I posted this in another thread over the general section, though I thought a lot of bros and aspiring quixote's can use this in their game... so here it is.
Entertaining chicks in a group.. a powerful technique is palm reading. I have'nt the slightest clue about it... I think its fvcking fake anyway, but I know the basics like which line is what etc.. So my approach is really cold and I say which a) I might think is true about the chick b) Is generally true for all chicks. Take a look at some of the free palmistry websites to get a look...
The advantage of this technique is obviusly comfort and rapport with an unkown chick(s) and more importantly KINO!
In a group, you have to modify this technique to isolate the chkas you're interested in. Read everybody's palm and then when you come to your special madam, be mysterious. "Wow... this is really interesting....I'll get to this later!!" and carry on to the next....
How to initiate..
Well obviously you CANNOT just grab her hand and start off, that would be lame. Have say something about herself and then call BS on that e.g.
"So are you always flirty?" She'll probably go "yes / no" (not much choice there, eh?) and then you go "I dont believe that, show me your hand..."
"How many b/fs have you had", she tells you, you go "Thats bull****, I cant believe that.. show me your hand.. "
Stuff to say....
Say a lot of general stuff that you might know about normal girls (say you're close to your family, you value your friends a LOT, you're ambitious, you're passionate about your work, you work really hard at stuff you're passionate about.. etc etc. to the shy or NORMAL types and you can go 'You always need attention' to the HB8+ or the model types..
Once you get comfortable, turn on the inuendo's and C+F...
"I see you're an incredibly a sexual person.... but you just said you havent a B/f!!?? Do you spend a lot of time with yourself??"
This one got her to spill her drink.
Entertaining chicks in a group.. a powerful technique is palm reading. I have'nt the slightest clue about it... I think its fvcking fake anyway, but I know the basics like which line is what etc.. So my approach is really cold and I say which a) I might think is true about the chick b) Is generally true for all chicks. Take a look at some of the free palmistry websites to get a look...
The advantage of this technique is obviusly comfort and rapport with an unkown chick(s) and more importantly KINO!
In a group, you have to modify this technique to isolate the chkas you're interested in. Read everybody's palm and then when you come to your special madam, be mysterious. "Wow... this is really interesting....I'll get to this later!!" and carry on to the next....
How to initiate..
Well obviously you CANNOT just grab her hand and start off, that would be lame. Have say something about herself and then call BS on that e.g.
"So are you always flirty?" She'll probably go "yes / no" (not much choice there, eh?) and then you go "I dont believe that, show me your hand..."
"How many b/fs have you had", she tells you, you go "Thats bull****, I cant believe that.. show me your hand.. "
Stuff to say....
Say a lot of general stuff that you might know about normal girls (say you're close to your family, you value your friends a LOT, you're ambitious, you're passionate about your work, you work really hard at stuff you're passionate about.. etc etc. to the shy or NORMAL types and you can go 'You always need attention' to the HB8+ or the model types..
Once you get comfortable, turn on the inuendo's and C+F...
"I see you're an incredibly a sexual person.... but you just said you havent a B/f!!?? Do you spend a lot of time with yourself??"
This one got her to spill her drink.