Razor Sharp
Senior Don Juan
How the hell am I JUST finding out about this law which was passed last year? Damn I have to be behind the curve if those weasels at Fox News are reporting this
The Report:
Basically this law (HR 875 which you can read here: http://www.govtrack.us/congress/billtext.xpd?bill=h111-875) states that organic farming is against the law and people will be prosecuted. The messy part is that they do not distinguish between large or small operations. If you are growing tomatoes in your backyard right now, technically you are breaking the law.
Police raided a small produce market in California with guns drawn. You'd think there was f*cking heroine or some sh*t, but, no.. the culprits were only selling carrots, potatoes, etc
And... Europe is next. They are already planning to ban all medicinal herbs in 2011
All of this is part of a global initiaive called Codex Alimentarius you can google it or just watch this video which breaks it down: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-5266884912495233634#
This is sheer f*cking insanity and I'm curious what my fellow men have to say about these laws and events. Have you heard of this? Am I living under a rock here?
The Report:
Basically this law (HR 875 which you can read here: http://www.govtrack.us/congress/billtext.xpd?bill=h111-875) states that organic farming is against the law and people will be prosecuted. The messy part is that they do not distinguish between large or small operations. If you are growing tomatoes in your backyard right now, technically you are breaking the law.
Police raided a small produce market in California with guns drawn. You'd think there was f*cking heroine or some sh*t, but, no.. the culprits were only selling carrots, potatoes, etc
And... Europe is next. They are already planning to ban all medicinal herbs in 2011
All of this is part of a global initiaive called Codex Alimentarius you can google it or just watch this video which breaks it down: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-5266884912495233634#
This is sheer f*cking insanity and I'm curious what my fellow men have to say about these laws and events. Have you heard of this? Am I living under a rock here?