“Oneitis” and AFCism really are forms of mental illness. I mean, sh*t any mental state responsible for so much anguish should be recognized.
I’ve even got the codes: Axis II 301.9 Personality Disorder NOS, with V62.81 Relational Problem NOS. Oneitis should be subtended as V62.83 and AFCism as V62.84.
Obviously, this is tongue in cheek, but they are serious afflictions.
Getting back to the OP, I think we can all relate, but, with the caveat, that the power of OneItis is so strong that I submit that it warps you’re thinking to the point that you rationalize anything to justify your desire. EVEN using your DJ skills. You still burn for that person.
I’m still a novice but I stopped seeing DJ skills as a rifle with a scope and began to see it as this sphere of influence I carry with me everywhere I go.
When women (or anyone, actually) are enveloped in my sphere some will react to the “chemistry” in it and some will not.
After studying it a while I can tell when the chemistry is right and they react, because it’s a very strong reaction.
The poor sap afflicted with OneItis will spend eternity trying to figure out why some did not react, all the while ignoring the one’s that do (or could).
I’ve even got the codes: Axis II 301.9 Personality Disorder NOS, with V62.81 Relational Problem NOS. Oneitis should be subtended as V62.83 and AFCism as V62.84.
Obviously, this is tongue in cheek, but they are serious afflictions.
Getting back to the OP, I think we can all relate, but, with the caveat, that the power of OneItis is so strong that I submit that it warps you’re thinking to the point that you rationalize anything to justify your desire. EVEN using your DJ skills. You still burn for that person.
I’m still a novice but I stopped seeing DJ skills as a rifle with a scope and began to see it as this sphere of influence I carry with me everywhere I go.
When women (or anyone, actually) are enveloped in my sphere some will react to the “chemistry” in it and some will not.
After studying it a while I can tell when the chemistry is right and they react, because it’s a very strong reaction.
The poor sap afflicted with OneItis will spend eternity trying to figure out why some did not react, all the while ignoring the one’s that do (or could).