Opened a bad can of worms....


New Member
May 30, 2005
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It's bad because my girl and I ended up getting into a conversation about the past (don't ask me just happened). Anyway, I found out that my girl slept with the guy she dated just before me alot sooner than she did with me. I dated her loing distance and it's true that we didn't know that we'd be able to date each other in the beginning, but it's got me feeling really insecure now because I keep thinking that she was more into him than she was into me in the beginning. I know that she was attracted to me from the time we met, but I keep comparing myself to this guy and thinking that somehow she was more into him because he wasn't pushy or anything like that. Supposedly just a really nice guy who she met after dating a bunch of losers.

My question is: Do you care if your girl was more attracted to or more into a guy she dated before you? Is how soon she sleeps with you the real indication of her attraction or desire for you? Or does it just come down to trust? I know that she had trust issues since things with the last guy didn't work out due to lies.



Jun 27, 2005
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Put the worms on her face! or even better catch some bees and put them in the can and give them as a present and she'll open it and they sting her!!!!!!!!!!!

best ever joke if she is on the toilet when she opens it so tell her to save it until then!

Plain & Simple

Senior Don Juan
May 18, 2005
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Miami (FL)
If i can ever give advice this is the perfect time.

Me and my girl broke up yesterday, She dumped me (Read my thread to see why)

But i know she told me that she hates to be compared to other people, and she hates when i ask her about her past, i use to ask her questions like " so did they sex u better than me" " how often yall had sex" " were they better than me" "did u like them more than me" even "were there diks bigger than mine" "what positions did yall do" and more crazy stuff, that i know regret.

All im going to say its , do not ask her questions like that, do not compare yourself to her exes, like i did or you'll end up like i ended up Dumped. She will only pull wit that crap for so long so stop it this second, do not show her your insecurities, thats her job to make sure that she is good enough for you, and to work so that you like her more than any other boy has.

Please believe me on this one

darth yoda

Don Juan
Jun 10, 2005
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a galaxy far, far away
One of the many advantages to reading the bible, and applying the tenets into your lifestyle, is this little thing called...


You see, when you are confident in your abilities, the answer is doesn't matter who she dated before you, or how quickly he banged her, what matters is that you are the man now.

Spending too much time worrying about these matters will show you to be insecure, and even worse, makes *her* feel uneasy. Instead of living in the moment and sweeping her off her feet with your awesome DJ skills, you make her feel stagnant and things become unexciting...women hate that.

I leave you a word of warning, young padawans...the past is often a treacherous place to travel, be prepared if you venture forth.