Parallels between PU "community" and Organized Religion


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
Beyond your peripheral vision
Lord Shinra said:
I don't see it at all paralleling organized.
While organized religion is a bunch of "Don'ts" the community is a bunch of "Do's"...
1. Don't take advice from women EVER
2. Don't listen to women, they Don't know what they think or want
3. Don't tell her you love her first
4. Don't call too soon
5. well you get the point.


If you can't learn to think for yourself, this site and any religion or cult will gladly take over your soul for you.

Everything you are taught should be taken with a grain of salt, because everyone and every experience is different. Once a person learns what works in what situation, they will be more successful.

Once you start worshipping false idols, you are in for a hard road.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 11, 2007
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I am a natural observer, I can say that you are absolutely correct. I am horrible at explaining though, so you're stuck with me only agreeing with you.

You as a person are taken into a "religion" on your own terms. You give your time to learn, to be aware, and to pass on any positive messages. WHen you see positive messages you pass them on in a non invasive way at first, and you progressively become more and more forceful with the way you deliver yourself.

As a mass religion, christianity has too much weight behind it, and modern methods of indocrination do not apply. You cannot compare Now with then, without assuming now is only now and not now and the future or now and the past, but only now. Scientology on the other hand is now, nobody knows what it was or will be, same as with pick up you can only assume, so some religions are VERY much like being in the pick up community. When you begin to put yourself in a place where you see yourself as superior to your peers around you, and you succeed in most parts you aren't sucked in to the madness, you actually succeed... e.g. tomkat.

P.S. The entire scientology religion started with hubbard, and dianetics. They use the BCE and AD to correlate to OUR 1950 AD so 1963, is actually 13 AD, kind of convenient to disengaging people from society. Dianetics was seen as mind manipulation back then, and scientology is actually recruiting, and "testing" a more mainstreamed method of gaining new members. They have series of tests for each level that you achieve, you pay to join the new level after you have been accepted, but you can't join if you pass the test. Its not as whackjobish as some people believe in the religion being entirely to sucker people in, its more complex... seduction communitys on the other hand do not go that deep.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
comic_relief said:

Personally, I liked Nietzsche's work because he hated organized religion (not religion, but organized religion and what it would became). I seem to becoming a positive Nietzsche.

You're absolutely right. It's the organized part which is the conduit for corruption into religion. Some religions are able to give guidance in a "WWJD" type of way where the individual is able to come to a decision on their own and then there are others with doctrines which much be adhered to in order to avoid the retribution of damnation.