That's an interesting premise, thanks for posting, and one I want to explore...
Do you recommend any books that cover that matter?
I’m not an avid reader as much as specializing in what I do read.
There’s are two types of books/literature I do read:
1) Specialized literature on what I do for a living, investments, and new professional ventures;
2) The Book of Life: I really didn’t start to read this book until maybe 6-7 years ago. I didn’t know such a book existed with such intricate detail and seemly arbitrary circumstances but at the same time organized with such extraordinary intelligence.
But one day after yearning for more than the the outer tangibles of money, power, and women (which I somehow subjectively mastered through sheer willpower despite a “reality” that tried to impose a very different story) , I started to notice some interesting connections. Things in my life And people I met were interconnected in the most subtle but yet profound ways. I searched from childhood through present and with great examination started to understand why certain things happened in the manner they did, when they did, and whom I shared them with—All ideal in the making of those specific situations—which allowed me to transcend not only in tangibles but in the greatest Intangible—Whom I truly had become. And the more I gave credence to whom I truly had become ( and on a deeper level whom I had always been) reinforcing the “I” through the memory and study of these experiences—the more my inner state radiated with seemly boundless power and wisdom through the abandonment of All which bound me.
I became a force of light with no intent other than to lift the spirits of all whom surrounded me. “Needs” felt juvenile, even insulting to my Being—as all was already Great and I needed nothing other than to Be and to be aware of this.
Because ALL was already here, all I could do is give value and grace, as there was nothing further for me to take ... at least not in this world.
All my wisdom are simple extractions from
this Book of Life. Some of what I write will connect strongly and inspire greatly and other things will not resonate nor be understood by many. Both are fine as they originate from my Book.