out of sight is out of mind


Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2003
Reaction score
I read that cool statement somewhere and it seems to be pretty true to me (not completely but at least in a way it is). Anyways this girl Im trying to win over at the moment is going on vacation next week. Yall got any tips how to make her keep me in mind? cuz I dont want all the work ive put in so far to vanish ;-) ...I thought of maybe making her a lil present (just something little tho) or whateva. u know..just like that "leave a **** (with your deodorant) over at her house so shell think of u" - tip


Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2003
Reaction score
At home

Or you give her a kiss on the lips (lip-lip) and then leave.
It does take pants to do.. but she WILL remember you. Dont do it as if you are scared of what she will do, so you take the opportunity when she is about to go...

Mr. Latte

Master Don Juan
Jun 15, 2003
Reaction score
If she digs you, then she's gonna be thinking about you, gift or no gift. If she DOESN'T like you, then no little gift is gonna make her think of you...plus it's gonna be freakin' AFC. Don't worry if she's thinking about you or not. Go out, meet girls, and have fun. If she's thinking of you, she'll let you know.

Ronin I

Master Don Juan
Mar 8, 2003
Reaction score
NO f*cking gift (christ the AFCs are just flooding this place lately).

If you want her to be thinking of you on her vacation tell HER to bring YOU back a souvenir from wherever she's going.

Then she'll be forced to think of you and you are making yourself the prize.

Ronin I

Master Don Juan
Mar 8, 2003
Reaction score
Oh and if you really really want to up the ante ask for something specific.

For example, this one girl I'm seeing is going to Hawaii with her aunt next week and I told her to bring me back a little hula girl doll - one whose hips move back and forth.



Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2003
Reaction score
Hell Nah fella Im definetly not an AFC lol thats y I said a LITTLE gift (I guess I said that didnt I?lol). The idea with that "bring
me something" is pretty cool tho. Ill tell her. THe other idead with the kiss on the lips is pretty cool tho..not considering that we been doing stuff already and I only got the problem that I want a relationship but she came up with some excuse tellin me that she just didnt have strong enough feelins for me...so now Im workin at that but dont want the vacation to ruin all my work u know?lol


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2002
Reaction score
Land of the Ruins
Desire, not obligation

I don't think ask her to bring you a souvenir. That's an obligation. If she's into you, she'll want to be in touch when she gets back. Putting an obligation on her won't make her like you any more.

It looks like she already blew you off. Forget about her, and pay attention to others. If there are no others, just have fun without them.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 16, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by madgame
I read that cool statement somewhere and it seems to be pretty true to me (not completely but at least in a way it is). Anyways this girl Im trying to win over at the moment is going on vacation next week. Yall got any tips how to make her keep me in mind? cuz I dont want all the work ive put in so far to vanish ;-) ...I thought of maybe making her a lil present (just something little tho) or whateva. u know..just like that "leave a **** (with your deodorant) over at her house so shell think of u" - tip
The key to making a woman think of you is all about the communication you've had since you met. If you've spoken about alot of things, then she will see those things and think of you. For example, if she knows you dig surfing, and she's going to the coast. She'll see dudes surfing, and wish you were there.

If she likes you a lot already, you probablly don't need to worry too much.


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
Beyond your peripheral vision
The key to making a woman think of you is all about the communication you've had since you met. If you've spoken about alot of things, then she will see those things and think of you.
santos, wow! this is amazingly simple yet true advice! Can't believe I have not realized this on my own.


Don Juan
Jul 4, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by madgame
Hell Nah fella Im definetly not an AFC lol thats y I said a LITTLE gift (I guess I said that didnt I?lol). The idea with that "bring
me something" is pretty cool tho. Ill tell her. THe other idead with the kiss on the lips is pretty cool tho..not considering that we been doing stuff already and I only got the problem that I want a relationship but she came up with some excuse tellin me that she just didnt have strong enough feelins for me...so now Im workin at that but dont want the vacation to ruin all my work u know?lol

I want a relationship but she came up with some excuse tellin me that she just didnt have strong enough feelins for me...so now Im workin at that

Ummmmm !

I want a relationship but she came up with some excuse tellin me that she just didnt have strong enough feelins for me...so now Im workin at that



she just didnt have strong enough feelins for me...so now Im workin at that

so now Im workin at that
so now Im workin at that
so now Im workin at that
so now Im workin at that

Isnt that AFC tryeing to work at that ?
Dont you know women talk ?
She doesnt want you to work on that !
She doesnt want that.

At the end of the day , she will respect you more if you move on to another woman .

Ronin I

Master Don Juan
Mar 8, 2003
Reaction score
Re: Desire, not obligation

Originally posted by Bonhomme
I don't think ask her to bring you a souvenir. That's an obligation. If she's into you, she'll want to be in touch when she gets back. Putting an obligation on her won't make her like you any more.

It looks like she already blew you off. Forget about her, and pay attention to others. If there are no others, just have fun without them.
Good point Bonhomme.

But, his main question was how to have her "thinking" of him while she was away. I thought that would be the best (non-AFC) way (unless you have a better suggestion).

I do understand your thinking though. You can't guilt someone into liking you or feeling attraction for you.

As far as my girl is concerned, I actually would like one of those dancing hula girls from Hawaii (preferably topless ;) )


Senior Don Juan
Feb 16, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by iqqi
santos, wow! this is amazingly simple yet true advice! Can't believe I have not realized this on my own.
I know, it's so simple yet easy to miss. The reason I've realised this is on our first date me and this girl spoke about A LOT. Everything under the sun.

The next time I met her she was like "I saw [x] the other day and thought of you". Also I found thoughts of her creeping in my head during the day for the same reasons. :)