I noticed how insidiously they portray men, and I don't mean via the examples they provide in that article. I mean how they sneak in biased views of men as if factual, such as stating:
"Just because men are having a hard time adjusting to the idea that women are capable breadwinners..."
They do? We don't love that our woman is making tons of money? Sure, we're competitive with earnings, but do we really have a "hard time adjusting"? Any normal guy would rather she be financially capable than not. They're not twisting in the wind about it.
"What a relief it is when a man doesn't try to force you into bed on the first date."
"Force"? Really? Men are normally 'forcing' women into bed on the first date? Most dates are rape dates? Most men are rapists? Is that really so?
Then I also see how they put a spin on some of these accounts:
"A man threatened by the love you have for the dog you sleep with is going to be threatened by more things than you can name."
"Threatened"? How about instead, a guy who is annoyed or uncomfortable that there's this big lump of a smelly dog pinning down his legs while he's trying to sleep with you?
"When he uses any expression like "your little project," count that as two [flags]".
So watch out fellas! Don't say anything cute or kid around! She'll been told to view it as a sign that you harbor deep resentment toward women, because according to them, the well adjusted male will be happy to 'bask in your glow'. You know, like, be docile.
"Conclude that this man has another source of soup and will continue to cheat on you"
... with his can of Campbell's Mushroom Soup. The card! How dare he taste another soup behind my back!!!
That's right ladies, let's Jump To Conclusions over the soup his mom may have brought over!
"I have found: Carpenters, river guides, and flamenco guitarists all fall into the category of men who are perfectly willing to hand themselves over to the care of a good woman, as well as visual artists, stage performers, and racers (ski, bike, boat) of all kinds."
I think the author has had a few bad experiences, no? Now she's faulting by profession. I guess that saves time.
"A surprising number of great romancers out there never get around to having sex... but beware. Eventually he will blame his problems on the smell of your breath or the size of your thighs."
"The size of your thighs". You can tell Oprah's behind this one, eh?
But excuse me ladies, if your breath stinks or your thighs are like tree logs, and it turns guys off, why not do something proactive about it instead of blaming the guy for his lack of attraction? "His problem" is that you're not sexy. That's why they invented Viagra.
All in all, it's more of "blame the man" stuff, like the story of the woman who flies in to meet a guy who then never shows. The advice given is to not hook up with a guy that doesn't show (what kind of helpful advice is that?) rather than: "Ladies! Do NOT fall in love with emails and phone calls! Meet the guy in real life, a.s.a.p! And DO NOT get into long distance relationships, they're mostly impractical! If it requires an airplane to meet him, it's TOO FAR!"
Articles like these have some helpful stuff, but in it is even more stuff to continue keeping women as hapless victims by shifting the blame to men and painting men as generally bad people. That's how Oprah keeps an audience, because if she really helped women, those little birds would eventually leave the nest and wouldn't suckle from her anymore.