I’ve been reading some stuff over there. I know lots of people say it’s toxic, but it seems spot on to me. Similar to a lot of the stuff the DJ Bible talks about. It says what people in the real world say, just with fancier wording. What are you all’s thoughts on it? And wanna give me some good Red Pill books to read or podcasts/videos to listen to?
Acknowledge The Rational Male among other sources but, the same as women, SCREEN THE ****OUT OF EVERYTHING.
We are not impenetrable. We are all permeable membranes. Pickup is a zero sum game.
After 7yrs of pickup, the vast majority of what the red pill suggests you see in one form or another. Thin, young, and attractive; top form SMV equates to diva behavior and skiing down cawk mountain. Late 20s, early 30s, its baby rabies time, white picket fence, and time to put on the good girl shtick. Gets the ring roping in some cuck to raise her bastard children before divorcing his ass and taking his ass to the cleaners before jumping back on the D again.
If you search reddit or google, read The Rational Male. Rollo is correct about women loving a man. She will love you for as long as her hypergamy is kept at bay and your being of use to her. The sec you are no longer the alpha dog, she will cheat, cuck or dump your ass for the bigger better prize.
Again, after 7yrs of pickup, a theme becomes clearer as do a sequence of events.
Hypergamy and society pedaling girl power, promo of single mother victimhood, and sloot gonna sloot etc is a double edge sword. A woman is as Rollo says, in a ****ing solipsism of her own pretentious narcissism, attention ***** based upon top form SMV caught up in the illusion of being "special." Little does she know, her top form SMV is a very short window. A window in which, she should be spending her best years to acquire an ideal mate, husband, father of her children, and the resources for the lifestyle she is seeking. Feminism and society is instead cheering women off the ****ing cliff.
TS, many of these so called hot women fall off. Google search Sunny from WWF before and after. How the mighty have fallen lol
She was every boys wet dream to present day bulking season but, that is what constant ego boosting and pedaling her **** don't stink does to a woman. Finally, new girls are turning 18/19/20/21 EVERYDAY!
Every dog has his day. Acquire top form SMV or next!