Over 50% of single guys won't interact with women for fear of being labeled creepy


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score

Very good video, likely from a MGTOW-blackpill angle. This shows that 53% of single guys refuse to interact with women because they could get into trouble if they find them creepy.

This is just any intearction like saying hello, opening the door, saying "you look good" or any complement or casual interaction, or even, as in the case of Australia, even steering.

Are there really that many sub-5s around?


Sep 1, 2022
Reaction score

Very good video, likely from a MGTOW-blackpill angle. This shows that 53% of single guys refuse to interact with women because they could get into trouble if they find them creepy.

This is just any interaction like saying hello, opening the door, saying "you look good" or any complement or casual interaction, or even, as in the case of Australia, even steering.

Are there really that many sub-5s around?
If it's at the workplace I can see it due to Metoo. Otherwise no, I disagree with this. The only time I see stuff like "you look good" to strangers it's usually some old guy trying it on younger women. You know like an elderly guy doing it to a 25 yr old even though they have no shot.

For example where I work part time at night we have a lot of good looking 16 to 23 year olds. Being I'm an older adult (30s) I'm not going to go up to them and tell them you look good today. That's pervy and they'd consider that sexual harassment. Of course I interact and friendly with them but I'm not interested in being friends with a 18 year old who has totally different priorities in life and nothing in common.

A few years back with one of the cashiers who at the time was like barely 18 I remember being friends with her on facebook, friendly terms and made a comment about her pic and nice smile. She liked the comment but her dad saw it and complained to the managers and told her he didnt want older men hitting on her at work. Now that she's over 21 she's much more talkative towards me.

I don't buy this at all. Holding the door, regardless if man, woman, or 200lb woman I'm not going to be rude and slam the door in their faces. All because a woman is old, or she's obese I'm not going to be anti social and treat them like an arsehole.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
If it's at the workplace I can see it due to Metoo. Otherwise no, I disagree with this. The only time I see stuff like "you look good" to strangers it's usually some old guy trying it on younger women. You know like an elderly guy doing it to a 25 yr old even though they have no shot.

For example where I work part time at night we have a lot of good looking 16 to 23 year olds. Being I'm an older adult (30s) I'm not going to go up to them and tell them you look good today. That's pervy and they'd consider that sexual harassment. Of course I interact and friendly with them but I'm not interested in being friends with a 18 year old who has totally different priorities in life and nothing in common.

A few years back with one of the cashiers who at the time was like barely 18 I remember being friends with her on facebook, friendly terms and made a comment about her pic and nice smile. She liked the comment but her dad saw it and complained to the managers and told her he didnt want older men hitting on her at work. Now that she's over 21 she's much more talkative towards me.

I don't buy this at all. Holding the door, regardless if man, woman, or 200lb woman I'm not going to be rude and slam the door in their faces. All because a woman is old, or she's obese I'm not going to be anti social and treat them like an arsehole.
The workplace is where many people meet their SO.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2005
Reaction score
Miami, FL
It's not that high, but there is truth to figure. A sizable number of men have taken themselves out of the running. A lot of men I have interacted with have not been good with women/are afraid of them/were indoctrinated by Disney. They have a perception of women that is out of touch with reality. In a lot of cases they put them on a pedestal which is stupidity. So yes, going on they are beaten before even starting and it is a shame.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
It's not that high, but there is truth to figure.
They have empiracle data to have arrived at that number. If you dispute their findings, I would hope for a more intelligent analysis as to why you think that number is wrong or over-estimated.

IKO69 said:
A sizable number of men have taken themselves out of the running. A lot of men I have interacted with have not been good with women/are afraid of them/were indoctrinated by Disney. They have a perception of women that is out of touch with reality. In a lot of cases they put them on a pedestal which is stupidity. So yes, going on they are beaten before even starting and it is a shame.
Are you only interacting with sub-5 men or sub-8 men? What makes them different from you looks-wise?
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Sep 10, 2014
Reaction score
Even better! Lessen the competition...although guys like that were never really competition to begin with. Fragile mindsets


Senior Don Juan
Aug 21, 2022
Reaction score

I made post on my views on this. Stop caring if you get labeled a creep or weirdo - if you are getting laid regularly that idea does not cross your head.


Sep 10, 2014
Reaction score
Could not resist. No shame.
Shame for what? Guys who are afraid of any competition? Good luck in life with that mindset. Everything is based on competition in some form or another...jobs, sports, women, etc.

Focus on what you are doing and improving on that is your best bet and not focusing on what everyone else is doing.

People who want to give up and take their ball and go home are mentally weak. It is what it is. I don't make the rules.

Honestly, what I find sad is your mindset and constant negativity is at least fringe normal for guys growing up these days. No way I'd live my life with that type of self defeatist mindset or attitude.
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Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
Shame for what? Guys who are afraid of any competition? Good luck in life with that mindset. Everything is based on competition in some form or another...jobs, sports, women, etc.

Focus on what you are doing and improving on that is your best bet and not focusing on what everyone else is doing.

People who want to give up and take their ball and go home are mentally weak. It is what it is. I don't make the rules.

Honestly, what I find sad is your mindset and constant negativity is at least fringe normal for guys growing up these days. No way I'd live my life with that type of self defeatist mindset or attitude.
Competition was not the point or brought up in the video. It's based on harsh reactions and shaming from women. An analogy to your post is if you are running against another person in a race, and the other guy injures his leg and can't run and you gloat and say there is less competition and feel great about winning the race, then I'd say that comes across as discompassionate.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2005
Reaction score
Miami, FL
They have empiracle data to have arrived at that number. If you dispute their findings, I would hope for a more intelligent analysis as to why you think that number is wrong or over-estimated.

Are you only interacting with sub-5 men or sub-8 men? What makes them different from you looks-wise?
I'm sure whatever pool they drew from is flawed/biased (probably some loser incel corner of the internet) because there is no way half of all men are afraid of approaching women. It's silly to even suggest although yes there are men out there who are extremely paranoid around women.

Young OG

Master Don Juan
Jun 6, 2015
Reaction score

Very good video, likely from a MGTOW-blackpill angle. This shows that 53% of single guys refuse to interact with women because they could get into trouble if they find them creepy.

This is just any intearction like saying hello, opening the door, saying "you look good" or any complement or casual interaction, or even, as in the case of Australia, even steering.

Are there really that many sub-5s around?
Nice. More women for me


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
I'm sure whatever pool they drew from is flawed/biased (probably some loser incel corner of the internet) because there is no way half of all men are afraid of approaching women. It's silly to even suggest although yes there are men out there who are extremely paranoid around women.
You conveniently ignored the other half of my post. I guess the guys you are interacting with have a different type of reaction/response from women then you do because you have a looks priviledge.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
Nice. More women for me
Don't worry, your false rape charge might be coming from one of your ex-pump & dumps or false domestic abuse charge from an LTR. Remember there is no statute of limitations for these things. I hope you are screening out that landmine.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2005
Reaction score
Miami, FL
You conveniently ignored the other half of my post. I guess the guys you are interacting with have a different type of reaction/response from women then you do because you have a looks priviledge.
I wasn't ignoring it corrector, it was just bizarre. "Sub 5" or "Sub 8", how do you expect me to answer? Lol. I dont think I am authority on other men's appearance and it isn't my place to pass judgement. Most of the ones I met that were very anxious or paranoid probably wouldn't be considered the best looking, sure, but some were "decent" in appearance. It was more of a mental/personality/social skill issue which imo is the real culprit.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
Reaction score
Those 50% of men not approaching in real life are doing some combination of the following

  • simping on OnlyFans
  • simping on Instagram
  • trying to slide into DMs on Instagram, Twitter, and/or LinkedIn
  • Swiping a lot on Tinder, Bumble, and Hinge
The thirst is real.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
I wasn't ignoring it corrector, it was just bizarre. "Sub 5" or "Sub 8", how do you expect me to answer? Lol.
You just did.

IO69 said:
I dont think I am authority on other men's appearance and it isn't my place to pass judgement. Most of the ones I met that were very anxious or paranoid probably wouldn't be considered the best looking, sure,
Okay, then he/they are the sub-5 in looks (especially with how women would rate them / if they put up their photo on photofeeler, etc...)

IO69 said:
but some were "decent" in appearance. It was more of a mental/personality/social skill issue which imo is the real culprit.
Those are the sub-8s.

This tells me two things, you have no chadlite/chad friends. Therefore your reality of women as a chaslite/chad is doing to be dramatically different from theirs as a sub-8 (without the mental/personality/social kills), and the sub5. Until you walk a mile in their shoes you don't know what they are experiencing.

A sub-8 with no game and a sub-5 get about the same results unless there is a warm social circle game or you are in another country where you are taller than the average guy there (ie and whiter too).


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
Those 50% of men not approaching in real life are doing some combination of the following

  • simping on OnlyFans
  • simping on Instagram
  • trying to slide into DMs on Instagram, Twitter, and/or LinkedIn
  • Swiping a lot on Tinder, Bumble, and Hinge
The thirst is real.
The video was not talking about approaching. It was talking about interacting with women. Interacting with women would mean anything, including staring at them but not approaching.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2005
Reaction score
Miami, FL
You just did.

Okay, then he/they are the sub-5 in looks (especially with how women would rate them / if they put up their photo on photofeeler, etc...)

Those are the sub-8s.

This tells me two things, you have no chadlite/chad friends. Therefore your reality of women as a chaslite/chad is doing to be dramatically different from theirs as a sub-8 (without the mental/personality/social kills), and the sub5. Until you walk a mile in their shoes you don't know what they are experiencing.

A sub-8 with no game and a sub-5 get about the same results unless there is a warm social circle game or you are in another country where you are taller than the average guy there (ie and whiter too).
I think some of you guys are far too fixated on the whole "chad" / looks thing. This is something that I think is more of an internet thing because I can't say i've ever really encountered it off the 'net. Being a chad isn't a "silver bullet" as even chads face their own problems. Just because they have looks doesn't mean they are intelligent, good decision makers or even decent people. They can and still do fall into the traps that ensnare most people and a lot wreck their lives. Lots also have problems with women because they have their own mental hang-ups and insecurities.

I have a decent appearance (in my estimation) and a good relationship with women. I've gotten "hot" girls before. I have already stated on here that I believe my appearance helped make it possible...but I also have friends who have done better than I have, real genuine "playboys" and half of them are no better looking then I am. Some people would probably even say they are 1 or 2 points below - one thing they all have in common? They are really cool guys, very outgoing, great personalities. They are successful not only in their careers but also relationships, all the facets of their life. They have great energy and you want to be around them.....this goes back to my point in the previous post - people just focus on the looks part and want to cut out the other half of the equation.

To be brutally honest I think it is because looks are a convenient excuse to not have to do anything. If you aren't good looking you can convince yourself you don't have to try; why exert yourself because life was cruel in the genetic lottery department? Yet if we are honest we see so called average/below average looking men with girlfriends/wives, sometimes good looking one's, every time we step outside. Why is that? Clearly things aren't so cut and dry because otherwise this wouldn't be happening and some of these guys end up having better dating lives then men who are thought to have the "advantages".

I can't say I know what every guy truly feels or has experienced, but from getting to know the many that I have and talking about this stuff, a lot of the one's that struggle do so because they sabotage themselves. Maybe they did suffer a bad rejection or got embarrassed badly by a woman in the past - instead of viewing as it a one time thing and leaving it in the past where it should be, they've made it their life story. They assume it will always happen because of their looks or whatever reason they've convinced themselves of and project their insecurities and bad attitudes onto other people/women - of course they end up having a hard time. Why wouldn't they when they are mentally disordered and loopsided? Doesn't take a women long after interacting with said guy they know he aint the one.

I can respect your viewpoint and will read it if you decide to reply but I won't be adding anything further on this as already replied enough & the topic is honestly a waste of time to discuss.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
I think some of you guys are far too fixated on the whole "chad" / looks thing. This is something that I think is more of an internet thing because I can't say i've ever really encountered it off the 'net. Being a chad isn't a "silver bullet" as even chads face their own problems. Just because they have looks doesn't mean they are intelligent, good decision makers or even decent people. They can and still do fall into the traps that ensnare most people and a lot wreck their lives. Lots also have problems with women because they have their own mental hang-ups and insecurities.

I have a decent appearance (in my estimation) and a good relationship with women. I've gotten "hot" girls before. I have already stated on here that I believe my appearance helped make it possible...but I also have friends who have done better than I have, real genuine "playboys" and half of them are no better looking then I am. Some people would probably even say they are 1 or 2 points below - one thing they all have in common? They are really cool guys, very outgoing, great personalities. They are successful not only in their careers but also relationships, all the facets of their life. They have great energy and you want to be around them.....this goes back to my point in the previous post - people just focus on the looks part and want to cut out the other half of the equation.

To be brutally honest I think it is because looks are a convenient excuse to not have to do anything. If you aren't good looking you can convince yourself you don't have to try; why exert yourself because life was cruel in the genetic lottery department? Yet if we are honest we see so called average/below average looking men with girlfriends/wives, sometimes good looking one's, every time we step outside. Why is that? Clearly things aren't so cut and dry because otherwise this wouldn't be happening and some of these guys end up having better dating lives then men who are thought to have the "advantages".

I can't say I know what every guy truly feels or has experienced, but from getting to know the many that I have and talking about this stuff, a lot of the one's that struggle do so because they sabotage themselves. Maybe they did suffer a bad rejection or got embarrassed badly by a woman in the past - instead of viewing as it a one time thing and leaving it in the past where it should be, they've made it their life story. They assume it will always happen because of their looks or whatever reason they've convinced themselves of and project their insecurities and bad attitudes onto other people/women - of course they end up having a hard time. Why wouldn't they when they are mentally disordered and loopsided? Doesn't take a women long after interacting with said guy they know he aint the one.

I can respect your viewpoint and will read it if you decide to reply but I won't be adding anything further on this as already replied enough & the topic is honestly a waste of time to discuss.
There is no contradiction since I did distinguish sub8 with and without game in my precious post. With your sub8s some of your contacts have it and others dont. I only said sub5s have problems. I did a photo rating on photofeeler and have consistently have 3s. Not 5 or 6 but 3s, at least twice,which is just too discouraging.