Only a piece of meat - women can sniffit out



Still drunk 8AM long night. This text got me thinking, is there some aura you give off of being a pump and dump jerk? I could give a sh!t less about having sex again with the same woman, but they seem to be pretty good at sniffing it out. Relevant text:


New Member
Oct 12, 2013
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One of my best friends is a chick and she told me a while back about not liking the random late night txt cause it was booty call ****. So that might be avoided in the future until you have got a read on a girls pride level or whatever some girls dont give a **** and honestly probably a lot do. But some get pissy and hurt if you f$$k then no contact for four days , then top it off with a late night txt out of nowhere. Example , i hooked up with this chick had sex first time hanging out. Murked her ass right all night in the morn , road head on way back to her car. Didnt call her dodged her calls after that. Over a month went by. Then my rotation got low and i hollered on the late night booty call txt. She said **** off but then 5 min later she sends another txt talking about how im doing. Total ho no pride didnt bother her. She knows shes worthless and gets passed atound so she cool with it. She was a 23 year old 8. Very insane. I think if you make em climax hard the first time its way easier after that. First impressions and all


Don Juan
Dec 21, 2012
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In a house
Whats to sniff out? If you bang a chick and then don't call's easy to get the idea you got what ya wanted...and if, suddenly, you start texting or calling again: they know booty call would be the only reason. It's women and fvcking...not rocket science!

sylvester the cat

Master Don Juan
Sep 30, 2012
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what's the problem here?

Sounds like she's trying to sound you out to see if you're all about the sex or not.

She's still responding either way.


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2012
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Well Captain obvious, you fvcked her and left her. What would you expect her to say?

You young mother fvckers just see women as sexual objects.. Once you mature, it will still be about sex. But eventually you will start to seek a partner. Until that day comes, keep on truckin' brotha!


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2013
Reaction score
sylvester the cat said:
what's the problem here?

Sounds like she's trying to sound you out to see if you're all about the sex or not.

She's still responding either way.
Sounds like all she wants to hear is some reassuring that you're not just using her as a booty call. Which you probably are, and in the end, she probably wouldn't care regardless.

Let her say her thing. Nod your head, and then proceed.

8am? You go down to Mexico? Have some party favors?

You up yet?


This is a 'problem' that I'm developing. I remember close to a year ago, I could have women pushing for exclusivity or keep them around for a couple of months. Lately, they usually hang around for a couple of weeks, then realize I would just hit them up for sex.

For the past few months, I've been relentlessly pushing for sex on the first meet-up, regardless of the environment. Most of the time is is successful and then after the deed is done, I feel good again, as if nothing ever happened. I don't care about relationships - or notch count.

I think this thread has transformed into how I view women and sex in general. I have done plate spinning in the past, but now, it no longer entices me. Maybe it's that perspective I have that women will have sex with just about anyone, given the right circumstances. What I do is mold myself into those circumstances and close it. People I know and the new ones I meet tell me I have this personality that is very likeable. I'm venting on here because I've been in sales since I graduated high school and it's that very personality the opposing person wants.

What is personality?? What is MY personality?? I mold it to the other person's criteria of bro-ness? Does that make me beta as fvck to navigate my conversations to the other persons' liking - EVEN though it brings me success? At the end day, I think I am just a Decoy and manipulating people to believe what they want.

Tangent (venting) aside, I know there are older gentlemen that have dealt with my sexual and relational perspective on women. I don't know what my future holds so I have to ask those that have had my current mindset in the past. My question is:

Did that make you a genuinely happy person or was it the mindset you [wanted to] change?

Edited for drunk calling out Rollo. My Anus is still virgin =D
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