Online Dating & How Hot You Look & How Often Your Profile Get Hits


Don Juan
Aug 6, 2008
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Finally someone who agreees...LOOKS MATTER!!

Take a look around at who the attractive women are walking around with.

With a few exceptions, it AIN'T fat guys or guys with below average facial aesthetics.
My sentiment exactly. I love this site and there is so much good advice (the down to earth stuff) but yeah, sometimes common sense and opening our eyes to the harsh realities is key. Not suspending disbeleif with BS theories.

A reason why alot of guys don't comprehend this is also because they don't really understand how chicks define 'good looking', or overrate themselves, or underrate other guys. For the record I guess it as something like TALL (30%), HANDSOME (50%), MUSCULAR (20%).

Of course go out there, be confident, be sociable and fun. Have a good time. But don't fool yourself.


Sep 3, 2008
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Guys I understood something:

Women are looking for a man. Routines and shyt is something else. They want a man. Definition of a man: muscular, big, handsome, tall, you know a man. Also smart, etc. That's what they want, be that and they'll throw themselves at you.

Like right now I get a lot of anti approach indicators, and I bet once I get into shape I'll get a lot of approach indicators.

So to get a woman you need to be a man.

Just like us guys, we want a woman. That is pretty, beautiful, thin, proportional, big boobs, big ass, gap between the legs, feminine, healthy woman you know.


Don Juan
Aug 6, 2008
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apusislaya, we have an understanding I think. That is; that this whole women and love business is very simple in reality.

Primordial instincts which even our dumbass neaderthal ancestors could live by. Yes, women want Ken. Yes, men want Barbie. That is where it all emerges from, all of it.

Now I'm sitting here waiting for all the Don Juans to have a massive rant against us. Oh, and by the way I'm confident around chicks and have had some hot babes in my time, consider that in your iminent rantings.


Sep 3, 2008
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...........they want a man, and everything it really means, because they want to complete themselves as women. Just as we want a woman and everything it REALLY means, because we want to complete ourselves as men.

How else could you complete the puzzle if an important piece is missing.

No, being bulky isn't all there is to men. Having a great big c0ck isn't either. There is much more, and it's much deeper. Just like being a perfect 10 isn't all there is to being a woman, I'm pretty sure.


Don Juan
Aug 16, 2008
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Your screwing yourself. I quit counting how many times you've called yourself ugly. That is the first thing you need to change. Try and be a little nicer to yourself. Nobody else will until you do it first.

It won't matter if your muscular or not if you do not work on your social anxieties. There are already enough guys who may be in great shape and are still horrible with woman. While it is true, the best way to improve your confidence is to start working out and taking better care of yourself. You were able to do it last year, so you know you can if you make up your mind and stick to it. Set a small goal, don't only look towards the end results.

The online game can be tough, take a break from it until you start thinking better about yourself. Another month or two is not going to kill you right? For some people sticking to working out is hell, the end results are what should keep us going. Yo can onlt imagine where you'd be if you hadn't given up.

That perfect ten you see has some kind of problem or issue that you aren't aware of. maybe her cooch stinks, maybe she has a annoying laugh, cares only about money etc...

There are more people that have things they need/should work on and improve than not. Give yourself credit for being one that is trying to make themselves better. Good luck


Master Don Juan
Apr 26, 2008
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Dropping bombs on AFC strongholds in the city that
apusislaya said:
I took a picture of a hot guys, hot in terms of physically fit, nothing special with the face, and I created a profile with that, and I just put some garbage into description. Within 30 minutes more people viewed that profile than my real one with ugly picture on it in 4 days. I also got 3 messages from average looking chicks.

Thus the unfairness. The hotter you are, the more physically fit you are, the more hits you'll get.

Now I'm 27, virgin, fat, 248.8 lbs with my jeans on. Ugly. I have a wonderful profile, everything is almost perfect on it. One thing that holds me back is my beauty, or the physical fitness. I'm not hot.

I'm positive if a girl reads what I have to say, her pvssy will get wet, and she'd want to talk to me.

How in the world can I improve my chances?

Any ideas? All I want is for them to read my freaking profile. I'm pretty sure they are just picture surfing, not reading anything.

Of course, I'm getting into shape, starting right now. I already lost like 50 lbs, I used to be same weight as right now, I went down to 210, and then quit. Took me 3 months. At 210 I still had to go like down to 180 or 160. So this is a year long or longer affair. How can I get more profile hits right now?

By the way guys. This is so unfair. Women are so shallow. You and I both know what they need, they need a Don Juan, if guy is hot that don't mean he's exciting. Right? I'm pretty sure it's more than that, such as skills. I don't claim I have skills, I'm a virgin, but I'm pretty confident I know more than the rest.

here is the fake profile:
and here is my profile:

World sux. Ok, off to getting into shape.
Bro, why did you remove the links from the two profiles??? :confused:

What, you don't want any help whatsoever? :(


Master Don Juan
Apr 26, 2008
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Dropping bombs on AFC strongholds in the city that
JFun said:
Dude, forget about the online dating thing. It's like "real life" except magnified a thousand times. That means the good looking guys (and gals) get 99% of the attention and messages, and everyone else gets scraps - if you're lucky.

Women will read your profile ONLY if they see an attractive picture. Most of the time, they just wait for their inbox to get full (which probably takes only a few days) and just sift through only the most "handsomest" entries. It is super-competitive for guys, and the girls become super-picky.

I'm fit but average looking and only 5'6". Those things put me at a big disadvantage in the online game. I've sent over 40 messages (well written too) and I have not gotten ONE reply. You don't get the advantages of using your personality to overcome any perceived deficiencies a girl might initially see in you.
Yeah JFun, I totally agree with you dude! :up:

Especially with the attractive picture part -------> A certain girl I've met through Myspace and only hung out with once, "Friend Requested" me on Myspace for the sole reason of:
i think it was the way you were looking at me in your defualt, i just saw a connection in your facial expression between us. :D

There is also an insidious lie being propagated by the media & society saying that women aren't as "shallow" as men are...... BULL F.UCKING SH!T :cuss:

Girls are just as shallow as guys are -------> Especially the High School girls! They be even be more shallow than they're male counterparts at this age!


Don Juan
Jul 26, 2008
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Why do women go for only hot guys on online websites? One word... stereotyping.

Think about it... a women is browsing through 1000 profiles, she's not going to want to waste time on someone who is unconfident and needy. And a LOT of fat guys are. And you know what? If she looks at your profile and skips over it because she makes that assumption, then she's absolutely right! Because look at what you're saying:

"Now I'm 27, virgin, fat, 248.8 lbs with my jeans on. Ugly." AND "This is so unfair. Women are so shallow." AND THE WORST THING YOU SAID IS "World sux."

All these things tell me that you have low confidence and self esteem in yourself. AND WOMEN DO NOT WANT THAT. They go for the good looking guys because most likely they don't have these issues.

Now, guess what? Contrary to the advice most KJs would give you on this forum, you DONT have to lose weight to get women. I'm not saying that you SHOULDN'T lose weight. By all means your health is one of the most important things and you need to take care of your body. But what I am saying is that if you had more confidence, social skills, and a better outlook on life, you WILL get women.

Don't beleive me... I'm talking from experience, not because I read a pickup book that told me so. I have a friend who is 320 fvckin pounds (no lie) that I knew for 16 years. Seriously, he's one of those guys that turns heads because he is so big. But he picked up women like crazy ever since we were teenagers. Why? Because he has a swagger about him; he has extreme confidence; and he is one of the most genuine guys you can meet. I've been to the beach a couple of times and he only wears his boxer shorts, flab and blubber hanging out and everything because he don't give a fvck. And you know what.... I never heard him reffer to himself as "fat". He always says "I'm a big guy, I'll ...". Not only have I seen the beautiful women he bangs, but I met about 3 of the LTR's he had and they were all at least HB 7.5 or above. One time I saw him dancing with this girl and I heard her say to him "I like your belly because as I'm dancing on you it's rubbing against my cl!t". He's married now to an HB 7.5 which could probably even be raised a point because she does EVERYTHING for him. He's still a big guy but he's finally losing weight because he got a stomach operation because he's having health problems.

I sh!t you not with this story. He's not even in the game. He just has a lot of good natural game. One time he was talking to me and said that when he was a kid he use to look up to the older kids that we grew up with and all the girls they got. So he decided that he wanted to be like them. He was successful because he made a decision and went for it.

I would suggest for you to make a decision and go out there and start meeting girls. Don't wait till you lose the weight. DO IT NOW! But also start working out and losing weight so that you can be healthy and live a long time. Once you start getting over your issues about being fat and get more confidence, women will sense this right away and the sterotype they had will be thrown out the window.

I wish you the best!


Don Juan
Aug 6, 2008
Reaction score
Your profile did suck dude.

However, the number of hits that they got is unaffected by that, because people don't read the profile until they have already clicked through to it. The decision to click through to it is based on picture.

There is also an insidious lie being propagated by the media & society saying that women aren't as "shallow" as men are...... BULL F.UCKING SH!T

Girls are just as shallow as guys are -------> Especially the High School girls! They be even be more shallow than they're male counterparts at this age!
I found that as I got older (i'm 24 now) they just got more honest and blunt about what they want. Now they are even more efficient at shedding the guys who they do not deem beautiful enough.

There is much more, and it's much deeper. Just like being a perfect 10 isn't all there is to being a woman, I'm pretty sure.
Yes, let's get all theological, there is so much more to life. Well, yes there is but that's going a bit off-topic isn't it.
Because a perfect 10, you see, everybody wants to date that person. Even 8s and 9s never go a week without a boyfriend because there is always someone to fill the place, did you notice that too?

And contrary to another theory I see here, perfect 10's do not all come with SOME MASSIVE FLAW. They are actually human beings, and mostly intelligent and not blind to the rules of social interaction.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 8, 2008
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The World
you know what you gotta do bro. get in shape and polish your style off and you will explode in the game.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 23, 2007
Reaction score
I have a profile on a free dating website

Since I'm almost always more successful in real life, I don't want to pay a dime for online dating.

I almost never get messaged, but people usually respond positively when I message them first. A bit annoying that I always have to make the move, but I've had some successful dates.
May 23, 2006
Reaction score

That is an interesting story about your fat friend. Did he use online services to meet these gals? I'm going to wager a guess that he did not. Maybe, as the OP that women on online dating sites only work if you have a good pic.


Don Juan
Jul 26, 2008
Reaction score
No Luke, he didn't use online datiing services nor did he get his girls from online. At least, none that I know about.

Online is tough game because women WILL look at your looks before anything. That's what I had explained at first, that women will come to conclusions based on your looks so they probably wont even view your profile. My big (fat) friend was able to get girls because of his personality, charm, and assertiveness. I never EVER got a vibe from him that he was self-conscious about his weight. And I'm sure he never gave that vibe to women.

I know good looking guys who didn't have nearly as many girls as my big friend had. His personally is what seduced women. Unfortunately, your personality will not always come through online, especially if women do not even look at your profile based on your pic. Best thing to do is to GO OUT AND MEET WOMEN IN PERSON.