Only cheek kiss after 2 1/2 dates


Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
Alright, I'm very confident in myself and very good with the ladies. I've never been rejected? from a kiss like I have from this girl. I'm pretty sure she's into me but she has some personal issues.

Date1: Good kino, good conversation, amazing social proof, ended the date with an attempted kiss in the car to which she turned the cheek. She then calls me about 10 minutes later to ask if I got home safe.
"Date" 2-we're actually at work but I pick her up since it's on the way. Good kino, hand-holding, etc. She gets really jealous when I accept a call from a female friend across the country and she sits next to me listening to the call. End of night-same situation, go for the kiss again and she turns the cheek, I grab her head and attempt to move her lips to mine, only to get the other cheek.

**** it, I think, I've been LJBF. I don't call her for three days cause I'm busy. She calls to see how I'm doing 3 days later. She calls me 5 days later to ask me out for ice cream. I'm busy, I tell her we'll hangout tommoorw.

Date3-More good kino, footsies, eye contact. I compliment her on hair and slowly stroke it across her face, she's totally digging it. Go for the kiss again ANd I'm ashamed to say, got the cheek. As she's about to leave the car, I pull her back in and get the cheek!!! As she gets out she says let's hangout in 4 days,, if you wanna go to a concert let me know.

Seriously, WTF. I've never been in such a situation. Normally I would say **** it, next, but she's an HB9 who I occasionaly work with and besides being really strange, is a funny/cool chick.

I'm thinking don't answer her calls for a week, make her come to my place, pull a move, and if she doesnt' respond, I'm calling her out on her bull****.

She told me before, after I told her I'm just enjoying the single life, that she isn't looking for a relationship either but I've got a feeling from our conversatiosn that she's very relationship-dependent. Hell, she calls me 4 days a week!

I'm not looking some much for advice, but I am looking for simliar experiences resulitng in a success. I've got a cheek kiss after 2 real( 3 unofifcial) dates and plenty of IOI


Master Don Juan
May 7, 2006
Reaction score
Kino her sensually,then kiss her on the cheek purposely and split! :D


Master Don Juan
Aug 28, 2001
Reaction score
Orange County, Ca
Hmm you live near me huh? Send her my way and I'll straighten her out ;)

Seriously though, I've never been in this situation. Are you guys in highschool or something? Maybe next time she does it you can just try talking to her. Normally this would be an AFC move, but given the cercumstances it should be ok. Just an idea though.


Master Don Juan
May 29, 2006
Reaction score
Relationships in the beginning are supposed to be casual and light, according to your "date" summaries they seem to be rushed and forceful, uncharacteristic of a true DJ.

Distant Light

Master Don Juan
Aug 9, 2005
Reaction score
New York
It has to do with something you did from when you first met her. Were you escalating from day 1. You should have already kissed her from day 1. There isn't enough info to actually know why it happened to you but also you shouldn't be waiting at the end of a date for a kiss thats what every other guy does.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 12, 2005
Reaction score
I've been in a couple of these situations myself and still somewhat am with this girl. I dont think you're doing anything wrong, it seems that the problem is with the girl.

Let me ask you, is she the shy type who's a little secretive? if so, then it's her.

The reason why she's calling so much is to make her intentions known that she's highly interested and doesnt want you to back off cause she turned the cheek (on the kiss). certain girls hold off kissing/sex as a way of keeping the upperhand (playing hard to get), they're not dumb, nor is it a smart thing to do to the guy either. the insecure/shy ones will hold out it until they believe you've proven yourself. As a result these girls move slowly because lack of dating options/experience.

In time she should let you get a kiss, i hope for your sake if not mine. As for my past experiences, it took a little prying but in the end it was worth the wait.

With such jealousy on date 2, isnt it obvious enough she's into you? However more jealousy will only show more mistrust as it makes you appear as a player, which will place doubts in her head (and holding off kissing )


Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
Yeah, I think she does have some insecurites
Here are some things she's said to me:
"Two days in a row together? I hope you don't get sick of me"
"Thanks for spending you're Saturday night with me, I know you probably would've gone out with your friends"
"Give me a call if you're bored"

She also, before the date, said she needed time to her hair for it, she later told me it takes her an hour. I've also noticed she goes to the restroom alot, chews a lot of gum, plays with her hair, aka all prepping actions

This is a very interesting girl

I've got a lot of other work to do this week,(I"m gonna go out with some other girls) and after that I'll see what happens


Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
Reaction score
What's her background? 17 year old convervative christian virgin? Is she Asian?

Are you paying for these dates?

If she's 20+ with a normal background, she's playing you. She's an Attention Whr. She wants guys to PAY ATTENTION to her. She's not attracted to you.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 12, 2005
Reaction score
bigWill said:
Yeah, I think she does have some insecurites
Here are some things she's said to me:
"Two days in a row together? I hope you don't get sick of me"
"Thanks for spending you're Saturday night with me, I know you probably would've gone out with your friends"
"Give me a call if you're bored"

She also, before the date, said she needed time to her hair for it, she later told me it takes her an hour. I've also noticed she goes to the restroom alot, chews a lot of gum, plays with her hair, aka all prepping actions
These are all very good signs. Chewing gum usually means prepping for a kiss (if not bad breath), if she offers you's a sure sign.

17 year old convervative christian virgin? Is she Asian?
oddly enough asian christian girl appear to be a bad combination as i've seen, hidden agendas and more manipulative than the next girl...but the religious aspect is more a cover up if anything


Senior Don Juan
Nov 18, 2003
Reaction score
man. this post really is where im at sorta right now as far as trying to get a girl to fu**


Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score

This girl was seriously ****ed up in the head. After I posted the topic, I moved on. After about three days I had no desire to see, hear, or talk to the chick again. Thankfully, I hooked up with another girl the following weekend.

Then, this girl calls me several time during the week and frankly, I don't feel like talking to her when she calls so I don't pick up. The following week she calls me again and I feel bad and answer. She tells me it is very rude not to answer my calls. I don't really talk on the phone at all only saying "ok" and "bye".

This chick seriously sucked even though she was an HB9. So a lesson to all, beware of girls who don't put out and who call you far too often. Who the hell knows what they want, and who the hell cares, NEXT.


Don Juan
Oct 5, 2006
Reaction score
dude lol I know exactly how you feel, im in THE EXACT same situation as you :D... my chick is also a hb8 lol, hot as **** :D...

solution i came up with in my own thread about this situation is :

tadhgire said:
lol guys i tried every type of passionate 'i want u now' kisses lol... ive dissapeared for a while and she would start contactin me again.... this morning im sober so was able to think of my next plan! : any time she goes to hold my hand, lean on me, hug me or anything il just say 'what are u doin? and pull away :D ... hopefully this will get her mad enough so that she starts tryin to get close enough for a kiss(not that shes goin to give me one, but wants me to try), where i will still resist and ask her what shes doing... by this stage she should be pulling her hair out and hopefully actaully wanting a kiss now, but it being on my terms, i decide when :p

in the words of rage against the machine, its time to take the power back :D

havnt seen her since last night so havnt tried yet but i hope this frickin works, otherwise i have no idea whatsoever lol