Opinion if I came on too strong


Don Juan
Jan 12, 2014
Reaction score
Beast Coast
A little less then a month ago I asked a girl i've been eyeing up on a date. Things went went and we've been on a few dates after really hitting it off in my opinion. A lot of goofing around, cuddling at the movies, giving some info about our personal lives over dinner. Anyways, said girl is moving about 25 minutes away for school. So last night when I was dropping her off she said she was going to give me a hug so I went in for the kill. She kissed back. When we finished she said wow I wasn't expecting that and then we proceeded to kiss again. Bad idea? She repsonded? Not sure exactly what the Wow I wasn't expecting that meant, never really got that sort of repsonse before. lol. We texted last night and she said it was a nice ending to the evening. I don't know just need some opinions.


Master Don Juan
Nov 10, 2013
Reaction score
New York, NY

But, you sir are overanalyzing it.

Just chill out and be happy you got a kiss close. Next time go a little further and in no time you will have her in bed fvcking her! :)

"Wow i wasnt expecting that" might have been because you left it way too late to kiss her.. You said you went on a couple dates already and were cuddling so personally I would have kissed her on the second date.

So for the likes of it that response was because she might have thought you were too pvssy to do it but you manned up and did it, therefore not a pvssy in her eyes. Good job.

But don't let it get to your head..

Spin other plates, work out and read. Do not pedestalize this girl and all will be well.

Good luck.


Don Juan
Jan 12, 2014
Reaction score
Beast Coast
narcissist said:

But, you sir are overanalyzing it.

Just chill out and be happy you got a kiss close. Next time go a little further and in no time you will have her in bed fvcking her! :)

"Wow i wasnt expecting that" might have been because you left it way too late to kiss her.. You said you went on a couple dates already and were cuddling so personally I would have kissed her on the second date.

So for the likes of it that response was because she might have thought you were too pvssy to do it but you manned up and did it, therefore not a pvssy in her eyes. Good job.

But don't let it get to your head..

Spin other plates, work out and read. Do not pedestalize this girl and all will be well.

Good luck.
This would have only been our third real date. Went for a ride and shot the **** once. I'm trying to be real with this one, so I figured I'd slow it down a bit. I usually play it like like a nervous dork for a couple dates and then throw the kiss out there and it seems to make heads spin. I just never had a girl say the weren't expecting that.


Don Juan
Jun 14, 2013
Reaction score
You did good, do not try to analize her words and understand what she meant.
One of the rules says "Jugde her by her actions, not words". Imo there is no such thing as coming off too strong, women like confident man who go for what they want.

Next time don't wait more than 2 dates to kiss close or else you might find yourself in a friendzone.