Since some are posting chicks who are under-rated...I'll post a few I'm strangely attracted to. I say strangely, because, some aren't all that hot...but there's just something about them that I'm attracted too. Some might be a little esoteric.
- Samantha Brown.
She's the host on a few shows on the Travel Channel. I just find her really cute, and perky. But not too perky to where she's annoying.
- Jodi Applegate. applegate&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wi
She's a news correspondent.
- Teri Oullette
She's this annoyingly perky older MILF with short blonde hair that does little arts and crafts segments for the local news. She's also in some vacuum infomercial that's shown nationally (I think it's Orec vacuums).
- The annoying, talkative cheerleader in that T-mobile commercial.
I almost feel bad about admitting this...but I think she is so hot. And, I looked it up, she's definitely not as young as she it's not so creepy for me to list her