Guys, I think we are being a little bit too hysterical about it.
Nothing is perfect and todays situation certainly needs an improvement but I believe it is not that bad and there is more pros than cons.
Women liberation is awesome thing.
They are free. Thanks to political and economical freedom they are free to choose. They could not do that in the past. They had to marry and produce children for men of questionable quality who just bought them.
Now they can marry and have children with whoever they want...despite religion, race and status. It is free society. And the best one from evolutionary standpoint. When you marry for love there is better chance of genetic compatibility.
Yes of course people in general and women in particular can not handle the freedom and struggle with it, often being irresponsible with their choices. For example for not choosing ME
And here I believe comes the bitterness from most guys.
There is less children these days...not necessary a bad thing. We are over-populated anyway. It is much better when only the stable pairs who want have kids have them. I know there is lot of single mothers (hope it will change) but there is also more of those who abstain from having children - being ones themselves selfishly pursuing stupid "dreams"/careers and shopping.
Again it is better from evolutionary standpoint - healthier offsprings with parents nurturing them well.
Courts...well if you make her pregnant then you will pay and you will pay well even if it means no fancy things for you. And no you don't have the right to see the child if she does not want to, because it will put stress/conflicting thoughts on the child. The child is to be protected not an adult male.
Of course when the mother is nuts or uses the money for herself thats bad. But I know couple of examples when the mother was ordered no contact from court. In general> father should pay...why should I or anybody else pay for it just because he feels betrayed.
TV is full of cr@p. It is like a magnet for people with issues sexual or political. Liberal and Conservative extremists and demagogues, gays, feminists. And other useful fools (V.I. Lenin called that those suicidal retards in western society).
In real life the story is different. Women don't like power/responsibility and even if feminists try to change that by breaking the glass ceilings and affirmative action...they can't achieve that. Most of the girls and women I know even those who say that men are pigs (because one divorced them) are ready to tell me women are bad leaders, do unnecessary drama at work and men with their calm oversight are breeze of fresh air.
TV is not reality and they know that.
Feminists today are communists. And those are dangerous. They hook up people on B.S. justice saying "All animals are equal" even denying reality like hormonal/brain differences between men and women. In some cases they call mother instinct a social bias forced upon us all by patriarchy/capitalism.
All this serves just one purpose erode the society and change the elites. Hard core commies, anarchists, liberals to a point(they are far too left these days even in US), racists, religious fanatics....all these extremists despise free society and democracy and want a change. They are full of envy, hate and bull cr@p.
All you can do is don't get hysterical, live your life to the best of your knowledge and stand up against B.S. with rational arguments. Flipping it and saying that everything is bad because women have the power etc. is not the whole truth. They have more power than before and it is good and we should stand up, grow up, man up. Not stripping them of their power but being better (stripping them?). Only AFCs, Nice Guys and Azzholes get hysterical because before...they could at least buy a more. They even turn to extremism to get a piece of pvssy.
There are three kinds of people...D!cks (reckless), Pvssies (calming the D!cks but they are too close to an azzhole) and Azzholes (want to shyt on everything)