Online Dating - success and failures


Master Don Juan
Feb 22, 2012
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I've had some success in online dating in the last 6 months, including several bangs including on first dates, I mainly use Match and OKCupid, though prefer the latter. Even when the date is on you need to filter them so they won't waste your time.

Last night for example I went out with a posh 37 year old divorced girl who drank coke and backed off when I sat next to her, even having the audacity to ask why, as if I need a reason to sit next to a date, she then told me how boring she is never going out and sitting at home watching talent shows with her friends. I could have avoided that total time waste by pushing the button a little by text to see what I could expect.

The previous 3 girls this week have been pretty good. One girl I played the boring game by not pushing at all then suddenly kissed her at the end. Sent her some sexual innuendo texts a couple of days later and she sent me a smiley and asked if it's an invite (for basically sex), in other words she's DTF. The second one I kissed as well. I invited her for some "tea and biscuits" as second date, she just laughed asking if that's what it's called these days, but she's off travelling this week so it may have to be next week if she doesn't flake. The third one was a Japanese girl two nights ago, had a couple of rounds of drinks, moved to sit next to her, held her hand and told her how adorable she was. Kissed her. Rubbed her leg. She told me she wants to come to my place "someday" which I misinterpreted as sunday (would have done it then if I didn't have family round). Slapped her arse on the way out of the bar. She stood in the corner to smoke, I put one hand on her arse in her backpocket.

Yet around 1 in 3 girls tends to be a flake even after I get her phone number and it seems the date is on. I thought it would be a good idea to share those messages so you have an idea of the sort of excuses you see.

Here is a list of recent flakes from the last 2 weeks:

Girl 1:
Arrange a date a few days before with no objection.
HB7: "Hi - really sorry but I'm no longer free on Tuesday"
A minute later: HB7: "Forgot I have dental surgery in the morning!"
LMFAO: "OK let's arrange later then"

May or may not bother rearranging this later in the week..
Bad vibe on this though: No counteroffer, suddenly realising she can't make it out of no where, sent an excuse a minute later and no reply to my text. If you notice the messages are sort of conflicting, "I'm no longer free" as if she's busy doing something else that night. She probably is or just doesn't want to see me.

Girl 2:
HB6.5: I'm studying for exams. Can't be distracted
LMFAO: Oh cool. Well good luck.
HB6.5: ;)
LMFAO: Yeah I understand, you can't be too turned on otherwise you'd lose your concentration
HB6.5: Thanks for the luck.. :)
LMFAO: Hit me up when the fantasies get the better of you
A week later: HB6.5: Lol exams are over..My fantasies..Hmm are you going to make them come true?
LMFAO: Depends if you play your cards right ;) Wednesday 8pm at x, cool?

No reply. Attention seeker most likely.

Girl 3:
HB7: How about we go for beers sometime?
LMFAO: OK cool, I'm busy at the moment, next week good for you?
HB7: Cool
4 days later: LMFAO: Hey so when are you free this week?
HB7: Hey! Can meet you anytime for coffee.
LMFAO: Lol did you downgrade me already? I'm not so much of a coffee connoisseur and I'm too shy for it ;) How about the beers we talked about?
The next day:
HB7: Sorry I've been busy with my passport
HB7: OK np. Let me know when.
LMFAO: Wednesday, 8pm cool? (She only had 2 more days here at the time)
HB7: It's my last day here so not sure if I can make it, I'll let you know..
LMFAO: OK..I'll be busy Tuesday, how about in the afternoon then?
HB7: Not sure I can..I'll let ya know

She's obviously a big fan of I'll let you/ya know. Yes, haven't heard from her since. Nor do I want to. Just someone who doesn't have any idea what she wants and probably met other guys as I saw she's been going to party events during the week.

Girl 4:
LMFAO: "We should grab a drink sometime, what are ur plans for the week?"
A day later: HB7.5: "Sorry for the delayed reply, it's just a really bad time for me at the mo. My grandma is terminally ill so I'm spending every waking hour at the hospital. Let's be in touch when I'm more with it x".
LMFAO: OK sorry to hear.

This one seems actually genuine will try again in a couple of months.

Girl 5:
Arranged date with her earlier in the week for Friday, as she said she was free end of the week and I was busy as well.
I text girls around noon to 2pm on date of date to confirm it's on.

LMFAO: See you tonight at 9 outside x, don't be late ;)
2 hours later: Hi I am really unwell today just left the doctors and have tonsillitis :( so I think we better postpone tonight. Sorry.
LMFAO: Get better soon

No specific counteroffer here but at least she said postpone and the "really" before the unwell makes it sound it could be half genuine. But you never know especially given she only told me on the day. Difficult to know if genuine or not, will follow up next week.

I've also had a number of girls who laughably wouldn't give out their phone number from online dating yet they still want to have a date. One girl gave me this bull**** line that she believes that "trust has to be earned" as if she's doing me a huge favour giving me her phone number and that it actually means something. Imagine turning up to the date and she's late or you can't find her, just for logistics sake it's impossible let alone the lack of compliance before the date even. No phone number is an automatic disqualifier. Fvck them.


Master Don Juan
Feb 22, 2012
Reaction score
For online dating such as OKCupid, Match and Tinder I would highly recommend to go for a one strike policy on flaking.

The girl that was DTF a week ago when I was busy has now flaked for our date on Sunday. She suddenly seemed cold and took her time to respond to my texts. She said Sunday is good then a day before when planning said she was unwell or some BS. Number deleted.

There lies the problem with this you can go out with 10 girls but the girls do the same exact thing. They will forget you exist within a few days even if they liked you. Online dating lends itself far better for one night stands than anything else.

Harry Wilmington

Master Don Juan
Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score
Eh, it depends. I put together an online dating program for guys (I know, it sounds like a plug, but it's important to the post) in part because I had a LOT of success there where I'd take out girls and either get multiple lays and/or girlfriends out the women I was seeing. But I also did a LOT of reading through each girl's page to determine if they'd be the kind to flake on me and just wanted online attention (i.e. those not looking for anything serious) or those who actually wanted to go out and do stuff (i.e. those looking to date and/or hoped for a relationship). As a result, once I got good at it I NEVER had a woman flake on a first date or potential meet up for sex. Just gotta know how to screen 'em!


Don Juan
Dec 27, 2014
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I recommend a one strike policy on flaking for all girls. Saves a lot of wasted time since most likely you don't get a date with a flake. I think most online girls are just there to talk passing the time. I had an account before having some good success with it. Too much time to weed out the ugly girls and sending messages to legit girls. In person I don't have to do any of that. I saw the same girls online ALL the damn time when I logged on. No way were they out doing the stuff they claimed in their profiles let alone going on any dates.


Jan 31, 2005
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From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
I, like boxer, have a one strike policy for all new women, especially online.

One excuse or stop responding equals not only a NEXT, but a block. These women in the OP would not pull this sh*t on Channing Tatum.

I go for older women and even they have entitlement issues!

Another thing, for a man to win, there must be sex. For a woman to win, there must be attention. Why do you think so many have boyfriends and husbands already? They go online to get some beta orbiters! Somebody's feeding their vagina already, now some guys need to feed her ego!

I say it first hand I don't want to be just friends (won't be an orbiter).


Don Juan
Dec 27, 2014
Reaction score
nismo-4 said:
I, like boxer, have a one strike policy for all new women, especially online.

One excuse or stop responding equals not only a NEXT, but a block. These women in the OP would not pull this sh*t on Channing Tatum.
It's the best policy to have. Numbers are easy to get for online dating. I don't see why trying to get that one girl out is that big of a deal. If she flakes she flakes. Use your other numbers to get the dates and if she is legit she'll hit you back up. I use that policy on all women.


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2013
Reaction score
West Coast
Is even worth the money? I noticed that they don't actually charge monthly but instead it's one giant fee for the months. Then there's all there "extras" you can buy... Money wh*ring to the max...

So is the site even worth spending so much?


Don Juan
Dec 27, 2014
Reaction score
Frayzer said:
Is even worth the money? I noticed that they don't actually charge monthly but instead it's one giant fee for the months. Then there's all there "extras" you can buy... Money wh*ring to the max...

So is the site even worth spending so much?
I'd never pay a fee to meet women that you can meet for free. Really no reason to with free sites and the abundance of women in your towns. A lot of women that use Match are on the free sites too. Google their screen name to see. Most have the same name on their dating accounts. Why pay a fee when you can talk for free? Kind of beta I think paying money to chat with girls online imo.


Master Don Juan
Sep 4, 2014
Reaction score
Frayzer said:
Is even worth the money? I noticed that they don't actually charge monthly but instead it's one giant fee for the months. Then there's all there "extras" you can buy... Money wh*ring to the max...

So is the site even worth spending so much?
They do charge a higher price if you only want subscription for a month but its not worth it except you live in a major city.

After mine expires, I'm not renewing.

You actually got a lot of girls from OLD, Damn! Good work son!
I dont seem to understand the whole "me giving you my number is a huge favor" mentality.

Lately I just cant bring myself to writing a note to these girls anymore not because I cant but I just feel so much disgust with all the attention they get. Some of them, their emails are FULL and have to delete some emails before you can hit on them, can you imaginate thus sheet? :whistle:


Master Don Juan
Feb 22, 2012
Reaction score
Espi said:
I do maintain the same profile year-round on OKC....4 photos, all shirtless. This is my easy-lay site because a few of the women are down to fvuck. I'll check my inbox 1-2 times a week and sometimes there's a chick who wants to meet up. OKC, in my opinion, is a great site for a quick fvuck. I rarely even bother to email any women on that site, because a few of them will email me, and I know I'm probably gonna pump-and-dump 'em, even if they are a 6 OR 7. My okc profile is the kind that is designed to specifically appeal to horny cougars who just want to meet for a drink then fvuck.
Interesting, shirtless pics is what I lack.

You take them to the bar and then what, what's your typical sort of date, how do you take them home with you?


Master Don Juan
Feb 22, 2012
Reaction score
Here's my last date:

This was a second date, after kissing on the first. She was texting me out of the blue a day early seeing how I was, the texting conversation quickly escalated telling her "the things I could do for you you won't believe". She seemed to be getting massively turned on while at work, so much so that she called me up in the evening and told me if we can have the date tonight rather tomorrow night, and so it was.

Invited her over to a nearby bar for drinks, told her to wear something sexy. We were drinking martinis and gin and tonic for a couple of rounds. Sitting in the corner, though a few groups started seating close to us and looking at our incessant kissing. I told her we're making people jealous. In the middle of the drinks I stood up and said let's go (an RSD tactic of her following you). She put on her jacket took my hand and we went back to my place.

Walked to my bedroom. We started kissing and I took my top off. Then it came, LMR. She gave me all this BS about why I want her and not other girls, and that I can bang any girl and she doesn't know what I like about her. She wouldn't take off her dress. So I gave her the LJBF speech. I had to repeat that speech in various forms about 5 times over half an hour, I was genuinely planning on leaving. She told me "I like you I don't want to be friends with you I have enough friends" (I managed to completely flip the script) and she told me she doesn't want me to leave. I fingered her pu$$y and she was wet but she probably saw me as a future husband or something and wanted me to invest more and said what's wrong with waiting for the next time. I asked her if she wants to regret not being with a cute boy when she's 60 and wrinkled and old like an old dog.

With the c0ck out and her hand on it she eventually couldn't take it anymore and started going at it. Had sex with her for a couple of hours even though it was about 2am at this point and was tired as hell. Did it in her a$$ too she was all the while telling me how much she loves it. Took out the condom and finished in her mouth, and that was that. :up: