I-tallionStallion said:
Since when do real men run haha
Perhaps i should have said real health mostly comes from good running. And guys, i am not talking about MARATHON DISTANCES. I stated that the longest distance would have been a mile or two. And please guys, as for talking about obese people, or people who live extremely sedentary lifestyle, use your own judgement. Of course people of that kind would not be able to do the workout i stated, they can still push themselves to a non life threatening limit. As for cardio makes you lose muscle mass....lol?
Perhaps you guys are not understanding my philosophy of development. You know how you first started working out (running, weight lifting, etc) you were as sore as hell for the first week or so. Then the next week, you did not feel as sore, or you were able to complete the workout more easily. This is because your body has grown to meet the standards of the workout you have done. Now that your body meets the standards of the workout you do, it becomes stronger, but the development is slower, because you have not caused it to break or feel pain to make the body want to improve again.
The key is to keep pushing yourself to YOUR LIMITS. So YOU DO make your muscle ACHE AND SORE. When you feel sore after each workout, you will have the same fast development you did when you first started the workout.