C-quenced said:
I regret reading a lot of this material, but as that old saying goes... "curiosity killed the cat". It firmly applies here.
Some of you have this odd obsession with white women and behave as if they're the epitome of indisputable womanhood, crafted by the gods themselves to utter perfection before descending from the heavens
Can someone explain to me what this is all about? I mean they're good but they're not THAT good.
It's gotten so bad that some of you feel the need to dictate what a certain demographic group of broads like or don't like. What importance does their personal preferences hold in your lives and who the **** cares?
while I don't believe the OP has a very clear idea of what his problem is, I ont' believe your post is it either. I don't believe he has white girl fever or antyhing.
You have to understand from a 100% rational standpoint the world we live in today. This is really the first tiime, hell, really in the history of the human race, the last... 40 ish years, that a counry has been full of so many different ethnicities, and that poeple, ahve even, remotly begin to catogorize themselves as anything other than "this tribe" or "this race" or from "this class" or "that country"
Now people are "punk rockers" or "techies" or "gym rats" or "jazz heads"
First, because we just as a society, or even as race, never had the time to really have this much free time to really expand to really develop and persue these interest. Also it's the first time that every one has been afforded the right to develop the same interest. I don't mean to get on a civil rights kick but that's just the truth and not just in this country.
So for the first itme, you have a world, that is not restricted by race or even class, and everyone is free to do whatever they want, to become interested in whatever they want, to work wherever they want to work, live wherever they want to live, do whatever they want to do, it's only logical to think that they are going to be attracted to people that they have never been attracted to.
America is 74% white. Only 12% percent of americans are of african american decent. The odds are that 3 out of 4 women you run into on a daily basis, are going to be white women. My dad grew up in little rock, and there were these train tracks in east little rock. it was just kinda... if you were black, I mean, you wouldn't get jumped or anything, but you just didn't' cross those train tracks, unless you had a damn good reason. not because of any racist things,. there just wasn't anything for black people on those side of the tracks. school, grocery stores, movies, roller skating ring, everything you needed was on the black side of the track and the white people had their side of the track. on my side of the track, everyone i see, is my skin color.
30 years later, I grew up in a block, where were were one of 2 families, out of about 100, that were black. everyone around me was white. I was one of only 4 black people in my graduating class. 4. lol. that's almost comical. When I got my job as a tech, I was one of only 2 black techs there. black women rotfl. I love horse racing, it's how I make a living. oN an avg day at hollywood park on a Thursday there might be 15 black people out of 3000-4000 people there. might. all men.
what I am getting at is, this is a part of integration. when you integrate, you live lives that you would not live back in the day which puts you around a different group of people that you otherwise owuld not be around it, it makes your social circles different and the people you have access to different.
So, an educated black male, it's either venture outside your race, date very very down to what you could get otherwise, or jack off.
I very much like black women. While I might dress up and work around black people and hell married a white woman I'm no one's uncle tom. I am very proud of who I am. But hell.. I spun black plates as recently as months before I met my wife. There just aren't that many out there and the ones that are, aren't in my normal vicinity. has nothing od with white girl worship. IF I were single I would bend women like Amy Holmes over a table no lube.
that is something that is like an 800 pound gorilla in the room that has to be addressed. the man, just wants to know how to venture into these women who probably he has never dated before. growing up in HS, I had access to black women and for the most part that's what I dated. And hell the only reason i was able to do that was becuase I played basketball and was somewhat popular and could go to other schools and pull black women. But that's not an option. If I go to a sports bar to watch my team play and there are 3 cute white women there and i'm jacking off.. dammit i'm going to talk to the white women.
There are just more of them. they are everywhere like fvcking gremlins lol. lol Why the Fvck would I knot want to know how to date 75% of the poplulatoin if I never had access to that growing up? why restrict yourself like that? makes no sense. IMHO sexy Latin Americans are the hottest thing on earth, it's not so much about one race being better than the other it's what you can get your **** into the most efficiently. if every man on earth drew out his perfect woman i doubt the vast majority of them would be white.