I started an account on OKCupid less than 2 weeks ago. I ripped off my profile from various things I read here. Then I sent a generic cut and paste message out to a bunch of different girls with a few things edited for each one. Only a few (maybe 25%) replied. Of those, I got dates out of 3.
All 3 were decently attractive, but I realized one of them was not my type after meeting her. I had coffee dates with 2 of them last weekend and I'm going to have second dates with both of them this week....I'm taking one bowling and the other ice skating.
Here are the tips that I've found useful:
1) Use a funny subject line. Mock her about something she said in her profile. This is what you need to hook her attention. Any half decent chick gets bombarded with a ton of messages everyday so she needs a reason to open yours.
2) Play the numbers game hardcore. Like I said earlier, every half decent chick gets flooded with messages. Unless you're really good looking, your chances aren't great with each individual girl. But if you use a generic message, you can contact many women in a very short period of time.
3) Be very concise and mysterious with your answers When she asks a question, respond in such a way that it raises more questions. You want her to be intrigued by you. Never show her all your cards. In order to setup a date, I usually respond to one of her questions with "I'll tell ya what, why don't I tell you over a cup of coffee?"
Using the above formula I've already met 3 girls and I'm working on a few more girls at the moment. The way I see it, online dating is basically something to supplement your "real world" game.
If you want to truly cultivate an abundance mentality, then you should always be working on multiple women simultaneously. Use every avenue open to you. One of those avenues is online dating, but it should never be your only avenue.