C&F works in Online Dating. Now granted you have to go easy on the C&F until you start a conversation.
The key is YOU MUST GET AN IM going. That's where you win the Online Dating game. It's easy to be C&F on IM. Girls are used to it, it's fun. That's the key, after that it becomes easy.
The first thing you have to do is test to get good at this. Don't just randomly go into your "market area" without a solid and tested marketing plan. So, this requires a plan and a bunch of testing. You don't want to ruin your target market with a poorly planned approach. It took me about a month and a half, but by the time I was ready, my game was pretty spot on.
Take about a dozen pictures, put them all up on
www.amihotornot.com. You have to get a good picture. The difference between a 7 picture and a 9 picture is HUGE. What I would recommend doing is go through the guys pictures, and find a bunch of 9's and find one that you can emulate, and take a similar type picture. Use your OWN picture, take a few of them. You need at least 2 preferably 3 good pictures. Want to know how I tested? I took two markets, and sent out 50 emails in each market(a week apart). Same profile, same opening email(a mass email). When I used a picture that was ranked a 7.5(me), I sent out 50, had about 3 returns, none that went anywhere. Then I sent one that was ranked about 9.3, I sent out 50, had about 10 return emails, and at least 15 winks in the same week, could barely stay online as I would get women starting IM conversations over and over. So, you have to get a good picture if you want to test out different profiles and emails. If you have to, while you're figuring out a good picture to test, you can download a 9.5+ picture off of amihotornot.com. But you're going to get a lot of questions of if that is really you, if you only have one picture. Weird thing is until you test on amihotornot.com you'd be surprised how difficult it is for YOU to figure out which is your best picture.
Now, you have a good picture. You have two things to work on. Your email and your profile. Let's work on your profile first. I believe in being honest. I obviously talk about my best features. I talk about some of the things I like to do, the places I've been, etc. And I'm really clear on what I want. No drama queens, no needy people. Just fun people that like to experience new things(ie me). It took me about a dozen trys to find one that worked for me. It was funny and original. If you can find a way to interject humor do so.
It's too difficult to make a new email for every single girl, you have to find a mass email approach. I work more on my approach email than anything else. The picture obviously has to be good, or you won't get any response. But, I have found serious emails don't work. It absolutely HAS to make the girl laugh. If they don't laugh it won't work. One of my best emails was a list of ten reasons why they SHOULDN'T email me. I had them rolling laughing. What I do is I have two specific places in the email where I can put something personal to their profile into the email. That way I can put in something that makes them think it's not a form email. For instance, a line starts. "I found your profile particularly intersting because....."
So, to sum it up. You have three things to test.
1. Your picture.
2. Your Profile
3. Your approach email
To accurately test, you have to only change one thing for each test set you send out. You should be able to test your picture on AmIHotOrNot, and the profiles and emails on Match or whatever you're using.
The whole point is to get the girl on IM. That's where the game is on. You can tell really quickly if this girl is someone you want to get to know better. I am very funny and ****y on IM. I call them brats, always threaten to spank them etc. Just have fun. I don't get sexual until they do. Although many women will talk about it pretty quickly. Ya gotta love those webcams.
There are about 200 metro areas where you can find enough attractive women to send 50 emails to. So, I just take 3 days in every test market. Then change my profile name/area/email/profile. And try another market. I'm just looking for numbers. I have had some areas where I get NO responses, and others where I have gotten over a 50% response. Your target should be at least a 20-30% response rate. Until you get to that point, keep testing. I've met dozens of local girls from online. Some space cadets, some freaks, etc. But, at least a dozen really, really cool girls.
HTH sorry it was so long.