score
This gas just turned into the best post i've ever read on So suave, and perhaps the beginning of something new for....actually I just realised i said perhaps...It IS a new start..... Blimey, we only get ONE life...and I'm more guilty than most when it comes to sitting back, and fear of failure....but whenever i've set my mind to something, i've always won!?!?!?! Think that we all seem to get hit hard by some of these women and as the title state, we kinda have that "i'm a bad kid, mummy told me off" type of psychology.

Well me for one, i'm fed up of letting life pass me by......thanks for the great tonic.....ALL OF YA! X


Senior Don Juan
Dec 22, 2010
Reaction score
I like the term analysis paralysis. My Al-Anon sponsor also taught me the term "stinkin' thinkin'." We can get deep inside our heads too much to the point that we're not really living. Fact is, we put walls up, don't engage with the world, we'll get nothing but misery and loneliness for our troubles. If we go out in the world and choose to engage with other people, be it friendships, professional relationships, romantic engagements, sometimes we'll get burned. We'll get a mixture of joy and pain. So what choice do I have? What should I choose?

Sometimes I get irritated with some of the stuff I read in the manosphere that seems to put forth the idea that Game will solve every problem, or that any problems you have are the result of your Game not being tight enough, i.e. if the girl dumped you, then you weren't Alpha enough and your game wasn't tight enough and if it had been you'd still have her. I see Game more as developing yourself to the point that you are drawn to and draw in return happy, healthy positive people. If you keep getting involved with low-quality women with emotional issues, then it means that there is something in you that is not healthy and needs fixing.

You will be happy when you work on your insecurities on your own independent of your love life. And when you do, you will see your ex or whoever that girl that hurt you differently, with less longing and pain. It seems so odd to so many to be told this - work on "self", and it will all work out - because it isn't even related to what a lot of people think is the source of the problem, their relationships and their fears and worries about them. But it is the truth. Confidence causes us to tolerate less, accept less dysfunction, and choose better as a consequence, and it acts unconsciously.