One Last Shot


Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
Hi guys
I need your help on a problem that ive been addressing for awhile. Im gonna give you guys the background so you can help me come up with a solution:
Around the middle of summer this girl that I was friends with started hanging out, and things took off pretty quickly. About 2 weeks into this I found out she liked me too, but the problem is that throughout this thing she has had a BF. So basically skipping all the little events, we were really close, hung out a lot, and she almost broke up with her BF a good 4 or 5 times (but no cigar :-() This went on for about two months and then about a month ago she stopped talking to me and wouldnt hang out pretty abruptly. So about a month goes by, i dropped her off at her house one day and I asked her about it. In a nutshell she told me she had tried to break off b/c she was trying to convince herself that she liked her bf more than me. She broke down and told me that although she didn’t like me as much as before that breaking it off didn’t really work, was giving up, and wanted to start hanging out again. So of course im happy, thinking that its understandable that shed lose some interest in a month, and damn good news that something is still there despite the fact that she has been seeing her BF on a regular basis during this time.
So since then we have been doing a lot more, and in her words she likes me as much as before but shes not planning on breaking up with her BF. Now I know ive been in this whole thing way too long, and im probably gonna get yelled at to forget and move on. I of course realize this, but before I do I want to give this one last shot. At the most a week or two of work.
The strange thing about this whole time is, besides basic flirting and such we really have never acted that much more than friends the whole time. Kino has always been a problem to initiate because we never have been really touchy. Honestly in all this time I think weve hugged once, and generally just dont touch that much. However, the few times that some major kino has happened it worked extremely well. She even brought it up to me as making her feel a lot differently (in a good way). Now lately she has been starting to initiate kino, on low levels, but def more than weve ever had, specially more than shes ever started. My question to you, besides any advice on how to do the whole thing, is how can I initiate kino in innocent, and seemingly friendly ways. I need subtle ways that I can build a comfort zone for further kino, and/or just an idea of how to get a lot of it worked in. Last time it worked we were in the woods by a cemetery at 11PM, and simply b/c she was scared it made kino very easy. It turned out to be very effective too. So Basically ->
1. How can initiate kino in a subtle way, with someone who I don’t normally have much kino with.
2. Should I respond any certain way when she intiates kino.
3. Suggestions on how to amplify the attraction that’s already there
4. How to get her to break up with bf for me...that sounds nasty...but oh well lol
5. Any advice other advice on how i should go about this thing

Thanks guys i know that was long, and I hope you can help me out.


Master Don Juan
Oct 2, 2005
Reaction score
I say move on BUT tell her first that you dont like her using you like that (telling you she likes you but not dumping her BF) tell her to stop that or you wont hang with her anymore. I would usually say you can still be friends but if she keeps taunting you like that as if she likes you but not doing anything you dont need that.


New Member
Oct 26, 2005
Reaction score

first off, i would say move on..but ive been in this situation before, and i know damn well that you wont move lets just cut to the chase!

make her want you...find someone else and make her jealous..this always works, trust me on this its the best thing u can do...this will get her to want you even more

on account of her me, no matter how much she says it, she likes him more then she likes you...if that wasnt the case, then why wouldnt she "kino" you instad of her bf(wtf is kino btw)

and if u mean kino as in touch u...its actually really simple...since ur friends with her, the korny pickup lines will day, start playing with the tag in the back of her shirt and be like what the? and she'll be like what, tell her i thought angels had wings...or something like that, but keep on giving her compliments...oh and btw, kissing the hand is an AWESOME invention, use it...they love it! just be like oo hello hello, and kiss her hand!!! trust me, even though u say it like its a "joke" she'll get all blushed out by it, they love it!!!

nd just warnin you...she likes her bf more then u, trust the matter of geting them to rbeak up, i couldnt think of anything except for u personaly sabotaging the relationship...spread a rumor or somethng! lol


Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
Yeah i thought about the finding someone else thing....but shes never been the jealous type with anyone...including her bf. Its sort of like with her its...fine you do that i dont give a damn because i dont need you, specially with her bf. As for kino im saying she is doing that with me, not her bf, maybe i messed up saying that in my big fat post lol.
As for her liking her bf more i wouldnt be suprised, thats why i need to "amplify" the attraction so to speak. Ty for the responses, and anyone else with advice please help.