fertileTurtle said:
Can you draw some distictions between how you would approach in different venues?
Mall Pickups
Bar Game
Club Game
As of late I've been dating women I already know from my past, or from places like work, church, etc. I haven't tried cold approaches much this year. Though I will like 1-2 times a month. I've gotten numbers about every time I've tried, and I'm not affraid to open women. It's the approaching and closing a stranger start to end that is rusty/weak at this point.
The mall pickup....
look around for the body language...when your passing through the mall try to get a lock on her eyes...if you can get some long staring action going on to the point that she's laughing go in for the approach...when your in there don't act like your looking for nook though act busy or pre-occupied but keep your head up you might see something thats looking right back at you....
Bar Game...
go with your friends and drink....have fun and laugh your ass off...smile and meet old friends after awhile the chicks in the bar will notice and see you are someone of some importance and one will soon come and want to know a little more about you...i was at the bar last night and this girl made eye contact with me then left came back and gave me her number....never have it that your main purpose is to get a woman when you go out to as bar...its more for you to chill and hang with friends...so if a girl does approach its just overall beneficial to you
club game....
MY favorite...the club game is by far my calling lol...i can dance so i can always get a couple dances when i go and we have some pretty good clubs where i live and girls love to dance..get a drink or two or three or four....get on the dance floor and just start moving when you see a girl in your proxy just get closer and she will start grinding...get her name after the dance buy her a drink and then ask if she wants to get back on the dance floor after that ask if she wants to go to another bar to get more drinks and talk...from there a one-nighter should be the next destination...
i used to pick-up girls on myspace....but from facebook all you can do is have good-looking pictures and send a message dude...thats not hard....usually no matter what you say if she wants to hook up she'll keep talking to you on there...and she will write more than you and ask you more questions that your asking her...when you see this ask for the number and take it from there...i've pulled some of the hottest chicks of my life off facebook...so it can be done
happy sarging